

A story of Ethan and Emma. Emma's boss wants her but she doesn't know if she's ready to open up her heart to anyone again. *** What would happen to their love story when Emily's past comes knocking during their engagement. Will Ethan accept her after knowing about what her family did to her in her teenage years. *** Her family betrayed her her ex husband cheated on her and now Ethan seems to be on his way to do the same. When will all the pain of betrayal end for Emily. When will she have her happily ever after.

Shiks_254 · perkotaan
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

When Ethan and Emma came out a few minutes later Max was long gone. Emily looked at Ethan ready to ask what he did but Ethan bit her to it. 

"Don't worry I didn't kill your ex and damp his body we just talked and 'decided' that he should leave and never come back "

After all that both of them claimed in Ethan's car and off they went to the restaurant for their date. When they arrived at the restaurant, the receptionist  greeted them politely and then escorted them to the most beautiful looking table in the restaurant with an excellent view of the beautiful garden full of lights that looked like they stretched out for miles and miles like they have no end in sight. 

Emily was so mesmerized by this site that she did not notice that Ethan was looking at her all along. Ethan couldn't take his eyes off her and when she smiled he felt his heart skip a beat. He felt like taking her in his arms and just chain her to him for life, to stake his claim on her in front of the world. But when her face went from all smiles and happiness to being sad Ethan felt like someone was tearing his heart to shreds. 

"What's wrong don't you like it. We could go somewhere else if you want. Come on get up and let's go." come Ethan's suggestion which was enough to get Emily out of her thoughts. 

"No it's beautiful it just kind of reminds me of how my mom used to decorate the house for my birthday when I was young before...." she stopped her self before she reviled the most painful memories from her childhood. 

Emily closed her eyes to prevent the tears from coming out. When she was sure she was OK she opened her eyes to see a very concerned Ethan looking at her. 

" I'm okay really don't worry. Why don't we order." and right on cue a waiter came with the menu. 

It's not that Ethan was blind or anything he could see the pained look she had when talking about her mom. But he knew that in order to get her to open up her heart to him he had to earn her trust fist no matter how long it takes. 

"so what would my lovely date for tonight want ?" 

"mmmmmh how about the chef's special with red wine and a chocolate cake for dessert. Oww bring my chocolate cake first while we are waiting please.  

Ethan couldn't help but lough at her." which normal person eats dessert first especially cake. Don't you want to watch your figure or something." 

"Hey don't judge me. Who made a rule that girls can't eat some comfort foods and maintain a perfect figure. Besides I do go running for this specific perpose so let me enjoy the benefits of my very hard work Mr.  

" OK OK I won't judge although I think you would look cute no matter what." this statement made Emily blush and Ethan chuckle. 

All this while the forgotten waiter who was standing still waiting for Ethan's order felt like crying. 'I really need to reconsider my career choices.' 

" Ow sorry I think I'll have the same as the lovely lady." and with that he went to get their order ready. 

Ethan was there still staring at Emily who chose to egnore him. Ethan had originally planned to take her to an amusement park but when her stomach grabbed in the car earlier he brought her here even though they weren't exactly dressed for it. 

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