
Chapter 23- Kidnapped.

Sebastien's POV.

I stared at the empty room and wondered when she would stop hiding from me.

I dailed her number and it rang here, I could scent her, it looks like she was close , but I didn't scent her anymore.

I waited for 20 minutes and panicked immediately it was 30 minutes.

I dialed the receptionist downstairs.

Me: "hey have you seen, the person I came in with?" 

Receptionist: "which room sir, I can't know everyone here."

Me: "I'm sorry, Room 306."

Receptionist: "hold on let me check."

I could hear a shuffle close to her and background voices.

Receptionist: "she was downstairs an hour ago, she left the cafeteria after getting food upstairs 40 mins ago."

Me: "what!!"

Receptionist: "I've checked with the elevator security, she entered the elevator to go to the room you booked."

Me: "thanks for the info."

I could feel the terror build up in my throat, I shivered, I went out the room again and found her earrings close to the door knob.

Sniffing the door knob, I could smell her scent, it was still strong, she must have been here before disappearing, I paused when I smelt another strong scent.

I dialed Gabriel immediately, my head was spinning, I went downstairs and almost destroyed the security men.

Watching the video, I saw her talking to a weird looking guy, and she ran away from him but he caught up to her.

"Damn it." I destroyed the table when the video played.

"Sir you have to calm down, we'll find her soon." I pushed away the security's hands.

"I can't calm down, how should I calm down?'" I said.

I dialed Gabriel again, he didn't pick my calls.

I went upstairs.

I picked my phone immediately it rung back.

Me: "where have you been." I hollered.

Gabriel: " chill, I was in a meeting." 

Me: "Raina has been kidnapped."

Gabriel: " what!!"

Me: "yeah, I'm so nervous right now."

Gabriel: "it's okay, I'm flying over asap."

I ended the call and dialed my sister's number.

Me' "Raina has been kidnapped."

Lyn: "what do you mean by that?"

Me: "I'm being serious."

Lyn: "I'm flying over, she's  the most genuine friends I have."

Lyn: "I'm coming there."

I stared at the room, trying to think of a place she could be, or where she would be taken to, I couldn't think of it.

I screamed, my chest was heavy and I couldn't hold it anymore, I growled and scattered the room.

I heard a knock on the room and I opened immediately, I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Gabriel standing outside.

I dragged him inside and he stared at the room and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm responsible for this." I said.

"No you're not, someone kidnapped her not you." Gabriel tapped my shoulders.

"I brought her here, because I wanted to be closer to her, I didn't find out about her missing, I was busy, I couldn't even know something happened." I hit the wall  over and over, Gabriel held me.

Gabriel left the room and went downstairs, I was really bad at tracking as a Vampire, I felt bad it wasn't one of my qualities, but Gabriel was the best tracker in the family.

I racked my brain trying to think of the kidnapper.

I heard my phone ring and I answered the call immediately.

"Hello." I checked the screen and stared at the caller ID, there was no name.

"You don't even know who took her." I stilled and broke the cup of water I took immediately.

"You, when I find you, I will crush you completely." I hollered.

"Oh be calm, I might make her pay if you annoy me." I could hear her muffled voice.

I relaxed a little, I didn't want Raina hurt in anyway.

"I will still hurt her, I want you to feel the pain of loosing your soul partner." He ended the call.