
My Boss Who chase's me

I wished death was inevitable in life I would have always been nice to everyone in life. Emma couldn't take it anymore,she wants something hard and rough. He stood up and carried her up stairs and they entered a room. Then without seeing it coming he grabbed me and kiss me so intense. I didn't understand what was going on. He held me so tight as we kept on kissing. I could feel my body being to concur to the situation. His hands go down my ass. He squeezed it tightly and I could feel the kiss begin to evolve as we moved. He raised me up  placing me on the bed. He took off his shirt and took off mine as well.  He grabbed my breasts and played with it as he saw fit. I moaned feeling the sensation welling inside me. He put his hand under my skirt and moved my panties to the side and being to tease me. He rubbed the surface of  p***y softly Which arouses me every now and then.  After a while he put a finger in me and moved it back and fort. I was in cloud nine, I grabbed his hand following the movement not wanting him to stop. Then he takes off My skirt completely so he could have easy access before leaning down a little now facing my p***y. "Aaaaaaaaaaahh  aaaaaahh....." I was enjoying the electric wave that was going through me. I could feel his tongue rubbing my clit I moaned with pleasure "Oh yes, right there.oh! Don't stop now" my body began to shake,I was3 approaching orgasm when he stopped. He turned me around to back him. He unbuttoned his pants and took it off completely. He whipp his cock on my ass and placed me in an arch position " Once I start is going in hard and fast no one will save you, you will beg for Mercy" I was too intoxicated to care about what he was talking. He put his harden cock all up inside me. I moaned "aaaaaahh " Urggh" He moaned with pleasure too. His thrusts were alot harder.i heard every slap if his waist on my ass going hard and the feeling was nice. okay am new to writing do have been writing a lot of books for myself but I don't really publish any of it but I just have to sort of know trying to help my ideas and see what I post to came back so right now I would love everybody on webnovel to please support me with what they can in any way you can please I need your support on this book please I'll be uploading my chapter bit by bit cuz I'm still working on it well the story is all about a lady who's really into her boss at the office but the boss can't seem to get enough of her please enjoy the book as you read it I hope not to bore you out but hope you find it interesting by reading the book thank you and God bless you all I love you guys

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35 Chs

Wedding event 2

Even though Samantha claims to have moved on, she still dreams about the event flashing all over her every time. She still thought about it and deeply remembered the dreadful day of her life.

Samantha had spent months planning her dream wedding to the love of her life, only to have her world come crashing down on the big day. As she stood at the altar, waiting for her groom to appear, she received a heart-wrenching text message stating he had decided to run away with his co-worker, leaving her abandoned and devastated.

Tears streamed down Samantha's face as her carefully crafted plans crumbled before her eyes. Her friends and family tried to console her, but no words could fill the void left by the betrayal. She felt lost and alone, wondering how she could have been so blind to the man she thought she knew.

Unable to face the guests or the pitying looks of those around her, Samantha fled the venue, her wedding dress trailing behind her like a ghost of the happiness she had once imagined. She wandered the streets aimlessly, feeling the weight of her shattered dreams dragging her down.

As dusk fell, Samantha found herself drawn to a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of town. The neon sign flickered in the night, casting an eerie glow over the deserted street. She pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, the stale scent of beer and cigarettes assaulting her senses.

Taking a seat at the bar, Samantha ordered a stiff drink, hoping to drown her sorrows in the burning liquid. She stared into the bottom of the glass, her reflection distorted by the amber liquid swirling inside. The bartender, a grizzled man with a rough exterior, eyed her warily but said nothing.

Just as Samantha was about to order another drink, a man slid onto the stool next to her. He was tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her facade. Samantha tensed, wary of his sudden appearance.

"Rough day?" he asked, his voice low and soothing.

Samantha nodded, not trusting herself to speak. The man studied her for a moment before extending a hand.

"I'm Alex," he said. "And I have a feeling your luck is about to change."

Samantha raised an eyebrow, skepticism creeping into her expression. She had heard enough empty promises in her life to know better than to trust a stranger in a bar.

But there was something about Alex that drew her in, a sense of calm and familiarity that she couldn't quite place. Against her better judgment, Samantha found herself opening up to him, pouring out the story of her failed wedding and heartbreak.

Alex listened intently, his eyes never leaving her face. When she had finished, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, silver coin. He handed it to Samantha, a secretive smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"This is a lucky coin," he said. "Keep it with you, and good fortune will follow."

Samantha scoffed, but something in Alex's gaze made her pocket the coin without a second thought. She thanked him for his kindness and prepared to leave, unsure of what had possessed her to confide in a stranger.

But as she turned to go, Alex spoke again, his voice low and urgent.

"Wait," he said. "There's more to this coin than meets the eye. Meet me here tomorrow night, and I'll show you."

Samantha hesitated, torn between curiosity and caution. She glanced at the coin in her hand, its polished surface winking in the dim light. With a sigh, she nodded, unable to resist the mystery surrounding Alex and his strange offer.

As she left the bar, Samantha's mind whirled with questions and doubts. Who was this man, and what did he want with her? And could a simple coin bring her the luck she so desperately needed?

The following night, Samantha returned to the bar, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She found Alex waiting for her, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he motioned for her to sit beside him.

Without a word, Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out another coin, identical to the one he had given her the night before. He placed it in her hand, his fingers lingering against her skin for a moment longer than necessary.

"Look closely at the coin," he said. "Tell me what you see."

Samantha obeyed, scrutinizing the metal disc with a furrowed brow. As she studied the intricate design etched into its surface, she noticed a faint inscription that hadn't been there before.

"Good luck follows those who believe," she read aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alex smiled, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

"That's right," he said. "You hold the key to your destiny, Samantha. The power of this coin lies not in its material value, but in the belief you place in it."

Samantha's head spun with the implications of Alex's words. Could it be possible that a simple coin held the key to her happiness and success? She glanced at the coin in her hand, its weight suddenly feeling heavier, as though it carried the weight of her hopes and dreams.

Before she could question him further, Alex rose from his seat and extended a hand to Samantha.

"Come with me," he said. "I have something to show you."

Samantha hesitated, unsure of where this mysterious man would lead her. But a voice deep within her urged her to trust him, to take a leap of faith and see where it might lead.

As she placed her hand in Alex's, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, as though she were on the brink of a new beginning. With a deep breath and a newfound sense of determination, Samantha followed Alex out of the bar and into the night, her heart pounding with anticipation of the journey that lay ahead.

Little did she know that her encounter with Alex was only the beginning of a series of events that would change her life forever, leading her down a path of adventure, danger, and unexpected twists that would test her courage and resilience in ways she had never imagined.

What secrets lay hidden within the lucky coins? And what would Samantha discover about herself as she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, guided by the mysterious stranger who had crossed her path on that fateful night?

Only time would tell, as Samantha's destiny unfolded before her eyes, beckoning her to embrace the unknown and trust in the power of belief to shape her future in ways she had never dared to dream.