
Chapter 158- Mind control.

Sebastien's POV.

I decided to worry about releasing something unimaginable later, I wanted to read his mind and immediately I reached out, about to read, it came flowing like something that was programmed, he was going to rest and tell the boss that the mission was accomplished.

I tilted my head to the side, shifting backwards while we kept circling eachother.

I wanted to enter his head and control him, but I knew it would be dangerous to expose that power, but he was someone that got injected immunity for most abilities and most abilities didn't work on him, but I'm damn sure they didn't inject the one for my type of abilities, because for all the supernaturals of Vampire city knew, a lot of my abilities didn't exist.

He walked closer and I retreated, I felt like we could go on and on with this, but I didn't want him to get the chance to land another hit and I needed a distraction to flow into his mind, if I stood still, he would suspect something, and maybe with the way they get ability injections, they are trained on how to use each one of them.

I walk towards him, and he quickly punched me, I fell to the floor, I remained there,I could hear cheers getting louder, I opened my eyes and found him hitting his chest dramatically, like he was about to combust, but he was obviously so proud of himself, he thought he was done with me.

While he kept hitting his chest, I tried slipping into his mind, and I met a wall, he blocked it, which didn't shock me, it proved how right I was about them getting training for those abilities, so he blocked his mind whenever he was fighting.

I smiled, slipping into minds has never been hard for me, I trained myself countlessly to master that, and it was something that took a while, I passed many defenses, even the really hard ones, the ones that left me shaking, and shivering after entering, he knew how to block it, but he definitely didn't know how to guard it strongly, and I'm sure he won't notice someone entering, I would notice anything or anyone try to enter my mind.

I decided to slip through his mind, I was like a water leaking through the door he blocked his mind with, now if I kept being the water and end up flooding his head, he might know it, so once I slipped inside, I became the door, I planted many doors inside and I felt him stop his dramatic chest hitting and stare at me, for once I thought I had failed this, and he caught me entering, most supernaturals can lock you inside their minds, and I started imagining him doing this.

I smiled when I read his thoughts for the first time, "you tried entering my mind huh, I know not to block." He thought and it was playing loudly for me, I couldn't help it, it made me laugh so hard when I heard him think and believe that he had blocked me from entering his mind.

He walked towards me and planned to press me, I turned to the side and he stomped on the floor, I stood up, and balanced myself well, I was going to dodge his every attack since I could read his mind, after entering there, it would be easier and it was going to make him very angry, which is what I'm opting for.

He tries to punch me but he failed, he tried to use his controlling ability and I laughed, I think that he was really amusing to me, trying so hard to control me, when he didn't know that when I'm done with him , he'll know what controlling means, he goes at me again and as I did earlier, I know his every move, memorize them, it's like I block him before he even does anything, it's so funny, I feel like it shouldn't be comical but it is, because with every move I block, the roaring noise for me increase and it makes me read their minds up there all at once, most of them feel like changing their bets to me, but it was already keyed in, and they can't do anything about it, the ones that bet on me, are so happy, their minds going places, I couldn't help but smile, I know Kath would've placed a bet on the names of those kids, so they would have their money too, she was generous just like that.

I looked up at the Rhinos who was panting now and I tried so hard, really hard to stiffle myself and not laugh, but it didn't work, I couldn't help it not when he looked like he wanted to kill but he didn't know how and he was wondering how I manage to block all his moves, he is so stupid that he can't even guess or try checking his mind, I feel something shake and I realized it was his mind, he is trying to see if his walls are still up and if there's anything there and he realizes that his walls are still up, and nothing is there, he doesn't notice the doors all over his mind, that's me, pretending to blend in, and he shakes it off laughing at himself for when thinking I could break his barrier, this makes me a little angry, he thinks he is that strong and I would let him know that I'm in his mind soon enough.

He comes at me again fiercer, I could hear the cheers, well I was ready, everything he did still passed through his mind and his thoughts vivid and loud in my ears, I blocked every move refusing to attack just yet, he can't believe I'm still blocking him off, that's when I decide to let him know I'm in his mind, I've always been in his mind, I turn the doors I created in his mind, to water, and I flow fast, he's throws a punch and I block, he pauses that's when he feels it, the water, the flowy nature, and how I make the wave go fast in his mind, he gets really angry.

"Get out of my head, my mind, get out." He snarls and I smirk.

"No can do, you know I won't." I said and he tries pushing me out of his mind, but I'm glued to his mind, he shakes everything and I pretend to slip out of his mind, but I'm hovering there, his barrier breaks completely and he thinks that's me leaving his mind, but I flow again and his eyes became wider and he looks like he's about to go berserk, he comes at me with all his strength and I simply use his mind to make him throw those blows at himself, I did not want to show my power, but I also couldn't help but make the rhinos suffer a little, this was just the tip of the iceberg of what he does to others, and he is feeling like falling apart just when he tastes what he's being doing to others.

I made me hands flamy, but I make sure it doesn't show, for the others to see, his fans are wondering why he's suddenly punching himself, I walk closer to him and he stands up and attack me, for the first time I don't try to block, I want him to hit me, while I do the same, and as he hit me a little, I gave him the final blow and I stumble a little, he falls to the floor and his breath ceases immediately, I waited for about five minutes and I know he is gone, I feel no single remorse for him.

I could hear the shouts and screams of those who placed a bet on me, and I also hear the sighs of those who didn't.

The announcer came up staring at me like I have grown two heads," the winner of this combat is Sebastien Edmondo." He says and I smile.

The cheers feels fantastic, but more than anything I want to meet Kath, so we could get out of here.

I climb up the stairs and went to her, she stared at me and I want nothing more than to kiss her right now, I actually need it badly.

We all walk out and I see her tugging the kids, I collected the kids who felt like little fairy kids, I smiled handing them over to Matteo, who looks startled but take them, I teleport Kath to one corner of the building where no one is around.

I gripped her waist and she gasped as I leaned my body over hers, and I kiss her desperately like she was the air I needed to breath, she was shocked at first, but she returns the kiss immediately, harder and deeper, her hands slid around my neck and she reached my hair and tugs it, I groaned kissing her harder.