
Chapter 154- Apple Pie.

Kathryn's POV.

I went downstairs after talking to Bas, we pretty much became much more attached to each other than before, I thanked the stars for this little fight we had, which wasn't pretty much a fight, but it brought us stronger against all odds, he left saying he had something to take care off.

I saw dad and mom when I got downstairs, "are you okay princess?" Dad asked and I smiled at him, he already loved calling me princess way before I became an actual princess.

"I'm fine, I was just feeling really stuffy, so I had to leave." I replied and he nodded patting my hair.

"Are you sure you're okay," mum asked concern etched on her face, I nodded, "that girl really is shameless, how can she just walk up to you, to attack you at your own party?" She said snidely and I smiled at my parents, they were pretty protective of me, I thought I would be blamed, but I wasn't, I could see the understanding in their eyes, and this made me happy that I had people who had my back.

"She's really something." Dad replied.

"It's okay, I'm okay, I was shocked by what she did, but I'm okay now, so stop disturbing yourself over it." I kissed both of them on the cheeks and went to the fridge, I was feeling pretty hungry, I could eat a bear, I decided to try making something new, something I had never made before, I wasn't really a fan of the kitchen, I made it seem like I couldn't cook a lot, so I wouldn't be called inside the kitchen, but I knew how to cook, especially my favourite dishes, and right now I was craving something really sweet.

I noticed the apples in the basket and I smiled, I found what I wanted to make, I decided to make apple pie, one that will be enough for everyone, they may be vampires among us, but that didn't mean they wouldn't or couldn't eat normal food sometimes, I decided against peeling the apples, I wanted the taste of the apples to be fully absorbed, and the apple peels would help with that, I peeled it, I made the sauce and refrigerated the dough, it was really large, but I was actually enjoying myself, in my own world, we could get to eat this before sleeping, the night was still young.

I mixed everything and finally put it in the oven, heaving a sigh of relief, cooking was really tiring for me, I turned and paused, I was totally absorbed with making apple pie, that I didn't realize that I was being watched, I realized that Bas was back and he has an amused expression on his face, my dad and mom were staring, I could see the squad staring too, I sighed and rolled my eyes, this was awkward, I wondered how ridiculous I looked while doing all that.

"Welcome once again to my cooking show." I said sarcastically with a bow, and Bas laughed immediately.

I set the dining table with the sauce we would use to eat the apple pie, "I'm in my best mood today, so we'll eat what I make." I said.

"I hope we won't get food poisoning?" Dylan asked innocently, but I knew he was trying to annoy me, I glared at him and he smirked.

I could see Matteo and Gabriel pretend they didn't want to laugh, clamping their mouths, Lyn gave me a sweet smile which was about crackling into a wide grin, her shoulders were shaking.

"Oh stop it all of you." My father said with a smile, he was trying to hide his laughter too, I understood how they'll feel, I rarely cooked, I'm not sure I did at all, it took a while before I try cooking.

The oven dinged and I brought the pie out, serving if for everyone, I sat down, "we should eat." I said and ate the pie with a smile on my face, I moaned, it tasted so damn good.

They all hesitated staring at me like I was exaggerating the taste, I shrugged and kept eating, Bas picked a slice and bit a little, then his eyes widen and he ate the whole slice , picking up another, I think that was the cue, everyone digged in immediately and I laughed, they stared at me with marvel in their eyes.

I may have hated cooking, but I could cook, we finished the apple pie, I thought would remain, they begged me, saying I should make another one, but I just ignored them, pretending I did not hear anything.

I ended up listening to them and made another pie with the help of Lyn and mom, we made a lot, we ate it again, and refrigerated the remaining one for tomorrow.


The party Saga had passed, and I was readying myself for training today, I would go out for a tour of the city a little, Bas told me he would take me.

I smiled when I remembered how everyone rushed the apple pie this morning, I also rushed it, because it looked like it wouldn't even be enough for me, and I loved eating what I loved.

I smiled as I entered the training room, I still wanted to train before going out touring today, j was so excited, I couldn't evenvhide it, and when I went inside the training room, my excitement died down, I met Melanie staring at me with a smirk on her face, she was wearing training shorts too ,I shook my head at the fact that she was trying a lot to provoke me, it was kinda funny to see, so I laughed, mummured greetings to the few druids I started becoming closer to.

I walked pass her to my favourite machine, the treadmill, I needed a little energy and strength, and I was happy, I didn't need to be unhappy because of a crazy girl who was practically stalking me now, it was funny to me.

She saw how I ignored her, and I knew that annoyed her, she was going to do something soon, it was made me remember what she did at the party, she tried goading me and when I ignored her she snapped, I was sure she was going to snap anytime soon.

As I kept running on the treadmill, I wondered what she was doing here, and what she wanted from me, I sighed a little, rubbing my face as I kept running on the treadmill.

"Ignoring me won't change anything dearie," she said bristly, "and I know I affected you, when you left the party." She added with a smile, staring at me, waiting for me to say something, but I wasn't ready yet to give her that satisfaction she wanted, so I turned around and pretended to search for the voice I heard, after a minute, I turned back to the treadmill and kept running, and I knew she was going to go crazy anytime soon.

"Just because you're a princess, doesn't make you better than everyone else, " she yelled, I suddenly wish my father or Dylan came here today, but they weren't here, Dylan was busy, and Dad worked in the library today, he said he has many things to do, he has been there since morning after eating the pie.

"I'm talking to you." I heard footsteps and I realized she walked closer, I don't know what she wanted from me, but I hated scenarios, especially ones that looked like it would get ugly like this, and she was really coming for me, if what I heard from Lyn was true, she is Really crazy.

"I'm serious, she's insane, she stalked my brother everywhere, causing issues for him, and the thing is, she can't stop, she does it everytime, and it annoys me and everyone in our family, Bas is tired of her,and she plays the victim very well when cornered, she was the one who hurt most of the other girls Bas had been with after her, she's batshit crazy." Lyn said with worry in her eyes while we were cooking, I knew she was warning me, but I paid no need, I just shrugged.

But I wished right now that I listened to Lyn yesterday, I turned to her and turned off the treadmill, stepping down slowly.

"What is it?" I asked, and she smiled, I was sure she seemed like she got victorious after I talked to her back.

"I guess you have lips that can speak." She sneered.

"And I'll ask again, since you didn't seem to get my first question well," I saw her face fall and I knew she didn't like my reply, she wanted more, but I won't give her that, "what is it?" I asked again.

"Stay away from Sebastien, he is mine." She said, stepping closer to me, I rubbed my forehead and laughed.

"I thought you had something credible to say, or even worth reasoning about." I said and she glared at me walking closer.