
My Boss Is Secretly A Softie

Elara was not a nosy person, but something about her supposedly perfect boss helplessly weeping at night in an empty office triggered her curiosity. Mr. Terrence, her boss, was the ideal image of perfection: powerful, rich, and amiable. There had not been a single flaw in him until the day she saw the crack in his mask. Not only was he not the dominant figure she had assumed, but he was also clingy, sweet, and... wasn’t this the ideal puppy boyfriend?! How was this possible? Her boss was actually a secret softie! Follow Elara as she navigates the chaotic relationship with her 'perfect' boss, filled with nothing but surprises!

Rara_Clement · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

A Risky Decision

While watching Star set up the livestream Elara was still busy trying to get used to her tail and ears. Unlike other simple cosplay tails and ears, this one could make movements making it more realistic.

"Star had said it was gifted to her for free in exchange that she advertised the product for the company.

As soon as the live stream started, a clutter of comments bombarded the screen from fans who had long been waiting.

Star surveyed the comments; it was filled with a mix of welcomes, comments on her costume, and anticipation for her first livestream after returning from her tour.

She smiled cheerfully, "Aww thank you so much everyone~! Am very appreciative of all your support during my trip. I truly can't thank you enough! And no, Dominic is not and isn't becoming my boyfriend anytime soon, he's just a close friend."

"No, again, it'll be rather inconsiderate of me to give away his number without approval; it's not possessiveness or evidence of a secret relationship; it's common decency among friends. Sorry, not sorry."

Watching the still tenacious fan of hers selling CP, with a sigh, Star decided to bring their attention to something else.

"Today we're going to be doing a special streaming~! I rarely do collabs, but since it's been a while, I wanted to try something different!" she said, eyes sparkling in excitement, which affected the fans whose curiosity was triggered.

Smiling, she decided to keep tickling their curiosity, "They're a very special person, you see. They've only appeared twice before, yet you guys couldn't seem to get enough of them! Can you guess who?"

Watching the comments section explode with all sorts of guesses, she smirked mischievously.

"No, no, no…. You gotta guess or that's no fun. Close enough bunny4life but not quite there," gesturing to Elara secretly she kept on fanning the flames.

"No~, come on guys try harder!" she said, knowingly ignoring the few right guesses while calling out the wrong ones just to tell them they were wrong.

That way, a perfect suspense was established.

With a wiggle of her tail and ear, Elara made her way to Star with a lollipop in mouth and hand. Standing behind Star she casually asked, "Want this?"

"Hm, why not?" Star said with a light smile, taking the lollipop and stuffing it into her pocket.

Cracking the lollipop with her teeth before flicking away it's stick, Elara's golden brown eyes flickered to the screen, with a light smirk she greeted, "Hi guys~."

Comment section: !!!


Am just a simp-leton: [Damn….!! Goth squirrel mommy?! Count me in!]

Cosplayerfollower333: [OMG! She finally appeared after many failed promises! Wuwuwu, she looks as cute as ever; please elope with me, Clara!]

Furrylover: [The tail and ears move?! I gotta buy that shit!]

Leftisthenewright: [If sandy cheeks ever had an upgrade.]

Deathbysnunu: [You can choke me with those thighs!]

Religiousbuddah: [I'm cumming to take you away miss! I am not as pretty, but they say if you can't be it, then make it yours!]

Communityspirit: [I had a great disturbance in the internet.gif]

Justafeminist: [Can we all just appreciate beauty without down-bad comments? By the way miss, those look heavy, mind if I help you with them?]

"Alright, alright, I understand the excitement of seeing a new face, especially after a long while, but I was hoping you degenerates could control yourself a bit… " Looking at the two consecutive chicken gifs that flashed by, Star squinted, "But I was clearly wrong."

Clara chuckled lightly, perfectly embodying the demeanor of a benevolent big sister, she said, "Let them have a little fun…"

Folding her hands under her bossom, she concluded with a light smile her eyes shining with a playful look, "I'm feeling quite generous today."

Star: You are?

Elara: Don't pretend like you didn't script it for me to act like this -_-

Star: ^w^

Justafeminist:[..... Still need my help?]

Rule34: [(This message has been deleted for violating community guidelines).]

Religiousbuddah: [Generosity is the core of all Buddhas. I knew we had something in common. Shall I come to take you away so we can explore each other's temples?]

Penholder235: [@Religiousbuddah are you serious?]

Mightydragonholder: [Instead of following the lesbians why not follow me instead so that I can show you my mighty dragon?]

Religiousbuddah: [We have been thought to bless our fellow humans when we have been immensely blessed. That is the core of generosity. Context: I don't mind the some of the three.]

E Lara: Do I have a say in this or na?

"Alright, commentators, pipe your dragons and coves down; we'll be starting an interesting game…" Star trailed off, "Would you rather? Squirrel edition!"


"We'll ask eight questions, and for the last three, we'll roll a roulette, and any lucky three audience it falls on gets to ask a question each. Anything as long as it doesn't break the rules. Don't make me ban anyone, please," she said with a serious tone, "Are you ready, Clara?"

#Of course," Elara replied with a smile.

"Then let the game begin!"


"Sir, would you like a glass of wine?" Merlin asked Terrence, who was lounging comfortably on a sofa while watching something on his phone.

He had on casual wear while cuddling the peach teddy bear Elara had gifted him.

His gray eyes gazed up at him, silently stifling his breath and making his heart race in anxiety. Those eyes when without expression held such coldness to them it could freeze over an ocean.

"Yeah, why not," he replied, shifting his gaze back to what he was watching.

As Merlin poured the wine his eyes couldn't help glancing at what his boss had been so lost in watching. Terrence was so lost in whatever it was that even until he walked right behind him he was barely noticed.

Unfortunately, he was caught staring. Fortunately, his boss didn't seem to mind.

"That's Elara right?" Terrence asked with a neutral look while pointing at the female in a squirrel cosplay outfit, answering questions from a red-clad host.

Merlin stared at the female in the frame with her gothic makeup and squirrel outfit, including her sensual attitude that was completely different from Elara's usually reserved one, and made his conclusion.

"Absolutely not sir."

"Haha, I see."

Merlin was confused by this reaction but decided to pour the wine and take his leave anyway. Could she really be… they looked so different though? Was makeup that powerful??

Twirling his glass of wine lightly he took a sip, his eyes never leaving the livestream.

Maybe he should support them.


"Holy shit did you notice that last donation we got?! That person freaking triggered the donation cool-down! And it wasn't even from a fan!" Star yapped excitedly as Elara brought out a bowl filled with chocolate balls.

They were already done with the livestream and had changed to more comfortable clothes.

"Yeah, I was very surprised," Elara said, sitting beside Star while stuffing a chocolate in her mouth.

"They're obviously a fan of yours! It's been so long since that happened before, am so fucking jealous!" Star exclaimed, making an exaggerated pout.

"Yeah, pity."

Star: Why so cold girl TnT

Elara: ....

"Anyways, what have you been up to with both of your friends on a trip??" Star asked in anticipation.

"Nothing much. I just got myself a hangout buddy," Elara responded, casually stuffing another chocolate in her mouth.

"A what?"

"A hangout buddy. We're not friends, but we hang out."

"So… friends with benefits?" Star asked feeling more confused.

"What? No!" Elara exclaimed with a look of disgust, "Hangout buddies."

Star stared blankly like she was having difficulty understanding what Elara said. Seeing this, Elara giggled, nudging her on the forehead with a finger to bring her back.

"Fine. I am confused, but whatever, you should introduce them to us soon, male or female?"


"Does Terra know?"

Elara frowned slightly, "Terra's is not my girlfriend you know, just because she parades as one doesn't mean she is. Also, she's been very busy, so we've not been in contact for a while now."

"Shrugging while reaching out to the bowl of chocolates, Star replied, "As long as you're having fun. You're usually very critical about the people you hang out with, so I am a bit surprised."

"Yeah whatever…. "

Indeed, she was very critical of those she spent time with; she was very sociable, but her circle was small. As for Terrence… she acknowledges maybe allowing him in was quite a reckless decision considering the consequences that could follow it.

The last thing she wanted was a disruption of her peaceful life and Terrence was a variable that could lead to that, but something about him drew her in. Something about him just left her endlessly intrigued, and although she was a careful type, one main motto in life was to do whatever she wanted as long as she could handle the consequences.

The risk was high, but it was just too alluring. Elara, this daredevil, believed she could handle it.

But could she?