
Chapter 159- Daniel and Daniella.

Kathryn's POV.

I was so anxious when he entered the ring to fight with the Rhinos, I have never felt this nervous in my entire life, but here I was shaking while watching them circle each other, it was very unbearable to watch, but it was something I couldn't take my eyes off, while I kept praying and hoping he didn't get hurt at all, I clutched my hands together, my chest rising and falling quickly, it felt like I was going to have a panic attack soon, I was breathing harder than usual now, and my eyes seemed to water everytime he moved, when the Rhinos hit him, I gasped so loud I could feel eyes on me, I was trembling with fear for what would happen to him, and the information I knew about the injection of abilities the people in this arena get, made me more nervous than I should be, and the fact that he got to hit Bas made me more terrified, Bas was formidable but I was still scared for his life, he may be strong and everything,but it felt like the Rhinos has the advantage here, though I told myself to stop thinking that way, Bas was formidable and he would get to win this fight, though the Supporters of the rhinos who sat close to us made me pissed with their bragging.

"You shouldn't listen to them yunno, just blow it off, it's cool, he'll win this, I know he's not doing much because he's trying to hide his abilities from this city." Matteo said and I nodded, I remember saying something about hiding his abilities and I understood that's what he's been trying to do.

When the Rhinos hit him again, I almost stood up, but I felt a hand tug me slowly and I smiled, I looked up and I saw Bas smile a smile so feral you could run away, he was smiling at the Rhinos and this seemed to piss the Rhinos off, he tried hitting him, but Bas dogged it at first, then later he blocked every move the Rhinos made and I started smiling, he was blocking every move made by the rhinos and it was annoying the heck of the rhinos, which was really pleasing.

"He has entered his mind." Matteo said observing the ring intensely, we all were, Gabriel hasn't said anything since the fight started, Lyn was watching with wide eyes and concentration, Dylan was also focused.

"But he has other abilities right, I'm sure he won't just let anyone enter his mind." I said.

"Bas isn't just anyone," Gabriel said for the first time and Matteo nodded, "if mind control and mind games are something, that's his favourite thing to do, he has entered minds that hasn't been entered by anyone, I'm sure the rhinos isn't any different." Gabriel added and I nodded.

"But what I'm worried about is the rhinos finding out he is inside." Dylan muttered and they nodded.

I looked at the stage one more time and it seemed like Bas was playing a fun game with his opponent, because he kept blocking every move and kept smirking in a way that would annoy the Rhinos.

I watch the rhinos get really Angry and threw sick punches against Bas but he kept blocking them, the Rhinos leaned in saying something and Bas replied with a smirk, this makes the Rhinos more angry, he starts shaking his head and his body and I wondered what was going on.

"I think he has found out that Bas is in his mind and he is trying to shake it off." Matteo said clearly amused by what was going on.

I see the Rhinos walk closer and raise his hand for a hit, and Bas didn't block it, I was scared again, I wondered why he didn't but I realized he also wanted to hit the Rhinos too, for the first time, like a killing blow, the rhinos hit bas and he stumbled a little, but he hit the Rhinos too and the rhinos fell immediately and his breath ceased, whatever it was, I know it wasn't a normal punch.

The announcer announced Bas as the winner and he came up, climbing the stairs immediately, oblivious of the cheers and attention they paid him, he was focused on us.

I stood up and tug the kids with me, we all walk out, Bas takes the kids from me and hand them over to Matteo who looked surprised, but he took them, Bas dragged me along with him, and teleported to the corner of the building.

He grip my waist and I gasped clearly surprised, but I saw what I saw in his expression this morning,his eyes were swirling, like it normally did when he was aroused, he kiss me desperately like I was the air he needed to breath, and I gasp in shock again, surprise at how urgent he was, but that didn't stop me from kissing him back, harder and deeper, I slid my arms around his neck, tugging his hair immediately I reached it, he groaned and kissed me harder, I could feel myself smile,when he kissed me harder, it felt so damn good,and to think we were alone here, made it more thrilling, I couldn't help but smile as I kept kissing him, he bit my lower lips and I moan biting his in return, we kissed for five minutes straight, tugging each others hair, biting each other lips, he even nuzzled my neck and kissed me there, I was so breathless, he kissed my face, my nose, my lips again gently this time savouring my taste and he closed his eyes when he pulled back with a blissful sigh, I was staring at him breathless after my mouth was thoroughly ravaged that way.

He was breathing hard too and I was glad I wasn't the only one this breathless after the kiss, it's like everytime we kiss or do anything physically romantic, it gets intense each time.

"Wow." I manage to say and he laughed.

"Yeah, wow." He replied and I laughed too, I touched his face, healing the wounds I saw there immediately, he looked at me again with wonder and I couldn't help but blush.

"Sorry I dragged you out, before I was even choosed to fight, I've been wanting to do that since you came out of the house." He said and I blush again at his confession.

"Yeah, I noticed that," I said and he raised his brows at me which just made me smile, "and I wanted that too," I said again and he kept raising his brows like he was waiting for me to say something, "more than anything." I added and he smiled, it was obviously what he wanted me to say.

"Let's go," he took my hands, "they are probably waiting." He added and teleported us back to where the car was parked.

I could feel Matteo, Lyn, Gabriel and Dylan's stare on me, even the kids were staring, it made me blush, I looked down bitting my lips softly, I heard a growl and I turned to Bas raising my brows at him, "you shouldn't bite your lips like that." He said and I shook my head with a smile.

"You should just get a room, or you already did it." Matteo said and I gasped while entering the car, I turned to him shooting him a glare, but he just shrugged.

"Language Matteo they are kids here," Dylan said and I heaved, I thought he would join them, my brother loved teasing me, even when we were kids, "though you're not kinda wrong." He added and I shook my head and I heard a laugh, they were snickering, I rolled my eyes at them.

"I almost forgot," I said turning to the kids who kept staring at us.

"What are your names, I didn't ask earlier." I said and they smiled and I laughed, they were so cute.

"My name is Daniella." The girl said quickly.

"My name is Daniel." The boy said and I nodded, they were twins.

"Oh cool, you're twins right?" I ask and they nodded.

"You're really pretty, so pretty, I've never seen anyone as pretty as you." Daniel said quickly and then looked away, I gaped at him, and I smiled.

"Woah, this kid, you really have good eyes huh?" Bas asked proudly and Daniel blushed looking down.

"Oh Gosh, he has been saying that since he met you." Daniella said and we all laughed.

"Really now?" I asked and Daniel looked away, his cheeks redder than usual.

"Thanks for calling me pretty Daniel." I said and he turned to me, looking like he had something to say.

"No you are really pretty, I'm not just saying it, you're," he mumbled hitting his head, "what's this new word our teacher taught us," he said biting his lips, we were all looking at him, "ah hah, I've remembered, you're ethereal." He said and I smiled mummuring thanks.

"This kid is a future charmer." Matteo said and we all laughed.