

Shopping is acutally one of my least favorite activities. I hate it. I don't like anything about it to be totally honest... that's why I drag my little sister, Jackie, along with me. She's only two years younger then me so we are actually really close. Pretty much inseparable. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that our mother forcered us to share a room from the time I was six and she was four...

"Do you like this?" I ask her and grab her another dress from the rack. "It's pretty! What are you trying to be? Sexy? Innocent?" She asks and continues searching for the dress. "I can't be sexy in front of his parents , Jackie." "Sure you can. You just have to play it smart. Don't be boring, just be... classy." She says and pulls out a blackdress and I shake my head. No. She rolls her eyes and I take my dress of choice to the dressing room and try it on. It's pretty... it's white and comes to my thighs, not tight at all. It does show some cleavage, which I'm okay with, and my legs look really great too.

I show my sister and she likes it, but she won't admit it because she wants me to dress like I'm going to a night club. I change back into my jeans and go pay for the dress. So glad that's done, I love when I can shop for something and be done within an hour or two, makes things much less painful for me. After shopping is done, we go back to Danny and I's house and I cook lunch. I love to cook, it's my favorite way to relax and relieve stress. Danny likes it too, but for different reasons. Usually, on Thursday nights, I cook dinner for him in a lingerie set and an apron... but we don't have to get into that.

"So, how's Danny?" Jackie asks me. " He's good. His sister is coming back to the states after four years next week, that's why I needed the dress." I say "That's nice. Have you met her??" "No, I haven't. I've heard a few things about her though. I don't even know her name to be honest with you. She's younger then he is though." I say and my sister nods. "Good. Hopefully you guys can become friends. Mom has been bugging me about Leon again." She explains. Leon is my sister's on-and-off boyfriend of three years. They've had some nasty fights and break ups, but they absolutely cannot stay away from each other! It's ridiculous.

"What is she saying?" "Well I- he came by the other night and I snuck him in. We went to my room and things were fine. Then when I tried to sneak him out mom saw him... she's just- she's overreacting to it. She hates him for no reason!!" She says. "Jackie, you know she has a reason. I don't even like the guy he called you some pretty horrible stuff." I say siding with my mom for once. "He didn't mean all that." " That's what you say every time." I tell her. " Seriously though, do what you want. Just please don't get hurt again. I hate seeing you that way." I continue. She rolls her eyes and nods. She's so stubborn.

"You like it?" I ask with a bright smile as I do a little spin in front of Danny. I wanted to show him the dress I got. " It looks beautiful on you, which isn't very surprising." He smiles. "Mm, I love you." I say and kiss him softly. He kisses me back and I go to the closet to change back into my sweat pants and t-shirt. "Hey, babe? I wanted to talk to you..." He says. Oh no, he scares me when he does this. "About what?" "Come here." He says. I go to him and he sits on the bed and I follow, I'm nervous.

"I know how I feel about you, and I know we are getting married and all of that stuff... but I wanna take things to the next level." He says. I laugh and look at him funny, "How so? Babe, I wear a ring. It doesn't get more official.." I laugh and tuck my hair away. "I mean... lets have a baby." He says. This totally blindsides me. "A baby?" "Yeah, I want a family with you." He says and puts a hand on my thigh. " Danny I don't know... a baby is a lot to take on. Plus, how would your parents feel about that?! I really don't th-" "It's just a suggestion" He says. "Babe, You're never home. I'm not complaining because I know what you do for me. I know your working and all that, but baby I don't know if I'm ready to just... raise a kid. I- I really don't know how that would work." I say. Truth be told, I don't want a baby. At all.

"Come on just- think about it?" He smiles and I nod my head, knowing very well that I won't be thinking about it. "In the meantime..." he says and strokes my thigh. "It wouldn't kill us the practice our baby-making skills." He says and I bite my lip and giggle. "Was all of this just a lead-up to get into my pants tonight?" I tease him. "No! I'm serious about the baby; however, hearing you moan wouldn't be a bad thing right now." He says and kisses my neck. "You want me moaning?" I ask him and look at the ceiling. "Mmhm." He says and keeps his lips on my skin. "Better be ready to play rough then." I whisper to him.

I really can't believe he suggested having a baby... a baby!!! Neither of us are ready for a freaking baby. He's a Psycho.