
Chapter 129- My Brother's Painting.

Raina's POV.

He laid down relaxing after taking the drugs, it looked like it was going to be effective.

"Once I wake up, I want to be so energetic." He said smiling as he laid down.

He turned to me beaconing for the to lay down with him, I slipped onto the bed covering the duvet with him, it was a little cold, cuddling next to him made me feek more warm. 

He brought me closer to him and I smiled, he patted my hair as a pattern, he joined our fingers together, and I smiled, he kept patting my hair, till I felt him stop, I realized he fell asleep, I smiled slipping down and covering the duvet on him well, kissing his forehead,I left the room, I could hear voices downstairs, I decided to go downstairs, I was no more guilty and I wanted to catch up with my family members, I'm happy Bas made me loose that guilt, I was more confident and I liked it.

I went downstairs and smiled when I saw almost everyone who now occupied this house there, some were seated in different groups discussing, Bas's father nodded to me and I smiled at him, I sighted my brother sitting down doing something which I didn't know, I decided to go to him first.

"Hey you." I said and he jumped his pen falling to the floor, I smiled and he picked up his pen with a smile, he raised his brows in question and I shrugged wondering what or why he was asking what ever went through his mind right now, at times like this I wish my powers were more like Bas's powers, if it was, I would've easily knew what he was thinking of right now, I shook my head willing myself to forget about whatever it was right now and talk to my brother.

"I'm surprised you came to me, I feel like you were avoiding me, no let me rephrase that, our family." He said looking at me, I bit my lips guiltly, and I sat down close to him.

"I was but I'm not doing that anymore." I told him softly with a smile, he frowned dropping his pen and turning to me facing me completely.

"Why would you avoid us?" He asked, and I could see genuine concern on his face, he wasn't angry, he just wanted to know why I did it.

"Because when I got my memories back, I was feeling really guilty about what happened when we were little and I blamed myself for it a lot, so I didn't want to face any of you, I felt bad, that I wanted to leave thinking I was never wanted here." I said and he gasped shaking his head.

"Why would you ever think that?" He asked.

"Well, my guilt was making me think of unimaginable things too." I said.

"You don't how much we've been searching,now your absence made us feel, how we're still so shocked that it's you, you're actually real, and you're here, and we're very happy, how we're thinking of things to do to make you catch up, how I was so happy when I heard you got your memories back, it made me feel like I could connect with you.", He said tears brimming in his eyes, and I could feel the tears slide down from my eyes too.

"Hey, don't cry, stop crying please." I told him wiping his tears.

"You should stop crying too." He told me with a smile and I laughed.

"I'm so sorry, I just thought you didn't want anything to do with your family." My brother said and I shook my head, he nodded.

"That would never happen." I replied hugging him, he hugged me back, we were both sniffling at this point, I smiled slowly, I was happy I got to meet him.

"So, what were you doing?" I asked and he turned to his book, raising it up I realized he was drawing, more like sketching someone, I have never been good at drawing a perfect portrait of someone, I realized my brother was good at it, the only portrait I drew once was that of Bas that's all, and though he told me it was really beautiful, I didn't feel that confident about the portrait.

I watched him sketch the person's neck, it was like a neck of a delicate swan, it looked really familiar, I watched him sketch the clothes adding each layer and piece of clothing slowly, he looked like he was adding it, but it felt like he was unravelling each piece and it was so beautiful, I saw closer and I saw him smile a little, I realized he has the same side dimples my father has.

When he's finished with the clothing, I realized it was a regal gown and I smiled, I wished I had such a gown, I would slay all the possible and perfect style it had, it layers that unraveled slowly was everything

I watch him draw the legs and shoes, I now realized the person he was drawing would stand. He drew the shoes and I smiled, it was also a regal shoe as well, the little floral pattern the shoes had was just like the pattern of the regal dress, and as he drew every piece, he painted it, the colour was coming out, the only thing left was the person's face, I wanted to see who this person was, the hands looked too familiar, and the ring in the hand had me staring at my hands too, it was at the exact place, I blinked while staring at my hands wondering if he was drawing and realized why the drawing looked familiar.

I looked up and a gasp escaped my lips, it was really me he was drawing, he finally drew the face and the hair, it was all packed up, the necklace which I wore that Bas gave me, I gasped and stared at him. I now understood why every time he drew and unraveled every part of her, it felt familiar like I knew this person, I didn't even realize I was this person, and the gown, I never had such a gown or shoes or made such a hair before, but he drew it like he was familiar with it, though I knew I would rock that fantastic outfit.

"Wow you're done with the drawing." I turned and saw an excited Lyn standing close to my brother he turned and smiled.

I watch him go back to his drawing and add the finishing touches, the environment which I stood, it looked like this house like a part of this house, and I turned to him, I knew he could feel my gaze, but he just laughed.

"Wow, now it's perfect." Lyn said when he handed it over to her, it looks like how she would rock this outfit.

"What outfit?" I asked and Lyn smiled pointing to the drawing carefully so she wouldn't clean what he drew.

"This outfit exista?" I asked and she nodded.

"Well it does, I made your brother see it, and he drew this after, it'll be the portrait in the party, remember your parents are throwing a party for you." Lyn said excitedly, I just stared at her like she grew two heads, but I remembered my parents talking about a party, and Lyn offering to plan it, I realized how real everything was actually happening.

"Oh wow, damn this talent runs in the family." Matteo said as he saw the drawing Lyn held, Lyn rolled her eyes and I stared at them in suspicion, it looked like something happened,but I couldn't quite place what happened between them, but there was a tension between them.

"So when is this party?" I asked.

"It'll be tomorrow evening which is a total free day and holiday here in Vampire city and your parents are inviting tons of guests here, and this would be like your introduction to the city, so everything has to be perfect." Lyn said taking the drawing away.

I kept blinking like I didn't hear anything she was saying, it was surprising that I would meet others in this city, and she told me it was like an introduction to the city, I grew up here at the other outskirts, but I was to be introduced here again, I imagined the witches who planned on attacking my family and I was scared, what if they did that again,now I realized why Bas had to go out and make sure it was little safe from certain people.

"Oh wow, it's a full party then." I muttered and my brother hugged me.

"Yes, and you know Lyn she loves Parties, so it'll be a blast." Matteo said with a smile and I nodded, that was actually true about Lyn, she loves parties,she absolutely loves them.

"So I'm just to sit and watch the surprises?" I asked my brother who shook his head.

"Nope, you'll get to train a little, we don't know how many abilities you have yet, but you need a run down of how a druid uses their powers." My brother said.

"So who'll train me?" I asked.

"I will, but mostly dad will." He said pointing to my father.