
My Boss Is A Lady

Staring casually into his eyes, the tears she has been holding in her eyes broke loose within the lids of bondage and rolled down her cheeks. It didn't take up to a minute before her eyes turned red. "You really didn't care, did you?" Her shaky voice nearly succeeded in bringing the young man in front of her, to his knees. "I-I di-did... This is a mis-take... Don't be li-like this..." "Like what?!" She screamed! Her hand already flying in the air towards his face... But... Someone held her hand from behind. Prepared to vent the anger on the person behind her through redirecting the slap meant for the man in front of her, she turns unsuccessfully forcing her hand out of his grip. The hot tears that were gushing down her face this whole time dripped more profusely. Her red face started calming down when she saw the man behind her. Her pink lips forming an oval shape that signified her shock. "Haoran...?" The man smiles handsomely with his eyes displaying happiness in them. "Yes... It's me" She slowly buried her head into the chest of the man and wept in pain, punching his chest lightly and murmuring. "Why didn't you go? It's an opportunity that can't be-?" "It isn't an opportunity that will make this company flourish. If it is, it won't make me leave you" Hearing his voice made her cry the more. She looks tattered, and poverty seems to be her identity. The siren of the police vehicles engulfs the air and the man who attempts to run away got handcuffed before he even realized he needs to move. The eyes of Haoran scan Haozi dreadfully as the woman cried on his chest. "Where are the others?" ******* Experience the journey of Haoran and Ai Mi as they work hard to retain the biggest company of Japan, and discover so many missing people in their lives. Standing for each other is their virtue.

novel_lights · Perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

One Last Step - Too Late

"... Affairs?" Ai Mi asks without knowing when a chuckle escaped her mouth.

It made Haoran hesitate a bit before he continues again.

"Yeah..." He whispers

"Munchen? Affair...?" She asks again, but this time to herself.

She laughs out with her eyes gradually becoming teary. She hopes Haoran don't see it.

Which means Munchen has been cheating on her even before she caught him. It means he had no control over himself from the start. It means he told other women that the woman he's dating is...

Is just so... Cheap.

She's cheap...

She bends her head, making her hair to cover the sides of her face, making Haoran not to see the hot tears that flowed down.

".... Cheap"

That's a word her mother suffered from ever since her father started molesting her.

He said it himself when he was serving in jail.

Haoran, on the other hand, hearing the shaky voice of Ai Mi when she spoke made his hand shake also.