

A story of Ethan and Emma. Emma's boss wants her but she doesn't know if she's ready to open up her heart to anyone again. *** What would happen to their love story when Emily's past comes knocking during their engagement. Will Ethan accept her after knowing about what her family did to her in her teenage years. *** Her family betrayed her her ex husband cheated on her and now Ethan seems to be on his way to do the same. When will all the pain of betrayal end for Emily. When will she have her happily ever after.

Shiks_254 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 9

Once the waiter left there was became silent for a while. 

"So Emily where exactly are from? As in your home town."

"England. But I spent most of my time in Africa..." there was posse for a while "... Mmh... Helping per say." Emily felt suffocated when she remembers the real reason she was there but that was in the past and no matter what she couldn't change it but she also couldn't trust this man before her. Coz it was people like him who contributed the most in her suffering just because they had money.

"ow wow that's great it's not that easy to find young women interested in helping the less fortunate people of society  So what exactly did you help with there? If you don't mind me asking."

"Actually I do. Can you just keep quiet for a while... Please." Ethan had no intention of pressing her for answers  He had had her investigated. Although he was particularly interested in knowing what happened in Africa  The report he got all seemed fabricated for some reason like someone was trying to cover up something. 

Their cake was the first thing to arrive and Emily did not wait a second before digging in

This made Ethan chuckle a little even in the office he always noticed that on her desk there was always a piece of chocolate cake or another chocolate dessert.

"You seem to love chocolate so much. I guess that way you seem so sweet."

Emily's face went red like a tomato. "Stop that, I already agreed to give you a chance so stop trying to flirt with me every opportunity you get."

After that the atmosphere was no longer so tense and their 1st date went on great. After dinner Ethan dropped Emily off at her apartment and went home with a big smile not knowing about what his mom had planned for him when he arrived. 


" Where is my gorgeous mother. Your fevorit one and only child is back." came Ethan's happy cheerful voice  

"Ethan am in the dining room come here for a second I have something to discuss with you." Ethan's mother had arranged for a blind date for her son but she new if told him in advance he would find a way to escape. So she just invited the young lady to their house so that he could force him. 

" Mom what's going o... "Ethan did not get to finish his sentence he saw the slim fragile looking girl with red hair and heizle eyes. 

" Ethan this is Cassandra or Sandra for short I want you and miss Sandra to go to the gala tonight instead of me and your dad. And before you say anything this is not a request if you don't you won't be allowed in the company for a year." and with that his mother left before he could protests. 

Cassandra was having a hard time with all the excitement. Ever since she saw Ethan at a charity event a year ago she had pressured her father about finding a way to get her to meet him again.

And now she finally got her wish the only thing remaining was to seduce him into marrying her. Her dream has always been to married to a young handsome young rich guy like Ethan that way she won't need to worry about money ever in her life coz if she needs something she could just ask her husband for it right.