
Chapter 131- Instructions.

Raina's POV.

"I think I spoilt you a lot, and kids that age were troublesome, I've missed you a lot, than worry about such a thing" my father paused as I hugged him, he made me face him and I kept sniffling, I didn't know what he wanted to say right then, but I was so happy to hug my father without feeling too guilty, the relief I felt was the best thing in the world, now it was left with my mother to hug, I wanted to hug her and tell her how much I was so sorry to be a nuisance to her.

I smiled when he dragged my nose, 'if someone were to ask me, what day or what instance would be the best thing that has ever happened in my life, I would gladly tell them that it was the day my kids came into the world and the day I found you again," my father said and I laughed trying to fight the tears that were streaming down my eyes, "I was so happy, I don't think there would be anything that would describe how I felt that day, but I was more than overjoyed, I thought I could even die happily that day, I never felt genuinely happy when we couldn't find you after putting you away, it was very bad, it hit a toll on all of us, we pretended on the facade when we told people of you, but deep down we were still hurt, I am still hurt about it, that's why I'm so happy to have found you." He added.

"You shouldn't feel that way, I feel like I deserved everything with how much I was a headache." I said.

"Don't ever say that again, you don't deserve anything bad, and we hid you because we didn't want you hurt, not because we punished you." He said and I sniffled again, he wiped my hands and brought his head joining it with mine, he had to bend down because he was much taller than I was, I was tall but not as much as he was, my brother had his height, I smiled when he joined his head with mine.

"And I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you, while I'm here, and I know you exist and I know my hope that you weren't gone was true." He said and I nodded.

"Now I brought you in here, to brief you of the basics you'll need for training and also tell you about druid magic now, it has gotten different and has advanced from the little we knew." He said and I nodded sitting down in the chair close to his table, he went inside another inner room and came out with a box which looked like a crown was carved in it, I realized I was really clueless about anything related to druids and I was a druid, he brought out files from the box, and he removed the rest.

I turned when the door opened and my brother walked in, he say down close to me nodding.

"I've told them to start training without us,that you want to brief Kathryn a little." Dylan( my brother) said and I bit my lips nervously waiting for what my father would say.

"So druids are different, we have different kinds more than the two kinds you knew when you were smaller." He said and I nodded, I knew we were just two types of druids when I was little, it was obvious that they were different kinds of druids.

"And one druid, that's a person," Dylan said pointing to me, himself and my father, "we can have different types of druids in us,and also our abilities can be more than one." Dylan said.

"So you need to discover if you have more than one ability, I'm sure you do though, it isn't just healing powers you have." My father said.

"And what if it's just that?" I asked.

"Then that's okay, but I'm positive it isn't just that, everyone in the family has more than one." He said and I nodded.

"So how will I find about my other powers, I just realized I can heal, because Bas was hurt, how do I know what else I can do?" I asked and my father gave me a paper he removed from the file.

"Won't it be harmful for her, won't it be too much?" Dylan said standing up, I held his hand shaking my head, I didn't whatever he said was dangerous, but I actually wanted to do whatever it is, to realize my potential.

"I think it'll be better, and she should be exposed to the good, the bad, the ugly before finding it out elsewhere." My father said.

"Well, that's actually true." Dylan said.

"So you'll take the power realizing test druids take now, it might hurt you," my father said and I turned to Dylan who nodded.

"It's not just a might hurt you, you'll be hurt, because you won't conquer everything in the test room easily, so that's how you'll know what you have and then you get to training to strengthen the abilities you have."  My father said and I swallowed, I won't lie if I said I wasn't scared when they told me, I was extremely terrified, and I didn't even know how to react, I just hope I was good at doing whatever it is, and I wouldn't chicken out immediately.

"Okay, so where is this room?" I asked.

"It's the door you saw that has a transparent glass that people can see, you'll take the test there." Dylan said.

"So everyone out there would see?" I asked a little frightened about what was happening.

"Yeah, you'll be okay, we need to see so you wouldn't get hurt, that's all, so we can stop it before time." Dylan added and I nodded nervously, he held my hands clutching them with his, and I smiled.

"You need to do this, so you'll know how to protect yourself." My father said.

"This city is dangerous,and trust me lots of supernatural creatures start things and they get away with it, they even kill others here, and the law doesn't do much to them, even with the king trying to keep law and order, he has tried, but they are also oppressing him in that seat, though he has done better than any other King that has seated there." My father said and I swallowed, remembering what Bas said and how this place was even I told him I was ready to be a Vampire, and when I didn't know I was a druid myself.

"And also there are things here that aren't supposed to be here, supernatural creatures going rogue not just vampires, other creatures, so you have to be careful, and know how to take care of yourself, and also most of the so called councilmen are part of this, so they could take over the rulling throne,they do anything they can, to get what they want." Dylan said.

I now understand why Bas had to leave to take care of those he thought would hurt me and he ended getting hurt in the process, this city wasn't just bed of roses as Bas said, he was right when he told me it wasn't just bed of roses, I now understood why it looked so beautiful in appearance, and how whatever wrong they planned where done in secret, they were lots of dangerous activities Going on here, and those getting hurt were dragged into this power struggle and the struggle for whoever was the best in tormenting others, this place was like the bestl representation of beautiful suffering, it was fun to live here and also tormenting, it was like the survival of the fittest.

Thinking about how this place is, I suddenly thought of the human side I was, and how I became popular and how everyone also strived to survive and how the populars battled, but I thought it was hard there, but Vampire City made me realize how easy we had it there, at least there was healthy competition and a little dirtying of hands, but it was more than that in this place, it was the highest level of survival and I promised myself right here and now that I would survive, and I would make sure my loved ones would survive with me.

"I'll try." I said and Dylan smiled taking my hands with his, and we left our father's study.

My father has lots of study's and this was one of them, I paused when I noticed stares, I kept a blank expression, I could hear whispers.

"I'm sure she's not that good as I heard, she'll end up being the spoilt brat she is." I heard a female voice say and I turned and met a not so familiar face, I scoffed making sure her and her friend's saw it, they didn't know about me and they were just saying whatever it is they liked, I would show them what they didn't know.