
Chapter 139- Cripsy Chicken Addict.

Sebastien's POV.

"I could eat a large bear right now." Kath mumbled and everyone laughed, she beamed, she looked so fucking beautiful, I didn't even know how to control myself, so I just stopped in front of her and she bumped into me, she raised her brows in question, and I kissed her, she melted kissing me back.

"Seriously you two." Lyn said and I rolled my eyes, releasing Kath.

"Get a room." Gabriel muttered and Dylan growled.

"Seriously, a room?" Dylan asked and I smirked, Kath blushed facing the sky, there was nothing there, the sky was so clear, no stars, no moon, but it was extremely clear.

"Oh, you don't know what these two do together." Lyn said and I glared at her.

"Y'all, please, seriously that's enough." I said with a sigh.

"Alright, alright, we will." Matteo, Gabriel and Lyn said simultaneously, I shook my head, they acted like they were all programmed by some machine sometimes, mostly programmed to annoy me and tease me everytime they get, always looking for what to tease me with, they were so fun to be with, I made someone manage the company in our places, I knew we won't return from the Vampire city anytime soon, I actually wanted to spend time here a little too.

"Hmmm, I can smell it." Lyn mummured when we came inside Kath's house, the smell of the meals that was prepared or already done as Dylan said was really pleasing, my tummy growled, my neck cracked a little, I felt like I needed a little hunting, but it was obvious they made meals that would suit our pallates as vampires, Kath's mother always did that everytime I came here, and I knew she would do the same with my family here with me.

I smiled as I walked in the dinning room hand in hand with Kath, I watched Kath's eye lit up when she saw the meals, she rushed and sat down dragging me along with her, I couldn't help it, I smiled with her, she always had that damn effect on me, her happiness seemed to rub off on me, everytime she's elated, I couldn't help it, I would get excited too, and I loved the fact that she was happy, it made me relieved, that she was happy, I knew that her stay here won't be so smooth, she would meet things she won't like, but I'm sure everything would be okay at some point in time, she turned to me smiling and I smiled back.

"Wow, crispy chicken." Kath said and I laughed, her favourite meal was prepared for her and I knew she would eat the hell out of it, her parents would be surprised to see how large her appetite is.

"You still like it?" Kath's mother's asked and Kath nodded, I realized she must have loved it back when she was a kid, that's why she was so elated everytime she saw it, and she ate it a lot, during breaks, she didn't get her memory back then, but she still had love for her favourite meals, it was still the same thing.

"Yes I do, I love it." She replied eating about three piece already, Kath's mom turned her attention to me and my family who were already digging in the lamb stew she made, and the stew was the way we liked, the meat was with enough blood, the way we liked, I nodded to her and she smiled.

"Did she also eat this there?" Kath's mom asked and Kath kept eating the cripsy chicken with smiles.

"She loves it, she eats it a lot, it's her favourite thing." Lyn replied and Gabriel and Matteo said.

"Some things don't change." Kath's father said.

"They don't, you prepared a lot right?" She asked her mom and her mom nodded and she squealed happily and everyone laughed.

Kath may not notice it, but her aura was deeply appreciated, she seemed to give people around her happiness without realizing it, she didn't have to try hard, just being herself made everyone around her happy.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that." Dylan said with a small smile and I followed his eyes and Kath was doing her little dancey dance and I couldn't help it I laughed, she was a total happy virus, just the littlest things made her happy, I could prepare her chicken everyday, just to see her this Happy, anything to have her like this everytime.

"Deal with what?" I asked with oblivious smile and Dylan chuckled.

"Her childishness." Kath's dad said and I smiled.

"Far from it, I like it ,I don't have a problem with it though." I said with a shrug.

"You don't for real?" Dylan asked and I nodded, staring at her, she was licking her lips, I actually wanted to kiss her lips right now, that little innocent act of licking the sauce she used to eat the chicken was making me feel hard immediately, it was suddenly seductive and I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I blinked slowly and turned back to the table facing what I was eating, I could feel eyes on me.

"What with the stares huh?" I asked and they coughed simultaneously, I looked up at Dylan who shook his head.

"Humour me." I said and he laughed.

"Like you haven't read his mind." Lyn said jokingly and I shook my head.

"I don't do that all the time Lyn, it's tiring I only do it when I need to." I said with a shrug.

"Oh." She said softly.

"You look at her differently, you don't tend to show your emotions, but it shows around her, like she's the reason you light up, or she lights you up everytime, and you look at others differently, people you're familiar with, like your family and friends you give them your regular, your "I'm cool, kinda look." But you give her every look that you don't give others, if she smiles you're smiling, and your drop your guard around her, you show her your vulnerability too." Matteo said and Everyone nodded.

"Okay Empath." I replied and everyone chuckled, Kath turned to me with a smile and I smiled back, without even realizing, Matteo was right though.

"You're right, it feels different when I'm with her, around her." I said with a shrug and kept eating, I felt hands on me and I realized they were Kath's hands, I smiled at her and she beamed and I laughed, I could feel the stares on us, mostly that of my dad, which I could hear his mind loud and clear right now, "she really brings out things I didn't know my sin posseses, it's surprising and refreshing to see, I'm happy they found eachother, I thank the mother for this Union." I laughed again, they were right, even I knew, it feels different with her around, she was my everything, and I couldn't even describe totally how she made me feel, but I felt complete with her around, like there's something she does to make me feel this relieved and happy, and content without trying so hard, and our connection made us more close, I want to complete our mating bond totally, but that would be when she'll decide, I would wait for her, I didn't have to change her to a Vampire again, she was a druid and that was enough for me, as long as I knew I could live this long life with her, then I was happy and content, she was going to be by my side, no matter the troubles we faced, trouble was definitely inevitable, and I knew it'll happen with her from time to time, but I knew it'll feel better with her around, everything felt better with her, and the fact that she was mine made me so delighted.

"So what preparations are we making?" Lyn's question had me dugged out of my thinking mood, I turned and Kath did too, pursing her lips while she thought about what Lyn was saying.

I knew the party would be tomorrow and it would be a big one at that, it was going to be epic and filled with other things, I hope there would be no trouble, but I knew that was inevitable, it was going to happen, there was no way a party in vampire city would happen without trouble, and the fact that some druids didn't like her, I won't be surprised if they started the trouble themselves.

"Well, we have a last minute planning to do," Lyn stood up dramatically, and I scoffed, she was just happy to plan a party, because she loved events, it made her excited, that's why she planned all our company's event and also our family's event.

"You're just excited you get to plan a party." Matteo said rolling his eyes and we all laughed.

"Yes duh." She replied.

"Kathryn Veneta prepare yourself." Lyn said and Kath smiled.

"Yes ma." Kath replied and licked her hands after finishing her last chicken.

"You finished all of that." Dylan said with a petrified expression.