
Chapter 111- Sudden Change.

Sebastien's POV.

I felt a little worried when I left Raina, nah, scratch that, I wasn't a little worried, I was more than worried, it felt like something kept clutching on this dead heart I had, I keep wondering if it was just the mate bond working, or just my attachment to her, or the fact that I was absolutely in love with her.

And I felt she was hurt, it made me want to punish everyone who hurt her, so they could pay for making her that way, I know she appeared fine, she smiled for the little time I saw her, but I knew she won't be fine, once she kept seeing those comments and hearing what people said.

I blamed myself, I wanted this engagement, I knew she said she accepted it, but I was the one who pushed for the marriage immediately, after she told me she had decided to be a Vampire, I wanted that more than anything, so if we're ever to sleep together, I wouldn't hurt her, I don't care how much she denied that j didn't hurt her on our first night together, but I knew how it was, she was exhausted at some point, but my energy was soaring, I kept nibbling at her, almost hurting her, the marks on her body were from my hands while holding on to her, so I could stop myself from drinking her blood, her scent didn't even make things easy, I liked it, but it was so addictive that I wanted it to consume me wholly, I rushed her for the wedding after she accepted, so it ended up hurting her, and this made me diskike myself, it felt like the pain she was feeling now and what she went through right now was all my fault.

I rubbed my temples, I'm sure they must be so tired of me rubbing them so much lately, but lately things have been a mess, especially these past hours, everything bad thing just happened so fast immediately we announced our relationship, Lyn was right when she said they'll be much backlash, all I wanted to do right now was make it better.

I kept racking my brain earlier, to think of something, I texted Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo to tell me anything they thought would help me stop this backlash right now, I sighed as I realised I couldn't think of anything to do right now when all I could think about was Raina, and how hurt I made her, I still blamed myself, I didn't care what she said about me not blaming myself, but it was pointless, I was also to blame.

The floor crashed with the files, documents, pencils, pen, laptop, and iPad on my table, I stared at the mess I made on the ground for a minute and sat back down, slamming the table throwing it to one corner, I was starting to get into a mood, and I wasn't such a nice vampire when I was moody.

I moved closer to my table and gripped it, it shattered, it didn't reduce my anger, I felt like it won't, because my thoughts intensified it more.

I mind spoke to Gabriel immediately telling him to come to me immediately, I was afraid of what I would do, I was even scared of what I would do to him, if he came to me when I was about to rage or even rage.

The door opened, and Gabriel and Matteo walked in, I sighed as I saw them, I'm sure he called Matteo for backup, "you look like you're about to explode." Matteo said coming close to me, I stared at him and he paused a little watching me cautiously.

"Hey, you're okay, just calm down." Gabriel said and I shook my head, seeing them around calmed me down a little.

"I'm calm." I said and they came closer.

"You scared me there." Matteo said and I scoffed.

"I'm sorry, just having a lot on my mind, and it's making me upset." I said sighing as I sat down, if I were to count the number of times I sighed today, I'm sure it'll win me awards.

"I think she will be fine, so you have to stop worrying about her." Gabriel said and I raised my brows, wondering why he would say she was fine, when be saw the backlash and everything.

"How can you say that?" I aske a little Irritated.

"I'm saying you should calm down, right now, I'm sure she'll feel better, with the support she's getting." Gabriel said and I still stared at him, obviously confused, I did not understand what he meant by the support she was getting and who the person supporting her was.

"I mean, this video just blew up online, I showed it to Gabriel when I came here," Matteo removed his tablet, he swiped for a minute and brought out a video.

He was on Instagram, it was a video of Raina, she was cutting A4 papers and making shapes and also painting them to add meanings to the painting, I smiled when I saw this, if he wanted to show me how Raina was faring right now, he would have told me that directly, right now, I was delighted to see her this focus and happy in what she was doing and I saw damn proud, she was so darn talented, her talent spoke for her, she didn't really have to talk much.

"If you wanted to show me a picture of her, doing this and being happy to lift my mood, you would have said so earlier." I patted Matteo at his back, he just shook his head staring at me strangely.

He swiped up the photo a little, "maybe be anger and sadness makes one blind after all." He said and pointed at the caption.

It looked like a long Instagram caption made by the person who posted it, it went like; "I totally believed like everyone did that she slutted her way there, and that's why she got the position, but seeing her do this right at the last minute to improvise for our clients made me realise how people are quick to judge when they don't know the full story, I know you may all think it's PR I'm doing here and she must have paid me or something, but no, I have been the one of the people who bashed her, when her engagement news came out, and I also liked, and also posted hate posts about her, when she came to the museum I treated her with disdain, but she still did what she has to do, and I realized how talented she was, the CEO employed her for her talent and I'm sorry for ever saying something bad about her, I'll delete them all soon, I'm keeping the hate posts, so people who think I'm lying would see the truth in what I'm saying, I plead you all to stop calling her names and accept that a beautiful woman can be Talented, and also find a nice man, without doing what you all do in your private time, and even if she was dating the CEO, and they hid it, they did it because they would get this Backlash they are getting after announcing their engagement, allow people to be happy, and stop being prejudiced against women especially, as I man, and as someone that has witnessed her talent today, I'm saying stop the hate comments, the hate, reporters leave her alone, and leave the CEO, they are two talented people who deserve to be with each other and deserve happiness, and most importantly stop the patriarchy!!" I blinked twice after reading the long Instagram caption, I couldn't believe it, there was someone who said this, and this person was once a hater, I smiled knowing it was her talent that got her this support, checking out the comments, I could see positive comments, lots of them, the video had over two million views now, it looked like it went viral and also, the person who posted it, he has about 1 Million followers, he was a popular art curator and he worked at the museum. 

I smiled and made sure I read all the comments, it made me happy that people changed their mind.

"Woah, she's really talented, she really is." 

"I can't believe she just did that, woah."

"I don't know why I said something horrible about her in the first place, I hope I'm forgiven, I'm her new fan today." 

"Wow, and the rumours weren't true, she got there using her talents."

"This is amazing, I'm her fan, I never for doubted her, I'm happy people are seeing this."

"She's crazy talented, that's why the CEO must like her, he loves talent."

"She shouldn't receive insults anymore."

I paused for a while and handed the iPad back to Matteo, "thanks man." I said and he sat down looking at the mess I made on the floor, he smirked.

"Anytime." He said and I chuckled.

"I'm happy this is over, or it has reduced." I Said heaving a sigh of relief.