
Chapter 147- Party Introduction.

Sebastien and Kathryn's POV.


I couldn't take my eyes off her as she came down slowly, she was so beautiful, so beautiful, words couldn't describe how she looked right now, I was staring at her and I couldn't even move, I did not know what I would do if she came down, I didn't know how to react, than the way I was reacting right now, I stood there staring at her like I was in a trance and I couldn't move, she definitely put a spell on me, a spell that had me feeling this way, I know it wasn't a spell, but this was the only way I could describe what it was I felt for her, it was crazy, maybe that's why I ran very early, so I wouldn't see her, I was so pertrified of my feelings for her, how they got intense everyday, but right now I didn't care how my feelings grew intensely each day, it was worth it, she was worth it, and I was so damn lucky to have her in my life, I blinked repeatedly trying to free myself from the trance, but it felt like I blinked more of the wavering dust of the spell and I couldn't move still, I knew she was coming down the stairs to take my hands and I would escort her there, but she wasn't moving, she looked around and I kept looking at her, I couldn't even dare be distracted by anything else, she was my attention and she got it even when she wasn't looking at me, I was definitely looking at her, and what made it more insane as the quietness in the room when she walked in, everyone was looking at her and I wanted to growl at them all, telling them she was mine to look and mine alone, I wanted to do that to all the males here who had this look of hunger,want when they saw her, even the women who liked women, she moved the eyes of both the men and the women, the men stared at her like they wanted to get to her and have her right now, which made me growl, and she women, some stared at her in pure awe of how beautiful she is, and some had blatant jealousy written on their faces, I couldn't fault them, if I were in their positions, I would also be jealous, there was no way or nobody that could be this flawless, but she was extremely flawless, so damn perfect, I don't care if some would say there was nothing like perfection, but she was perfect.

The painting Dylan made was perfect, he was so damn talented, he saw this dress and his sister already, but Kath wearing the dress herself made the painting look a little pale in comparison to her, the gown clinged to her every shape, it flowed, but it also showcased her beautiful body, the front bodice was beautiful and the hand, design was like zigzags, it was amazing, the regal gown was meant for her to wear, I don't know who else and how they'll do justice to it.

She smiled and I could promise anyone who'll ask me what happened, what the world stop and carried on after she stared at the ground shyly, she bit her lips and I groaned, I couldn't help but do that, she was driving me crazy, and she wasn't even trying hard, I wondered how I would feel if she even tried hard to drive me crazy, I was sure I wouldn't survive it.

After a minute passed and it was almost another minute, I knew she was so nervous, it was obvious with the way she straightened staring at me, and her looked like she was saying she needed help, she raised her swan like neck which I like kissing a lot and even biting, my skin flushed hotter immediately I remembered biting her, it was the most wonderful experience of my life, it felt so fucking good, it was so good, I could explode out of the happiness and bliss I felt, I didn't even know it would be that way, maybe I would've avoided it for my sanity, but I was gone, far too gone to even care or give myself warning to not be addicted to her or her blood, and the fact that she allowed me bite her made it feel really good, she gave her neck to me, she wanted me to bite her and it felt good, she also felt good, I remember her moan when I sucked on her neck and licked the spot I had bitten, so it wouldn't keep a mark or scar, I love licking her neck, I could do it all day without getting tired, I loved every single little thing about her, it was insane, this feeling, this feeling some would think as overbearing but was an amazing, a tremor still ran in my body when I thought about it.

I walked up the stairs and took her hands, and she smiled at me, mouthing a "thank you." To me.

I held her hands as she walked down the stairs, eyes were on us, but I was more worried about how she'll fare if she was nervous, if she didn't want to go through with the party, I could send everyone home, as long as she was fine.

We walked down the stair completely and I directed her to the stage, which I let her walk up alone, while I stared at her sexy back, the design of the dress leaving her back a little bare, I growled when I saw someone else stare at her, this was going to be a long night.


I was so damn nervous when I walked in, I didn't even know how to react and the fact that everyone stopped what they were doing had me wondering if I didn't look good, or I had somehow messed up my makeup and I looked like a clown right now which had everyone stare at me like this, I felt like running back up and telling my dad and mom, and my dear brother and most especially Lyn who planned this that I wanted out, and I needed to sleep, but it wasn't sleep or wanting our that was the matter, it was my nervousness, it made me stand on the staircase like I was stuck to glue and I couldn't move, and standing there had me imagining all sorts of rubbish, I imagined that I would try going down, then I would trip and fall down, it made me more nervous than I could imagine.

Then I saw him, my night in shining armour, I'm sure he would laugh if I called him that, but Bas walked up straight to me, and I wasn't nervous anymore because I was looking right at him, I suddenly remembered our night and I flushed immediately, I'm sure he flushed too, because of how he sucked in his breath while staring at me, he stared at my neck for a long while, like he wanted to come and bite me again, though I wouldn't complain, I would gladly keep the neck he kissed thoroughly and lovingly last night after he bite me, he made it feel so damn good, it felt so good I wondered what such sensation could mean, and why it felt that good, I'm sure if anyone here asked me what I was thinking about they would be so shocked to find out what I was thinking about right now.

I stopped thinking and I realized, I hadn't mobe and I got more nervous though I had stop being nervous when I saw him, but looking at everyone again and I got nervous again.

Bas walked up to me and took my hand, offering me a smile, I smiled back and took his hands, he led me down gently and paused as I walked up the stage.

My father and mother joined me and I knew it would be fine for the celebration and announcement.

"Welcome everyone to this occasion, we are so delighted." My mother said and everyone nodded.

She brought out a box and kept it on the table and I wondered what was in the box.

"Our daughter has been found and we'll like to introduce you all to Kathryn Veneta." My father said proudly and I smiled.

My mother opened the box and brought out a crown and I realized that they were wearing one, my brother walked up the stage with his own crown, it was identical and I realized it was the crown of the druid royals, my mother placed mine on my head and I smiled, I watched the crown glow and people gasped.

"She looks just like Tatia." I could hear this repeatedly and I just smiled and waved, I didn't know what else to do.

"I'll like to introduce her mate to you all, some of you already know that they are mates, but this is an official introduction." My father said as Bas walked up with a smirk on his face.