
Chapter 108- Backlash.

Sebastien's POV.

Hanging out with the squad was everything, we teased each other, laughed, drank, played and even slept, we all went to our different places when it was a little late.

I dropped Raina off at ther apartment and went to mine.

It was going to be a hectic week again, and it would be more chaotic with what we had in hand, but I had plans to make, and I didn't want to waste more time, we needed to prepare for the engagement announcement and also the marriage, I hadn't even talked about preparation of her being a vampire yet, we had to make all these, it was going to be a long week.

And I needed to take her to vampire city,she was forcefully taken at first there, and also she came along when I had a trial, but she didn't really know the city, and it was important that every vampire, true blooded and made vampires to be known at the vampire city, I knew we would get married, and I knew that the second celebration of the marriage would be there.

The city was where the mother brought vampires to existence, she made us all, where we all started and we owed our allegiance, vampires from other towns apart from Pineville came here, it wasn't situated in Pineville, it just stayed on it's own, and vampires register their names there.

I knew it would be tough for her when we go there, but it would be for the best, I know that I'll be with her, Lyn would too, same with Gabriel and Matteo, we are all here for her, and it meant a lot, that she wanted this life.

I was very happy and also shocked when she agreed to be a vampire, this vampiric life was really sweet with enough money and even with that, it was very hard to no be unhappy even while living, it was okay being undead, but making sure you weren't killed by other undead, who would always attack and wanted what you had, we were jealous creatures, so it was really understandable, I had to teach her a lot about this lifestyle, it wasn't definitely going to be bed of roses, it was a lot more than that, many vampires were attacked by their following species everytime, and that's why they trained and some used dark magic to get Extra magical ability or powers to overtake each other, the council and the court was something else, everything about being a vampire wasn't simple and I would make sure she knew that, so I won't hurt her, and I prayed her abilities should be strong ones.

I sighed rubbing my temples as I brought out the written notice Lyn told me to post on my Instagram account, she also gave it to Raina, I was sure Raina would post hers too.

I posted the information with our shoot, and the ring, me kneeling and putting it on Raina's finger, and also two other pictures.

Lyn's caption went like; "Hello, everyone,hello my fans, I have an important news to announce, I've been in a relationship with Miss Raina for a while, and we've decided to take it to the next level, I proposed to her and we're making wedding preparations.

I love her so much, and I've decided to settle down with her, she's the woman of my dreams, the one I choose to spend my remaining years with, I hope everyone would love and support us, thank you so much.

I added the next line myself, but I couldn't help it, I just had to post how I felt about it a little, if I wanted to describe how she made me so capable of loving, I would take pages and different Instagram stories just to post them, so I limited them to a line, I didn't care about how people would see me now, but all I cared about was how Raina would fare if she was attacked by people and I didn't want that to happen, she meant everything to me, I just didn't want to see her hurt in anyway.

I posted it, and I could see likes and comments, I knew my Instagram account was the highest in Pineville, it was blowing up, I turned off my phone and slept with a smile, knowing that Raina must have done that too.


I woke up rushing out, the number of reporters I met at my doorstep was vast, they stood at every corner, I rolled my eyes, I already called Gabriel, I knew this would happen, and I didn't really have the time for this.

Gabriel came with security personnells and they made way for me, we left for the office in a minute, I had an important meeting to attend.

"Wow, they really came to the house." Gabriel smirked and I smiled a little facing the road, I had too many worries now and I didn't really care about what reporters were doing and why they came to my house, I knew I was the reason they came, but I was more about Raina, women have always been the ones shouldering every pain, they were the ones who got more hate, venomous actions and disruption.

"How are things over at her side?" I asked.

"Compared to yours, you know how girls are ridiculed, some are saying, she used you to get where she was, some are positive, and some don't have a side, but you both sure are making waves.* Gabriel said and I nodded.

I was right, she would be attacked, and it was so annoying I couldn't call her right now and tell her how much I'm sorry for all these happenings, and also comfort her, but I was really going to be busy for a little while, I needed to round up this meeting, I knew they are nosy people in the meeting, but I was prepared for them, it didn't matter.

"Good day sir." A man who I didn't know waved at me, I nodded rushing up to catch the elevator with Gabriel who was far ahead.

I could feel the stares, I normally got them every time I came here, but the one I got now was more, even those who hid away when they saw me, stood aside and stared at me, I understood this would happen, people hinted at this, and we denied, and now we announced we've been together, it was normal for people to act this way.

I didn't know some of them wanted me to be hung in their rooms, so they would be satisfiied, or they didn't want me to ever settle down, and now they were upset that I am.

I joined the elevator and we reached the meeting room in no time, I could see their faces, they were already pissed,the scowl they had on was evident, I sighed as I came in.

"You shouldn't keep us waiting, we have things to do." Mr Gerald said, he hit the table, I stared at him raised brows, I felt like loosing my temper, but I was in the wrong, I smiled and faced them all again.

"I'm sorry for running late, I had reporters at my home." I said bowing slightly.

"I see, you must be just being stupid with the girl you opened an entire department for, that's why you wasted our time here." Mr Ruben said, I paused, I wanted to lash out at them all, but I kept my cool and smiled, I wasn't quiet for no reason.

"We can now start, sorry once again for the delay." I said smiling.

The meeting started swiftly, I was thankful that Gabriel was here too, he answered lots of questions that were about to be thrown at me, I knew the Answers but I wasn't stable, so I might end up saying something bad.

I was busy thinking about Raina, how she felt, if I got this much backlash, then I imagined how you felt, it was with her, I wanted to hurry and leave, to meet her and tell her how it'll be okay soon, people changed their minds easily, that people would soon love us, but I wasn't close to her and that is what hurt me the most right now, was me not being by her side, it annoyed me so much, I sighed as I stared at the paper before me absently.

The meeting was taking longer than I expected, it was more tiring to me, I didn't do anything, but staring into space made me a little tired, I answered the questions thrown at me, so they wouldn't do it with Gabriel, I answered them like a programmed robot, I wanted go to Raina's department.

The meeting was finally over, it was like a long made wish finally true, I ended it with a fake smile, I also didn't want to appear tired.

I smiled when people started leaving, I turned to Gabriel who nodded and took the papers from me.

I ran out immediately, rushing to get to her.