
Chapter 170- The test and Choosing.

Sebastien's POV.

The burial was as dramatic as I imagined it would be, I saw all the candidates for the position of the next King, most of them were really worthy candidates I would support, if I didn't end up winning, most of them were power hungry councilmen and some notable names, we were twenty in number, at the end of the day, after the test we'll get immediately after the burial and the choosing, one person would be picked, I knew my name being on the list wasn't something most people enjoyed, I could see their sneers, I could hear their thoughts, as I slipped into their minds carefully, I could even see how many alliance they formed just to get the position, it made me wonder if I should form one too, but I thought against it, my family were already the alliance I needed, and now my wife's family which are also my family, they are also a powerful form, if they want to choose or make others ally with me, they would and I would listen to them because we actually did things for each other, they were something I had that other contestants didn't have, I think back to the prophecy that has been about me for a long time and how I've managed to hid myself, so no one would know about it, just my family, I did tell my father in-law and he said he knew, he guessed it when he saw the amount of abilities I had, he could see it, that's why he supported me as a candidate immediately he heard I was listed, I found out he was the third person who had my name included.

When he said this it made me remember that every candidates name has to appear more than once, or sometimes thrice, he definitely is the third person.

I didn't plan on hiding myself anymore, and I wasn't planning on advertising myself as well, I just wanted to be whatever I was destined to be without hiding anything to protect my family, my family are in good hands now, and they can be strong as they have always been, and what made me happy is the fact we stand together no matter what.

The drama at the burial earlier made me laugh, it was about to be over soon, I couldn't wait to relax and prepare for the test and choosing in an hour, everything was happening so fast.

Matteo and Dylan kept throwing jokes and snickers to Councilman Theo, he sent that car for me and Kath, he would have killed us, if I didn't sense the energy immediately, he is one of the candidates and he wants to get rid of his competition, I don't care if I win or not, but I wouldn't want him on that throne.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kath asked and I smiled at her, I nodded and she smiled back turning to Matteo who said something making her laugh, it was refreshing to see her check on me.

"I can't wait for this to be over." Gabriel muttered staring ahead.

"Yeah, same, it will be over soon, I like how quick we do our things." Matteo replied glaring at Councilman Mano, he was also one of the candidates, and he's someone I wouldn't wish on the throne too, with the way I see things, this candidate list is filled with crooks, I couldn't even believe it, I remember laughing and shaking my head when I saw the names, only three names made smile, they were worth it, if I didn't win, I wanted to them winning.

"Okay, looks like they will finish it soon, I can't wait." Matteo said rolling his eyes.

This place is filled with potential threats to the city, and most of them wanted that throne, I blanked out of the environment a little thinking back to my encounters with the king, that's what made me know why he choosed me, he too knew about the prophecy, I'm sure he knew about my abilities, maybe not all of them, but he sure knew it.

"You're really peculiar, you know, exceptionally spectacular, that's what you are." He said the first day he met me.

"I won't be surprised if you become king after me." He said this the second time we met.

"You have such mind-blowing abilities, though you manage to keep them Hidden, you're something that we knew would come, someone that was promised." The third time I saw him, I told my father about everything he said, and my father said he must know about my abilities and the prophecy.

He has been hinting at it for a while now, that he knew, as much as I tried to convince myself and hideaway, I knew that won't be possible anymore, I won't do it again, and he wanted me to participate, and I planned to do so.

The burial finally finished and we all went home, discussing how I'll fair at the test and choosing, I didn't want to say anything about it, all I wanted to do was prepare my mind, I didn't want Kath watching the test, but I knew there's no way she won't come, everyone's family in the list are allowed to come and others, I knew my family and my wife's family would come, they were already preparing themselves, I wonder what the test would be about, but at the same time, I didn't even care, I just wanted it done with, so I could rest.

I stared at Kath and smiled, even if I survive this test or I don't, she'll always be my source of strength, the one in my mind always,I heard from Grandpa the test was sometimes something of life and death, and at the end of the day, the throne chooses you, you don't choose it, so if you want it, you might or might not get it, and if you don't, you might eventually get it, I wished the three candidates that I liked and will wish them on the throne other than me will get it, I hoped the greedy ones won't get it.

We drove off to the palace after everyone dressed up, removing the burial clothes, my mother kept wishing for my safety every sentence and word she uttered, Kath did the same, Lyn prayed I should win, I just shook my head at them all, if I think about everything now, any thing they would say, I might be so distracted I wouldn't focus during the test, we reached the palace finally.

The test didn't waste time to take place, the candidates were asked to go to the stadium in the palace, I followed the other contestants, Kath kissed me senseless before I left,if I thought I won't think about anything I was wrong, her kiss stayed in my mind when I walked down to the middle of the stadium, I knew everyone's family and the others would watch what was going on, the test we'll take and finally the choosing, I worried for her, I hope she didn't come, but I knew deciding that was a waste of time, she would come, even if I told her not to.

"I don't know why you even came." Councilman Theo muttered, it marveled me how he didn't even bother hiding the fact that he did what he did, it also made me laugh, I felt like he couldn't handle his fustration and whatever would happen, he wouldn't handle it, because he was too busy getting rid of his competiton to know what was ahead of him.

"Just focus on what you came for Jeez." I replied and he growled, I just smirked and focused ahead refusing to give him another glance.

"We have come here to witness the test for our future kings as we always do, the candidates who pass this test, would move to the choosing, the test last for an hour." The Announcer said.

"Now it may sound like a simple test, but this has chosen our kings for years now, we don't create it, it chooses itself or it's form every year, now it's time." He added.

"What the heck do they want to do, it'll be easy as learning an alphabet." Councilman Krin said.

I shook my head, I heard the buzzer sound and I strengthened myself, thinking about Kath, it was her face in my mind, all I know was a void covering us and immediately we all thrown into different directions, I could hear screams, I wasn't that shocked to begin with to scream, I balanced myself slowly, looking around, it felt like something called me to go backwards, but the instructions was we were to go forward and find a gate, I struggled with the force straining as I felt the pain erupt me, I blinked healing myself immediately, I wasn't going to back down, I forced myself using my power to go ahead, it struggled with me, but I was more powerful than it, I felt a sharp pain hit me, and the scream I retained left me.