
Chapter 112- Positive comments.

Raina's POV.

"Woah People are changing their minds." Leticia said with a smile while showing me a post, I waved her off, I didn't even know what she wanted or why she showed me that, but I wasn't really in the mood to view anything online.

I was afraid of what I would see, what I would find, I knew how brutal people could be, and I knew how they used Social media sites to do things the way they all wanted, so it made me a little nervous to even try and check anything out.

She pouted and stared at her phone again, and looked back at me, I raised my brows at her, I didn't want to be mean, but I also didn't want her to disturb me, it was already irritaiting me that this controversy happened, so no matter how caring she may be, I didn't want anyone rubbing it in my face.

"I don't want to see anything related to that incident Leticia." I said while stressing her name.

"I'm sorry ma." She said facing her seat, I sighed rubbing my temples, I felt bad that I shut her up, I was just in a really bad mood now.

It felt like, as I progressed into a good mood, immediately I thought about the incident and how I was harrased for it, it made me more upset.

"I'm sorry for how I acted." I said calmly to Leticia and she nodded.

"I'm just really ansty when I hear anything that is related to the situation, that's why I behaved that way, I'm sorry." I added and she smiled nodding, she looked at me for a minute and opened her mouth, she must have had something to say, but she didn't say anything, she just smiled and turned back to her seat.

"Ma'am, you need to see this." Jackson said, he stood up from his seat close to mine.

"See what?" I said with a biting tone, but he didn't hear me well.

"You're trending online again,but this time.." I waved him off, didn't let him finish his sentence, I sighed as I rubbed my temples again, I had just warned Leticia about this, and now Richard brought it close to me.

"I don't want to see anything about me trending, I'm so tired that if I see any negativity right now, I'll be exhausted." I said panting a little, I had just got worked up because of just hearing something about the trend.

"No, trust me, I feel like Leticia was also trying to show you what I want to show you right now." He said shaking his head.

I closed my eyes for a little while, doing what I was taught by my therapist when I lost my parents and was having a hard time coping, I often got angry, and I fought with my classmates, so I was detained a lot, it was like a regular occurrence, so she taught me to close my eyes, think of something wonderful or whoever made me happy, and I would be calm soon.

So I heaved a sigh of relief, blocked the words I heard from their mouth, I didn't want to hear anything again, I might get really upset if I did, and that's what I didn't want too, getting upset was now a luxury for me, if I did, I might really loose my cool, and I didn't want to loose my cool, I've held it in, and I knew how terrible I was when I got really angry.

I turned to them, counting one to ten again, since they kept saying the same thing, "I don't want to see anything…." I didn't finish what I had to say when Richard told me to "shush" and shoved his phone to my face, I turned to him and she smiled a little, the glare I gave him after he smiled,made him shift to the other side a little, still pointing his phone to me, I looked up to Leticia who nodded slowly, I don't know whatever they wanted to show me, but I really hoped it was worth it, I stared at the post;

"I totally believed like everyone did that she slutted her way there, and that's why she got the position, but seeing her do this right at the last minute to improvise for our clients made me realise how people are quick to judge when they don't know the full story, I know you may all think it's PR I'm doing here and she must have paid me or something, but no, I have been the one of the people who bashed her, when her engagement news came out, and I also liked, and also posted hate posts about her, when she came to the museum I treated her with disdain, but she still did what she has to do, and I realized how talented she was, the CEO employed her for her talent and I'm sorry for ever saying something bad about her, I'll delete them all soon, I'm keeping the hate posts, so people who think I'm lying would see the truth in what I'm saying, I plead you all to stop calling her names and accept that a beautiful woman can be Talented, and also find a nice man, without doing what you all do in your private time, and even if she was dating the CEO, and they hid it, they did it because they would get this Backlash they are getting after announcing their engagement, allow people to be happy, and stop being prejudiced against women especially, as I man, and as someone that has witnessed her talent today, I'm saying stop the hate comments, the hate, reporters leave her alone, and leave the CEO, they are two talented people who deserve to be with each other and deserve happiness, and most importantly stop the patriarchy!!"

I gasped as I realised that he was the art curator that stared at me with disdain and he was giving me questionable stares, I turned to Richard who just smiled and showed me the Raina trend, and I told him to pause for a while, I rushed to the Instagram comments and smiled widely.

I was so excited to see the positive comments, they warmed my heart, it was a total relief, I felt a little bad when I realised this was what Leticia wanted showing me, but I was happy I apologized to her and seeing this news totally lightened up my mood like a dynamite.

I laughed so hard I could feel the tears from my eyes, I was so happy right now, my mood was lifted to the highest level, it was insane, the way my mood switched so much when I read this, the comments made my head spin with excess happiness, I ran to twitter and saw the trends there, I was trending and I could see they the hate comments, and the backlash were reducing to praises, I didn't know how to even thank the art curator, he did a lot for me, he managed to diffuse the negative energy people had towards me.

Now I understood what Lyn said about social media life being very unwavering, it could go up and down, and it could go left and right, and also being in the public eye, meant people could judge you for everything you did, even things you didn't, that was how life as a celebrity was, being on the public eye was something nice and also annoying as well.

We reached the office and I couldn't see any reporter packed out front, though we didn't take the front gate or parking lot, we decided to take the back gate, so if anything happens, we could safely stay away from the public eye.

I smiled when we reached the office, I had to go back to the financial account department and balance my account again, we profited from the museum gig, and I profited too, I chuckled lightly, it helped my reputation and it also helped me make money for myself, for the company too, since they were getting their cut, and the team members.

I was still getting stares but this time, it didn't affect me one bit, Lyn told me about reveling in the lifestyle sometimes, so while they stared at me, I kept walking with my head high and a smile, I definitely wasn't going to feel bad now, as I got defended.

I called Lyn immediately I left the account department, she picked it on the second ring.

"Hey, have you seen how the tables have turned?" She asked and I smiled.

"It was so surprising, but I'm so elated right now." I said and I heard the laughter and noise from the background, looks like she went out.

"Anyways, I'm happy that is over, people will still talk but not everyone, we have planning to do." She said and I nodded ending the call, I knew she was talking about the wedding, I smiled as I thought how lucky I was.