
Chapter 109- Backlash 2

Raina's POV.

After leaving the hangout with the squad, Lyn agreed that I should post about my engagement, she gave me an official statement to use, though I wasn't planning on using everything she said, it sounded too official and business like, so I decided to add a little caption about how I felt, I did that in the car on my notepad before Bas dropped me off.

I planned to text the head of my fan club, so she could make things easier if they were any backlash after I posted everything.

I was told by Lyn that I had to post fast, because the plans we had was a lot.

Lyn gave me a run down of things, the marriage preparation, I and Bas would marry before we prepare for my change to a vampire, she also told me that, after marriage, vampires and their spouse spend time, at least a week, I was nervous, because she told me that I was supposed to be careful, it was dangerous over there in the vampire city even for vampires, she mentioned excess competition and jealousy, and I needed training if I became one, so it was not just as beautiful and colourful as I imagined, life as a vampire was not just fancy.

I sighed as I waited for my fan club president to reply to my email.

I ran to my laptop when I heard it binge, 

"Hi, Raina, thanks for telling me beforehand, I am very happy for you, and you'll make us prepared for any backlash, it may not be easy, but we'll love to help you.

Congratulations once again." I smiled when I read the message, my fan club president was everything, she was really nice.

I closed the laptop, and laid down on the bed, imaging how my life would be soon, it was a big decision that I made, and I absolutely wanted to spend time with Bas, he meant a lot to me, and the Vampire life didn't sound as perfect as I knew and as I read in books, it was a little harder than that, from what Bas, Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo briefed me so far, it made me a little scared for what I was about to get into, I know I wanted to stay with him, and I've made a very good decision, I would get used to it soon.

I smiled as I picked up my phone and posted the picture about our engagement.

I shook a little, I was worried about what will happen, it was going to be a little messy, and it made me nervous, but I was very happy to begin this journey.

I dropped my phone and switched it off, I laid down on the bed thinking about how the internet must be blowing up right now, after I've posted and I was sure Bas did too, it was going to be very loud, and I was sure people would judge me most especially, that's how it was for women, they were always picked on the most and it made me so mad that we didn't have equality at least a little bit, even in this age.

They would blame me the most, we already had relationship rumours and now we were announcing our engagement, it made it suspicious for people, I was already accused of sleeping with him to get a position, so it was going to be so annoying tomorrow.

I heaved a sigh and willed myself to not think about how tomorrow would be and let tomorrow decide for itself, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


I woke up when I felt a hand shake me, I picked up my phone, it was 10 am already, I needed to go to the office, though I doubted how peaceful it was going to be.

I looked up to check out the person who woke me up, it was Lyn she stood hands akimbo staring at me shaking her head slowly.

"You're sleeping peacefully, for someone that has sent the world tumbling." She said and I raised my brows in question, I didn't know how I sent the world tumbling.

"What's going on?" I asked when I heard the noise outside, it was really loud outside, it looked like there was a party going on.

"Well, sleeping beauty," Lyn said dramatically and I laughed, "while you were asleep, after dropping the bomb on us last night," she said taking my hands, I followed her to the window, "technically, the bomb on people that didn't know," she said opening the windows a little, looking down, I saw what I didn't really like, reporters who didn't know how to mind their businesses and who also flocked for any little news and it looked like they were all here, "well, it got reporters here, as you can seem" Lyn gestured down and I sighed, it was really hectic than I thought.

"How am I going to leave the house?" I asked sitting down on the floor, willingly praying for the floor to open and swallow me.

"Well, I've called for security guards, to take us out." Lyn said and I hit my head on the floor twice, she came close to me and dragged me up, "I came here because I knew this would happen." She said.

"Disadvantages of being a popular person, people dishing what they want you to do, always telling people what to do." Lyn said.

"And also being a woman, it makes it more difficult for us." She added and I sighed.

She was right, I knew I was getting chewed out, I was called a slut and many other things when they saw me getting a new department and being an HOD, I wonder what I was being called now, it was going to be really tiring and chaotic than I thought, but it didn't really matter anymore to me, because I was more than ready for whatever it is people would bring my way, I made a decision and no matter how hectic it was going to be, I won't be backing down.

"Oh," Lyn said going to check the little hole at the door, "I think the security guards are here." She said.

"Dress up, we'll grab a snack on your way out." She said and I nodded.

"As for me, I've had a drink already." She said and I smiled, she must have gone hunting last night, I wondered if Bas went with them after dropping me off, though he told me he had hunted recently, he may have joined them.

"Let's go." Lyn said when she saw me coming down, I just packed my hair into a ponytail, applied gloss on it, picked up my flat sandals, it went with my gown.

The guards stood at the door immediately we opened, the guards protected the reporters from hoarding us, but it didn't stop the flashlight from getting pictures, and it definitely didn't stop the questions I was getting.

"Have you been having an affair with your CEO for a long time now?"

"Is this why you got to be an HOD of a new department, he suddenly created?"

"Is is true, you slept with him, and you aren't really that talented?"

"What do you have to say about the sudden engagement?"

"Why did you hide your relationship in the first place?" 

The questions were starting to get to me, but I willed myself to not listen, Bas wouldn't create a department for me, if it wasn't profitable and if I didn't have the talent to manage it, and my work so far, has proven it, though right now, this questions made me feel really Irritated.

I sighed as I sat down in the black bus the security guards brought, Lyn grasped my hands a little and I smiled, it was going to be okay, I just had to smile even though I didn't feel like smiling, the reporters got into cars to join us, if this was how it was here, I wondered how it'll be at the office, and I had to be there, needed to submit my plan to the financial team, and also meet with my team, I wondered if they thought this way of me too.

We reached the office, and the number of reporters I saw were thrice the amount I saw at my house.

The guards blocked me, and the questions I heard were almost recycled, like they had the same pattern;

"Have you been having an affair with your CEO for a long time now?"

"Is this why you got to be an HOD of a new department, he suddenly created?"

"Is is true, you slept with him, and you aren't really that talented?"

"What do you have to say about the sudden engagement?"

"Why did you hide your relationship in the first place?" 

I sighed as the question came, I went into my department, bidding Lyn farewell.

My workers surprised me with a cake, and it lifted my spirits, the talks I heard while coming in really annoyed me, I was happy they weren't among.