
Chapter 139- Discussion with Mom.

Kathryn's POV.

"You finished all of that." Dylan said looking pertrified, I smiled at him and he shook his head, I didn't know what it was with me and crispy chicken, but I knew I could eat it forever without complaining and my mom made me such a wonderful sauce, it was going to be my new favourite sauce.

I was planning to eat the chicken and the sauce later again, it was going to be the best feast for me, I loved things that made me happy and this particular chicken and sauce made me happy, I ate it with a happy filled heart.

I stilled when I suddenly remembered what Matteo said about how Bas looked at me and I blushed; "You look at her differently, you don't tend to show your emotions, but it shows around her, like she's the reason you light up, or she lights you up everytime, and you look at others differently, people you're familiar with, like your family and friends you give them your regular, your "I'm cool, kinda look." But you give her every look that you don't give others, if she smiles you're smiling, and your drop your guard around her, you show her your vulnerability too." Matteo said, I blushed when he said that, but I blushed harder when Bas admitted it.

"You're right, it feels different when I'm with her, around her." He said that, and it kept ringing in my head. I touched his hands because I felt th word deep in my heart,  I had to grip his hands because I wanted support on my own, I wanted to grip his hands and feel them, and tell myself that I really heard him and that the feels that way for me, the love of my life.

"So can we start talking about the plans for the party, because it's going to be a lot, Miss Kathryn Veneta." Lyn said sitting close to me with a funny look on her face.

"You seem to love this name of mine a lot, okay I'll concede soon, but I want to meet my mom, so I can see the gown, then I'll meet you later." I told her and she nodded, running off with the list she was already making.

This was going to be more hectic and a lot than I thought earlier, I thought it would be small, but it was indeed going to be big, and I would see about a quarter or a little part of Vampire City residents here.

I sighed slowly as I stood up, this party was for my own good and it isn't right to worry about it, I trained for a day, after the annoying druids and werewolves left.

"Are you okay?" Bas asked holding my cheeks up and I smiled.

"I'm fine." I replied kissing him on the lips.

"I'll just go talk to her." I said pointing to my mother's room, he followed the gesture of my hands and stared back at me.

"You don't need to be nervous, you'll be just fine." He said and I heaved, of course he knew I was nervous, it's how he didn't fail to observe a little iffy feeling I got, or worry, I was a little nervous about talking to my mom, maybe because I hadn't had such a talk for a long while since I came back, we just made little conversations, but I knew this was going to be a lot, and I was nervous.

"It's going to be alright okay." He said with a wink waving at me while he left the house with Dylan, Gabriel and Matteo.

I left out a huff, and went inside my parents room, my mom was sitted there staring at the dress I was to wear at the party, I smiled at her when she looked at me, she nodded telling me to sit, I was very nervous, I didn't know what she'll say or what I'll hear, but I still plastered a smile on my face.

"How are you?" She said and I couldn't help it anymore, I shook my head.

"I'm so sorry mom, for all the trouble I've caused, I really apologize, if I was a little obedient, it wouldn't have happened, I'm sorry." I said immediately, I just had to let it out, I didn't feel guilty about what happened again, Bas made sure I couldn't feel any guilt, but I was apologetic about it, and I wanted to apologize to everyone affected by it.

"It's okay, I don't want to scold you about it, I don't even care anymore," my mom paused slightly relaxing her tense shoulders, "all I want is to forget it, and I have, because I almost lost you forever, I keep thinking about what will happen if I didn't find you again, and that scared me a lot, it made me so terrified, and I don't want that feeling anymore, I don't even know how but we searched and searched and we couldn't find you and we thought the worse, I was so terrified." My mom was shaking and crying and I cried too, I patted her shoulders while crying with her.

"It's okay mom, it wasn't your fault, okay." I said and she nodded.

"So I'm very happy, very excited to see you back, and if I could I would shout out to the whole of Vampire city that my daughter is back, then why won't I?" She asked and I laughed.

"Well, I'm also very happy to find my family," I said sniffling, "when my human parents died, I felt so alone in the world, like I didn't belong anywhere, but I'm so happy that I have a place where I absolutely belong, and I have people I'm related to." I added with a smile when I saw my mom sniffle, we definitely loved crying.

"I'm happy, I get to give you this dress, it looks good on you." She stood up excitingly and brought out the dress, the dress was really as flawless as she said, it looked so good, I felt way to honoured to wear such a dress, and I felt like I could fly with it, the design was top notch, and my brother really drew it exactly.

I suddenly thought of Bas and wondered where he went and what he was doing, he must have left to get something, they all left with a funny look on their faces, they must have been up to something, I wonder what it was, apart from planning the party with Lyn, I didn't have what to do again, and Lyn plans it herself, she'll just run by some details with the important party attendants.

"Are you listening?" I got startled immediately and turned to my mom who raised a brow at me, I shook my head slightly, I was concerning myself with what Bas was doing too much, I should just stay in here, I smiled at her when she kept raising her brows.

"It's okay, my thoughts just went somewhere." I said softly.

"Okay, I want you to dress well, I've kept the jewelry you'll use." She said.

"It's a family heirloom, all the women use it, so I'll pass it onto you, and it'll be your turn to use it." She added and I nodded.

"I'm really really excited to see you, I can't even explain in details, words can't explain how happy I am to see you here, I love the fact that Bas is your mate, I've always wanted my child to be married to him one day, it's like a dream come true for me." She said and I blushed, I always did when Bas was talked about this way.

"And also the fact that you have such an amazing bond, not all supernaturals are lucky to have mates, some do, some don't." She said and I nodded remembering Bas saying that before, it was rare, mostly common among werewolves, but rare amongst the others, faes had mates too, but it wasn't a frequent occurrence, and the only supernaturals that had theirs as a frequent occurrence were the werewolves.

"Yeah I know I was told." I replied and she nodded.

I ended spending more time with my mom than I expected, she was very fun to be with, and we discussed a lot, we talked about lots of stufs, girly stuffs I couldn't ask, she answered them with happiness, the time went by and we didn't notice, I think we finally noticed when my dad came into the room to sleep, I excused myself and left them, I didn't even leave for long and I could hear kisses, they were acting like two lovebirds, I remember when I was younger and how they always thought I and my brother weren't staring, they would steal kisses with each other, I was happy the love was still there.

I went inside my room, and Lyn came telling me what she wanted to tell me about the party, she left the room, mumbling how tired she was and how she wanted to sleep.