
Chapter 130- Training Room.

"I will, but mostly dad will." He said pointing to my father who stood smiling at us.

I smiled back, feeling really happy, happy that everything was going well, though I knew no matter what, not everything would be perfect, but right now so far, everything was good, and it made me really giddy and excited, excited that I belonged, I never knew they would be a place I would blend so well, never thought I would blend with the supernaturals well, I noticed how I was so happy with Bas and his family, and our squad that were all vampires, I remember how I felt good hanging out with all of them, and I still do, I now realized a part of me strictly belonged to the supernatural side,and that part of me which felt comfortable with them was that part who still remembered the memory I forgot a long time ago, I was happy to get it all back.

It was wonderful to remember my roots and belong somewhere, I remember when my human parents died and I realized I didn't have any other family apart from them, and how lonely I felt when anyone asked me who my family members were, it was insane that I tried wondering why my human parents didn't have any family left for me to call my own, now I thought back and remembered how I was taken to them, I realized I was really the only family they had, and they kept the secret safe, because they cared about me, they didn't have any family because their family all died and it was just left with them and I was their only source of happiness, I was happy that I gave them heartfelt happiness and I'm happy I got to find my way back to my original family, I still feel sad thinking about them, I was their only source of happiness and then they were my only source and they died.

I was beaming at this point, I realized when I faced the mirror, I could see my wide smile and I felt like giggling, I didn't know when I did it, but I actually giggled, I smiled at the face I stared at, I didn't look dejected as I looked when I was feeling way too guilty than I should have felt, I was happy Bas talked me out of it, he did it effortlessly and I was happy to share my feelings with him, he was the best person who listened to me, and he never failed to make me feel better, I wondered if he woke up, his pills contained sleeping pills so he could rest, and I hoped he actually gets a good rest.

Thinking back to the last few hours, I was happy to bond with my brother first, and I did it without feeling suffocated as I felt when I saw them and when I was full of guilt.

He was a very cheerful person, and thay drawing he made of me had me on cloud nine, Lyn was right when she said the talent was in the family, I now decided to bond with my parents, I wanted to feel as close to them as I felt when I was younger, especially my mother, I know my father was best person based on my memories, I remember playing with him and my brother everytime, I didn't remember bonding much with my mom, and my brother was much closer to my mom, and I was closer to my dad, I wanted to bond at least a little with my mom than I did when I was younger.

I remember playing a lot with my father, how we went to every garden just to know the name of all the plants, just to explore every new things we saw, he was the person who made me the researcher and the adventurer I am today, and we clicked more than anything, it made me smile thinking about he was my first best friend when I was smaller.

"Kathryn, are you ready?" I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulders, I relaxed when I realized it was my father he dressed up, he was ready for the training and a little tutoring like my brother said he would give me, I saw my brother all dressed up too, wearing a track suit, like he wanted to run, but it was basically for training, and I realized that this training would actually be a big deal.

"You should get ready too." My brother said gesturing to my gown, and I smiled awkwardly and my father laughed.

I ran inside my room, Bas was still asleep, I sighted his luggage and I took the clothes out, I pulled out his track pants and top, wearing it immediately, I stopped a little staring at his face, he looked so peaceful while sleeping, it was so wonderful to see and stare at, I'm sure if anyone told him he looked adorable he would've argued with the person, he had incredibly long lashes and eyebrows, his pointed nose looking very sharp up close, I took a picture of him in my mind and decided to draw him once I was back from my training, it was going to be amazing trying a up close drawing, he would be the first person I would make an up close drawing of.

I kissed him on his forehead and ran out of the room, I could feel him stir when I kissed him and I knew he was going to wake up soon, so I smiled knowing he would join me in the training room Soon.

"You're wearing his track." My brother observed and I smile, he beaconed me over and I followed him, a little anxious about what I was going to meet or see, I didn't know much about being a druid and it seemed like things had changed during the last time I was still a druid, there were different things now from what I knew and was used to before.

I paused when I went into the training room, it was wider than I expected, it had many training tools, I blinked twice when I realized they were other druids here, this training room looked like a place people used a lot, and it made me a little scared that I was meeting with people I never met before, I smiled slowly when my brother told me to come in, I saw my father walk out and I heaved a sigh or relief, thinking about how I would meet them and how they'll react.

I bowed my head greeting everyone, and they also did they same, they stood apart when I walked pass and I wondered why they did that, some even stared at me like I actually grew two heads, I smiled softly while following my brother, the room was so big it was a long walk in front.

"Good day everyone, welcome to the training." My father said and everyone nodded.

"Yes King." They said with a funny tone and I laughed knowing that my father was friendly with everyone, but I wondered why they called him King.

"Come on Kathryn." My father said and I climbed up meeting him.

"So this is my long lost daughter Kathryn." My father said to everyone and they nodded.

"And Yes she looks like Tatia." My father said and they laughed, I was actually nervous meeting them like this, I felt like I didn't look my best though I managed to pack my hair into a messy ponytail, and I didn't look bad, but I was a little self conscious, I had a thing for making first impression and I felt like the first impression I made wasn't even strong, at times like this I wished really wished I had Bas's ability then I could know what everyone thought, it was better than being nervous and watching the faces that never even gave away what they thought, and that's how they looked, like they weren't impressed and also weren't interested, they has a blank expression,the men and the women here, some were about my age, some were about my brother's age, some were much older, and their stare unnerved me, but I heaved a sigh of relief and followed my father to what looked like a small office.

"I never knew you had such a big training room." I said and he smiled at me.

"I hope you're not mad at me, I know you may be pissed and it's understandable, you may hate us for not looking for you well, and we couldn't find us, but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." My father said taking my hands.

"Why would I be mad at you, I have no right to be, I can't even thank you enough for being my father and also being patient with me, with how stubborn I was." I said and he smiled.

"I think I spoilt you a lot, and kids that age were that troublesome, I've missed you a lot than worry about such a thing.", He said and I hugged him.