
Chapter 157-Choosen.

Sebastien's POV.

I wanted us to match, I needed that, but I never readied myself for how hard my heart will pound when I saw her walk out of the house to join us in the car.

She let herself free the same way I did, I decided to leave my hair without styling it or combing it backwards and dress as causal as I wanted,we were going to a place that needed causal dressing.

She was so happy for this tour we were about to do, I could see it in her smile when she came out, though I wasn't focused on how happy she was anymore, I was focused on her beauty, I was so damn stunned, her hair was a free as a bird that was just released from it's cage, her freckles so freaking beautiful, it was practically glowing, I didn't know if freckles could glow or it was just my eyes, the curls in her hair were so pretty, she blushed and I couldn't even take my eyes off her, it felt like she casted some spell on me, I wondered why she didn't always keep it like this, but I somehow got happy she didn't always keep it like this, she would get too much attention, and I would be so jealous, like how I was right now when her own brother commented on her hair, I didn't know I would react that way, but I just did, it shocked me.

I felt my eyes twirl like I was dancing ballet, and the flames in it cackled, she saw it, and I knew she realized the effect she has on me, she didn't know this was a little of the effect she has on me, if I didn't know how to control myself around her, I'll probably go crazy every freaking time I saw her.

The journey to West City Arena was enjoyable, the bants from Matteo and Gabriel was fun, even Dylan joined in, I saw her face and how she was in awe while staring at everywhere we passed, I was so excited to see her this delighted and I was very excited when she saw the West City Arena, her face lit up when I parked in the lot,she was scanning everywhere with fascination evident in her eyes, I decided to scan the area too quickly, checking if I could see or feel anything off, because I knew there was always something off around here.

We all ended up inside, and her awe turned into fear slowly, I regretted bringing her here immediately, I wanted her to know about this place and also experience it, though it was pretty dangerous, but it would help her in any combat if she found herself in one, her eyes scanned the place, she was frightened but also in awe about what would happen, though she got more frightened when she heard the rules for the games and when she saw children there, I suddenly smiled when I saw how she dealed with the children, I pictured her and the kids we would have one day and my heart warmed, the choosing had begun, I could see her fear flicker in the surface when the circle chooser kept turning around to pick whoever would fight with The Rhinos,I hoped it didn't pick her, her abilities were good,but she wouldn't face him and win successfully, I hoped it didn't pick any of us, it would be better if we all just watched, I could see her face glancing hopefully wishing it didn't land on any of us, but that hopeful expression slipped immediately it landed on me, I saw her gasp in horror, I was shocked myself.

"Sebastien Edmondo would go against the Rhinos." The announcer said and I could hear cheers, it made me roll my eyes, they didn't care, they just wanted a bloodbath, and a brutal fight, but it wasn't a fair fight in the first place, with what they did to their warriors just so they could beat the defendants.

Matteo, Gabriel, Dylan and Lyn turned to me shocked too, we never expected this, but I guess it happened to anyone who comes here, anyone can be choosed.

"Place your bets." The announcer said and I could see everyone but us, rush to do it, I knew they had to place it, and I had no choice but to go to the ring.

"Place the bets." I said finally speaking up after being shocked, I could feel their stare and fear in their eyes, they all picked me as their winner, I could see the statistics in the screen projected, lots of people picked Rhinos as their winner, but I didn't care, I heaved a little and decided to join Rhinos on stage, I felt a hand I was well too familiar with grip mine softly.

I turned and faced her and she looked like she would cry any minute soon, she stood up and kissed me fiercely, I would've been so happy to be kissed this fiercely, but I had a fight to go to.

I broke the kiss and she stared at me with teary filled eyes, "we'll continue this after I win." I said with a smile and the tears fell, I cleaned it and she sniffled.

"Hey man, you need to win this." Matteo said and I smirked.

"Hey, I never loose." I said trying to lighten their mood, my sister as already crying, I shook my head at her.

"Be Careful brother." She said.

"Fight dirty man," Dylan clasped my hands, "they aren't fighting clean either." He said and I nodded.

"Be careful out there.", Gabriel said and I nodded.

"Okay, guys enough of this, I'm sure they are tired of waiting, wondering why I'm not down there soon." I said with a small smile, I could feel the stare of the people around us and I shook my head, this felt like a spectacle for some of them, some from their minds were relieved that it wasn't them, I understood and respected that.

"Good luck." The kids Kath was talking say and I laugh.

"Alright kiddos." I said.

"Sebastien Edmondo, we're still waiting." The announcer said in what sounded like a sneer.

I went downstairs I could hear a choke sob, I knew it was Kath, I smiled tensely, I would win this ,I did not care how many abilities this guy was injected with, mine were all natural and it keeps increasing daily, I just had to fight this and win it in anyway I can, I'm sure dad is going to loose it when he finds out we came here and I even fought.

I went into the ring, and the announcer smiled victoriously like he just won the lottery.

"Okay, you were about to act like a chicken there for a while." The announcer said and I did not even acknowledge, I'm sure he got the message when he didn't hear my reply, he turned to the crowd.

"Okay, this is how we do this, you'll tell us what you want to say before the fight." The announcer said, he wishes the Rhinos would kill me, his mind was loud and clear.

"So say what you want to say." He told the Rhinos.

"I'll crush you." The rhinos said and I could hear cheers, I rolled my eyes,that was pretty typical.

"What do you want to say?" The announcer asked.

"Let's get this over with." I said, I could hear gasp, maybe it was the way my tone or behaviour was nonchalant, but I could hear gasp, and I realized most people changed their bets, from the rhinos who had a 90% bet, he was now at a 70% bet, and I now rised up to 30% bet from 10%.

"Okay, it's about time." Immediately the announcer said it, I decided to lock my mind, no one entered it, I know mind reading was rare, very, I was the only Vampire who had it, and it was rare among other supernaturals, but I didn't want to take my chances, I don't know whatever they injected him with. And I knew that if I blocked my mind, no one could open it, I was that powerful and I trained myself, he may not have mind reading abilities, but they are other mental abilities, and I didn't want him crossing my head to try any mental abilities.

I smiled when I successfully blocked my mind and head, nothing could mess with it, but the smile on my face slipped when I felt a sharp pain in my jaw and I landed to the other part of the ring, he had hit me with his metallic power, my jaw hurt like crazy, I flexed it and it still, I could hear gasp and some screams, I stood up slowly, I could feel him come closer, I did not want to expose my other abilities here, it was dangerous, I remember what my father said and I knew he was right, but I was going to fight dirty, I wish this wasn't a show, I would've released something unimaginable.