
Chapter 173- Celebration for the new King.

Kathryn's POV.

I couldn't believe it, I feel like I'm the luckiest person on earth, Bas was really standing with the other candidates for the throne test, I didn't care if he would be thrown out by the mystical throne out of refusal like the third candidate it just threw out, he was the last person for the testing and I'm happy he's alright, it doesn't matter if the throne chooses him or not, all that mattered the most to me right now, was the fact that he is alive and well, my happiness knew no bounds, I couldn't wait to celebrate his survival, I just had to do it,if I didn't I wouldn't feel good, if he didn't survive it would've been his burial we would prepare for, but he survived, and he's perfectly fine from what I'm seeing, I couldn't wait for his turn,so we would be over with all these, I watched the throne fling out the fifth Contestant and I couldn't help myself, I started laughing, Matteo's comments wasn't making anything easier, I just had to laugh, there was no way I wouldn't laugh with the manner the throne refused the candidates that sat on it.

"It's the way they are getting thrown out for me." Gabriel said and Matteo laughed.

"Well, I wish they won't throw out Bas, I hope he wins, he gave me a heartache there." Dylan said staring at the second to the last candidate moving to the throne.

"What if all the candidates get thrown out, does it mean the ones that are dead are supposed to be the king?" Gabriel asked.

"That's true though, this throne is funny."  Matteo said.

The second to the last candidate got thrown out and it was finally time for Bas,I clasped my hands together praying he'll win, I couldn't even wait for him to win.

He went on the throne and sat, I waited for him to be thrown out but it didn't happen, "where's the crown?" I asked.

"If it accepts him, you'll see it." Matteo said and I nodded.

The throne surged and a bright light shown, I saw the throne pull him closer and I gasped, I turned around and realized everyone gasped in the room, the throne shined brightening the whole room, the crown came down balancing on his head, I smiled.

I saw everyone in the room bow, and I bowed too, "hail the new king." Bas's Grandpa said and everyone joined in the chanting.

He raised his hands and everyone stopped, bowing for the second time.

"Yass, my baby is king." Bas's mother said and I smiled, I couldn't even help myself, my smile broke out, I'm so excited.

I still felt scared about what happened, how he made us worry, my heart still beat as fast as when I thought about it, but I kept a blank expression, smiling at anyone who smiled at me, but I felt very restless inside, I felt a sudden soothing in me and I looked at Bas, he winked at me, he couldn't even come down to meet us, the officials were all over him, he is their new king, I'm sure he wouldn't even have the chance anymore.

"Now let's go home." I said and Matteo raised his brows at me, Gabriel laughed.

"What's wrong?" I asked and they kept laughing.

"What's funny?" I asked again.

"You're now a queen yunno," Lyn said and I nodded still oblivious of what they were saying.

"So I don't get it." I said sitting down, Gabriel kept laughing.

"Well, first of all Bas said we should all stay here,and secondly you're a queen so you need to be with your husband the king." Lyn said and I gasped in realization making them laugh more, I rolled my eyes at them,I couldn't understand it quickly, I watched Bas wink at me, and I blushed looking down, I could still feel his gaze on me.

"I see you're both flirting now." Matteo said and I looked away pretending to not hear him, I couldn't hide my blush, I know it was very obvious with the way Matteo kept laughing at me, I looked up and straightened.

"The celebration of a new king would be happening this evening, so prepare yourself, we need to dress up." Lyn said dragging me up, I turned to Matteo sending a sad look to him and he laughed at me.

"We do need to get something to wear, my friend is now a king." Matteo stood up and Gabriel joined, Dylan kissed my forehead before running away to join Matteo and Gabriel.

"What type of dress should I wear?" I asked.

"That's why we need to shop new things, you need royal clothes now." Lyn said.

"A whole new wardrobe.", She added and I nodded.

"Let's get ready." She said dragging me with her.

We went to the shop, everyone bowed at me and I tried to bow back, but Lyn stopped me, I smiled at them.

"We need regal gowns." Lyn said and the lady nodded taking us inside, I smiled when I went inside the gowns were really regal.

Lyn made me pick thirty gowns and underwears, even shoes and jewelries, we spent a lot at the shop, but I didn't regret it, I loved everything we bought, I laughed on my way home, Lyn told me how life will be as a royal, she once had a royal friend.

"You're back." I turned and ran hugging him immediately.

"I missed you." He said and I smiled.

"I missed you too, you were busy, I couldn't talk to you." I said and he nodded.

"Let me show you around." He said.

"Okay." I replied excitedly.

He took me around the palace, he couldn't give me a total tour, since we had to prepare for the celebration later, he showed me half of the palace, I couldn't believe it, it is really as beautiful as I imagined, much more beautiful than I even thought it would be.

"Now let me take you to our room." He said and I nodded eagerly, I couldn't wait to see our room, with the way the palace looked magnificent.

I followed him as he passed through another corridor, he paused when he saw the palace guards, he hid me, "why are we hiding?" I asked.

"Because I don't want anyone knowing the place we'll take to our room, it should be a secret door, I only want the real door to be visible." He said and I nodded, it's actually good, it would give us privacy.

I gasped in awe as he took me to the room, I smiled when he came closer kissing my neck, "you scared me yunno." I said.

"I'm still terrified, you gave me quite a shock there, I'm happy you're alive." I added and he smiled.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay." I replied.

"Now we need to get dressed,.I'm sure the ceremony started already." He said and I nodded.

He brought out our outfit placing it on the bed, "Let's have a bath first." He said carrying me up, I squealed and he laughed.


The ceremony was louder than what I thought, and they were lots of people and gift giving too, I saw Daniel and Daniella, they came with their parents, I greeted people I didn't even know or just met with Bas for an hour,the party was still ongoing and according to Bas, we haven't even started yet, I liked the design of the hall, and our matching outfits, I got my crown from Bas, I was nervous at First when I sat on the throne, I thought it would throw me out, I was told it also chooses it's Queen, I was glad it accepted me as it's Queen.

The celebration was getting over soon, I couldn't wait, now I understand why Lyn told me it'll be difficult, the difficulty might make me grow tired, but I planned on getting used to it.

"You need to announce those you choose as your personal officials and second in command." A councilman said.

"You can pick anyone, or maybe any councilman." He added and Bas scoffed.

"I'll pick Matteo, Gabriel and Dylan as my personal officials." Bas announced and everyone nodded.

I could notice how they frowned at that decision, I'm sure he could notice it too, but he didn't care.

I was told to choose a personal court lady and I picked Lyn, we would go and address the court later, Bas made sure he picked lots of people credible and close to us, to high positions, so they won't betray him.

He made his grandfather the prime minister, since it's normally a position for the elderly.

The celebration finally finished and I sighed joining Bas inside, we got our belongings packed to palace, my parents and family stayed with us, our castle was still used for training and the rest, but the main house was closed.

Bas didn't wait for the room door to open completely, he undressed me, mumbling how he couldn't wait to do it all night.