
Chapter 160- Returned the Kids.

Sebastien's POV.

The kids we met on the way were really funny, I couldn't even help but laugh myself when the one called Daniel called Kath pretty, he really has good eyes, I agreed with whatever he was saying, and he kept stressing it, it made me smile, if he wasn't a kid, I would've gotten immediately Jealous,but he was a kid and I couldn't afford that, he made me imagine how the kids I'll have with Kath,how they'll look like in future, they are gorgeous children, I imagined mine would be gorgeous too, that wouldn't be a problem, I am gorgeous and Kath is too, there was no way our kid would even look bad, I was sure lots of sups would be jealous of the kids we'll have, I smirked when I looked back at Daniel and how he kept staring at Kath, I rolled my eyes, and smiled.

Seeing the kids had me thinking of lots of things, including how my future with Kath would be, I wanted the marriage to happen soon enough, I couldn't wait for us to even start making plans, the communication we both have in this relationship was the best thing ever, with the thought rambling in my head, I was ready to discuss the future with her, I do hope she accepts it, though I knew she well, it wouldn't change anything, I wanted to mate with her completely, whatever was remaining in our bond, I wanted us to come together totally, I would love for that to happen, I didn't know why my thoughts ran through that place, but I know for one thing, seeing the kids had me thinking of that, and I realized it was something that has always been in my mind, but seeing them made it come to surface, it made me really see how much I needed this and I hoped it wasn't just me who needed this, I hoped she needed this too, that's why I planned to talk to her, everything we do together goes successfully, because we talk about it, before we do anything.

"So kids, where are we dropping you?" I asked and they smiled immediately,they were so adorable, you could even smile with them too.

"We live at the Block close to the druid's castle." Daniella said immediately.

"Oh really, that's nice, I live at the druid's castle, so we'll drop you off there."  Kath said ruffling Daniel's hair, he blushed and I could swear, he looked like a tomato puree.

"You're the princess, that just came back." Daniel said immediately and I smiled, he is really a smart kid.

"Yes, how do you know?" Kath asked and Matteo smiled amusingly.

"Well, I heard she's extremely beautiful, and her hair is so fine, and her eyes, and she has freckles, and many other things." He said and everyone laughed.

"Oh, wow, you keep praising me." Kath said with a smile.

"Okay, so I think we're almost there." I said and they both nodded when the realized the part I drove in.

I drove closer to the place they described and I smiled when I reached the gate I was asked to stop, reaching the gate had me realizing, they were the kids of a fae, a fae I knew very well, I wonder if he didn't see or sense them missing, though I had a feeling they must be looking for them.

"I'm sure Massimo is looking for them." I said and their eyes widened.

"You know my father?" They asked simultaneously.

"Yeah,I realized I do when I reached here." I replied with a small smile, going out of the car I glanced back at them, "let me check if they are there, they may be looking for you both." I said and they nodded.

I reached the gate in no time, I had no eerie feeling, so I heaved a sigh of relief, I was worried whatever took those children there, would actually remain here at home to attack the inhabitants of the house.

"Massimo." I called out,a calm silence followed,they were obviously not at home, and I wasn't ready to leave the children outside, they were still little and unprotected.

"I don't think your parents are home," I sighed as I sat down, "maybe they are out looking for you both." I said and they frowned thoughtfully, they nodded with a sigh.

"I'll have to take you to her castle and bring you back again." I said and they nodded.

"Are you comfortable with us?" I asked, I could slip into their minds, but I just wanted to know this without doing that, sometimes mind reading required hardwork and I didn't like stressing myself over anything that much.

"We are, though you're a vampire." They said simultaneously.

"I mean, everyone here is apart from the pretty lady." Daniella added and I laughed.

"So you should be scared of us." I said and they shook their head and I smile.

"I'm not, mainly because well I think you both love children." Daniella said pointing to me and Kath.

"Just us both?" I asked raising my brows at her.

"Nope, everyone here do, obviously with the way you all interacted with us, but both of you are a couple,and you love children." Daniella said and everyone laughed.

"A couple?" Daniel asked wide eyed, "are they together?" He pointed to me and Kath, Daniella gave him a I told you so look.

"Yes they are." Matteo said.

"You were into someone's woman." Matteo added and I laughed.

"You're lucky you are a kid, he would snap you for even staring at my sister," Dylan said, "he's that possessive." Dylan added.

"Wow, wow, wow." Daniel said and everyone burst out laughing, him being clueless this whole time made me laugh, though I wondered how Daniella could guess it easily.

"Don't be too shocked, this is why I tell you to stick with me, I could tell you important things." Daniella said and he glared at her.

"And you really thought you'll end up with her." She added shaking her head as Daniel kept glaring.

Kath came down from the car and opened the door to his side, she sat close to him and his eyes widened, "now though you won't end up with me," she said with a smile, "I'll give you a gift you remember." She placed a kiss on his cheek and he gasped blinking rapidly making everyone laugh, Kath came down closed the door and went back to her seat, Matteo was shaking with laughter.

"Now you just made that kid go Crazy." Dylan said.

"Thank you, I won't forget." Daniel said and we all laughed, I noticed two figures, and others walking behind them, I smiled knowing their parents were back.

"Your parents are here, it looks like we didn't have to go to her castle." I said and they turned, they came down from the car immediately and ran to their parents. Their parents hugged them tightly kissing their face and their hands, I smiled I would've ran mad by now, if I had kids and they went missing.

Massimo looked up with anger, but it slipped when he saw me, he smiled, the children talked to him and he nodded.

"Thank you so much, for bringing them back." He said and I nodded, his wife came beside him.

"Thank you so much, I was so worried, I'm happy they fell in good hands." She said and I smiled. Kath came down and stood close to me, bowing to them and they bowed too.

"I met them at West City Arena, I don't know but they picked lots of kids, from what I heard, since they stayed with us, we brought them here." I said and they nodded.

"Dad, dad, he fought and won." Daniel said demonstrating.

"You were picked?" Massimo asked and I nodded.

"Well it's you, I'm not surprised you won." He said with a smile.

"We'll love to thank you properly, please can you come in." He said gesturing to his house and I smiled.

"Nah, as much as everything you don't have to thank us, we're tired and I need to go inside now." I said and they nodded.

"Thanks a lot." Massimo and his wife said simultaneously.

"You're welcome." I said leaving with Kath, we entered the car and I drove away.

Reaching the castle everyone went down, going inside immediately,we were all tired for real, I couldn't even wait to rest, my body ached like crazy.

I slipped my hands in Kath's hands and went inside, climbing up to her room immediately.

"What a day." She said and I smiled.

"I would love to show you more places in the city, but before that I really want us to get married baby, if that's okay with you." I said and she smiled.

"Yes, that's okay with me." She replied kissing me and whatever tension I had in me slipped away, I was happy we were in sync.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

"We'll go tell them the news." She said and I nodded.