
Chapter 2- I met my soulmate.

"Sebastien's POV"

"I'm sorry for coming here without your permission" she said immediately, but I only smiled at her.

I tried reading her mind and it didn't work, I could only know what she told me and I'm sure she was nervous as hell because she just shivered immediately she saw me smile. I tried so hard to read her mind but all I met was a wall.

I wondered if she knew that I was a vampire and could block one of my abilities, I was a strong vamp who could read minds of other vampires and close related species.

I stared at her and gestured her to the chair close to my office. She sat down gently staring at me like a prey stared at the predator. I loved it when I got looks like this from people, it makes the monster in me happy, but surprisingly I wanted to move over to her and tell to not be scared of me.

"Get over here right now, this is your fault you sent her here" I sent a mental note to Evelyn who only chuckled back .

"Don't hurt her brother, she's a darling" she added.

"We'll get over here, so I wouldn't do that" I told her quickly.

I pressed down the urge to go over to her and drink her blood till I'm full, her scent was already killing me since she rammed into me when she came out of the elevator.

"Damn she's really beautiful" I thought. She had really pretty green eyes and long red hair with little curls, she tied up leaving some to fall on her heart shaped face,her hair was obviously not dyed. Freckles that faned part of her face, from her nose to where her lips started.

She had a beautiful pointed nose and heart shaped lips that begged to be kissed.

She stood up when she heard the sound of the elevator,and the doors opened with Evelyn walking in with a smile.

I wasn't ready for the sight of her body, I realised I didn't stare at her properly, when she rammed into me with such softness that made me ache everywhere. I've never been this affected from a woman close to me, and I've had many women in my arms or close to me for about two hundred years now.

She had an apple shaped body, waist so small in the skirt she wore, it just brought out her figure more and what made it more sexy was that she didn't even try hard and was this naturally gorgeous. She had legs that I could kiss all day to show her that they were so sexy. I winced when I felt how hard I was getting just looking at her.

"You can picture it later brother" Evelyn said earning a gasp from her.

"Sorry Raina, I told you to come up here because the toilet here is free and only my brother uses it, and some people in my family, I guess. Evelyn said rubbing her shoulder.

"Now I get why everyone were treating you specially" she said. I winced again earning a warning look from Evelyn, I couldn't help it even her voice was alluring, and I thought about how she'll sound when she's moaning.

I shifted slightly " I know you love drama, but don't try it anymore" I warned Evelyn who only smirked at me.

"You should have told me about the rules here, since you knew them" she said again.

Evelyn shifted guiltily, I knew she purposely sent her here and I really wanted to know why.

"You can go Raina" I said to her and she blushed and I was happy I wasn't only the one feeling this attraction because it was obvious she wanted me too. Most women I meet do, mostly because if my status and money, most for my looks. But I was happy for the first time that a woman wanted me too.

She walked into the elevator quickly averting my gaze and waved to Evelyn nervously before the doors closed.

"Now start talking Evelyn"  I teleported to my office with Evelyn.

"Well at first, when she came in, I sensed a raw energy around her, so I moved to her trying to guess what she was but I didn't know" she sat on the chair stretching her legs.

"That's why you sent her to me" I demanded.

"Chill brother, I sent her because I wanted to know if you could figure out what she is, but it's obvious she's human with a good smell of blood, because you reacted the most to her and I could even sense you wanted her" she rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, what you did wasn't funny, what if I attacked her, or hurt her ?" I asked incredulously.

"Well you didn't " she answered " you and dad are the best in control in ever, in the whole family".

"Ugh, you know what invite her over for dinner to the house" I paced fidgeting with my tie.

"Hmm, brother you're telling me to invite dinner for dinner, won't everyone feel like drinking her , because her blood smells so good".

"Just invite her Lyn, thanks, I have to meet with father right now" I teleported myself to my room.

"What is it you're not telling me brother?" Lyn mind spoke to me, I ignored her and moved to the shelf searching for the books my dad gave me to read about everything related to the vampire race, even the ones that were said to exist no more. He has always wanted to me to know everything, so I'll know how to act once I come in contact with something other vamps were not used to, and I felt like I came in contact with one today.

I rummaged through the shelf with irritation, looking for the book of soul partners or what human called soulmates. I finally found the book, it was so dusty, I wiped it off and opened it, swiping through the introduction to look for what I wanted.

"Is she more than a human with a nice blood" Lyn asked again through the mind link.

"Just leave it Lyn, if she's more than that I'll tell you about it once I find out" I shut her off completely from my mind, I knew she'll reach out again, so I blocked it off, I was the only one in the family that could do that. I had too many abilities for a normal vampire. Grandfather said I was special, dad said I was different, mom said I was blessed by the mother( the one who created the first vampires to ever exist).

I finally found the page I was looking for, I read hurriedly so I could see the description of what I thought this was.

"In the beginning when creating vampires, the mother gave them the soul partners, who were meant for them and could complete them in all manner, some of the soul partners were of different species, there could be vampires, werewolves, coyotes, witches, and even humans".

I blanched falling to floor after reading that, I held the book tightly and kept searching through it.

"You react to your soul partner differently, your emotions also heightens when you're close, and you feel their emotions too, you can't read their minds also, you can only form a bond with your soul partner and this will make both of you connected, a connection that no one could server and a bond that no one could break till death".

"Your soul partner is your other half, and when you're bonded the union is stronger than vampires or any other specie who are married to each other without being soul partners".

"Soul partners were very common back then vampires were created newly, they are extremely rare now, but it's not completely impossible to find yourself with a soul partner, it means the mother has really blessed you".

"Dad, please come to my room right now, I need to confirm something" I sent a mind link to my dad quickly.

"What is it son?" He teleported into the room immediately.

I explained hurriedly to him what happened today, and how much I reacted when I saw Raina and he stared at me with wide eyea, squinting his eyebrows in thought. I could feel him mind link someone to come over to my room, it was one of those abilities I had, I hid some of them from some family members, I only let my parents, my sister and my best friend know about how long the list of my abilities were.

"Yes, she's the girl I saw in the vision, she'll be part of the family soon, though the vision wasn't entirely clear, but I saw the girl your father just showed to me" the family seer said with conviction.

"You can go Adolfo" dad dismissed him.

"Well, this it is true then son, you have a soul partner, or let me call the way humans do, a soulmate". He patted my back.

"I know she's human, but still invite her to dinner" he added.

"I already told, Evelyn to do that" I sat quietly on the bed.

"Well, son I'll leave you to balance your thoughts, then you can come hunting with us" he left the room leaving me to my thoughts.

A soulmate?!!, I couldn't still understand why I had so much abilities and now I had a soulpartner. I felt like the mother was giving me way too much. I had over ten abilities which I couldn't reveal to the council. I just told them I had five which was still posing a threat to me and my family because some people were envious of my abilities. I protected my family by hiding my abilities.

My Grandfather was happy that I had five abilities, not knowing I hid the rest from him because,he always showed me off to the council everytime since he was part of them. He told me I was the one talked about in the prophecy, the reincarnation of the first vampire king the mother created who will rule the whole council.

I thought about Raina and how beautiful she looked even when she blushed shyly around me. I made a promise to myself that I will protect her with all my might, she was my soulmate and no one will hurt her without going through me first, I didn't joke with my family and won't also joke with my soulmate either.

"Butler, prepare the whole kitchen with lots of human meals too, we have a guest" I said to the startled butler who now realised I was in the room.

"Madam Perla, decorate the whole house" I left the parlour when she nodded. I couldn't wait for Raina, I had this feeling so good I couldn't explain how I felt inside. But I knew I was glad to see her and I'll do everything to impress her.