
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-eight

Third Person POV

The men Anna hired know that if they insisted on carrying out Anna's plan, they will be digging their own grave, at that moment they know that the best thing to do is to leave the house where they have been staying and make do with the money Anna paid them. They all packed everything that has to do with them and left, but before they left they opened the door to the room where they kept Melvin so that when he woke up from his sleep he can find his way out of the place. Melvin woke up to see the door to the room open, he stepped out of the room and looked around the corridor but there is no one in sight, and the whole house is silent unlike what he has been witnessing since they brought him here. He doesn't need anyone to tell him that Anna is behind his kidnap, cause that is the only way it will make sense, that he was treated nicely while in captivity. Melvin quickly left the place when he noticed that nobody is around, he doesn't want to waste time in case they come back, he headed straight to his parent's house cause that is the only safe place to go for now.

Rose and her men arrived at the bungalow and luckily there is no one checking since they are very sure that knows about their whereabouts, they did not tighten their security. The police arrived and as Fred promised, there was no siren, the team into different teams, every team moving to where they are assigned to stay. Rose some of her best men with the security team from Jerry and the police walk in through the front gate, they are armed with silencers. They don't want to alert Anna and Steve, they want to round up the men working for them first. When the men at the gate sighted them, they brought out their guns to shoot but they were easily gunned down by the men before they could make any sound. They entered fully inside the compound and scattered around the compound, trying to cover as much ground as they could, Max and George stayed beside Rose as she instructed them. They kept on gunning down the men, but out of nowhere they heard a gunshot and they know that their presence has been announced, they have no other choice but to get ready for what is about to happen.

Anna was on her way to check if there is any change in Sarah since she gave her the drugs when she heard a gunshot, she looked around to see that all the guys loitering around are now on alert. Steve stepped out of the room where Victor is staying and because he is in a hurry, he did not lock the door. That gives Victor to liberty to come out but he did not come out immediately cause he wants to be sure of what is happening first. Steve saw Anna in the corridor looking so confused, he approached her to calm her down. I have called Kyle to check out what the gunshot is all about, probably is one of the guys messing around, I don't think it's something serious, Steve said to Anna. But inside him, he is panicking cause the thoughts in his head are not nice at all. He doesn't want to think or believe that George and his entourage are the ones shooting outside cause that only means one thing, and that is that they are doomed. Anna stood at a corner waiting for Kyle to show up or hear another gunshot that will confirm that the guys are not playing around with guns.

Anna knows that if they are surrounded by George and his men, then it is game over for them but there is no way she is going down without a fight. She is still standing there when Kyle appeared and confirmed their fears. We are surrounded by George and his men, most of our men are down, and those left are still fighting but we will lose, Kyle informed them. Anna heard what he said and did not utter any words, and walked towards the room where they kept Sarah. Steve can already guess what is going on in the woman's mind, and rushed to her, to stop her from doing what she is about to do. I don't think what you are about to do will be necessary cause it's over, didn't you hear Kyle we are surrounded, Steve, told him while holding her hand to stop her movement. It might be over for you but it is not over for me, I still have my last card and I will use it to get out of this place, Anna said and slipped her hand out of Steve's hand. What will happen to Sarah if you are successful enough to use her to get out of here? Steve asked her.

It's simple, I will kill the bi*ch, Anna answered nonchalantly like she is not talking about taking someone's life. Not while I am still alive, they heard Victor speak while blocking Anna from going inside the room, the two of them did not notice him approach them. Anna looked at him and gave him a creepy smile, at this point, she don't care about offending Steve, the only thing on her mind is how to get out of here without losing her life and she doesn't mind shooting Victor if that is what it will take to get out of here unscathed. I don't mind killing you, cause even you will not stop me from leaving this place with my life, am not a loser and am not giving up! She shouted at Victor and brought out the gun she has been carrying around with her. Steve was shocked to see Anna with a gun and the fact that she is pointing it at his son, makes him want to go crazy. Anna put that gun down and go inside and do whatever you want to do, Steve told her in a panicked voice. Victor was surprised to hear what his father just said, cause he thought his father wanted him to protect Sarah.

Dad, what are you doing? There is no way I am letting this psycho come close to Sarah talk more of doing what she has in mind, Victor said standing his ground. Victor, please don't do this, save yourself first, Steve pleads with his son cause he is not with a gun and he never likes the thing in the first place. Kyle already left to save himself and a few of his men that he can save, so it's only Anna, Steve, Victor and Sarah inside the house. Anna doesn't have the patience and time to watch the drama unfolding before her so she gets her gun ready to shoot Victor, but Steve saw what she is about to do, and hugs his son immediately after taking the bullet. Victor was confused for a second before it dawned on him that his father took the bullet for him, with Victor's confused state Anna entered the room and pointed the gun at Sarah. Stand up right now! She shouted at her. Sarah already figures out what is going on, cause since she saw that man yesterday she has been expecting that something like this will happen, but with the gun pointing at her, she has no other choice but to comply with her.

Seem like your husband decide to be a hero but I wonder what he is going to do seeing his wife at my mercy, Anna said while escorting Sarah out of the room with the gun pointing at her head. Anna has forgotten about Victor who is on the floor with his father crying, Rose, George, Max and a few of the policemen entered the house but were halted in their steps when they saw Anna pointing ga un at Sarah's head. George is in a full panic mood, he saw his uncle laying down in his pool of blood with Victor kneeling beside him, who is looking at Anna who has her back on Victor with all the hatred in the world. Mrs Black put down your weapon and surrender yourself, 'cause this is the end of the road for you, Fred said to Anna. Officer, I will advise that you put down your weapon and make way for me to leave this place, cause any wrong movement from you, I will pull this trigger and am sure that George here will not want that, Anna said to them, knowing that they will comply cause they will not want to be the reason why Sarah died.

George wanted to ask them to lower their guns but he saw his cousin behind Anna's back and before he could comprehend what is going on, Anna is already on the floor while Victor is holding a vase glaring at the unconscious woman. The police quickly handcuffed Anna before she gets her consciousness back, they also took the gun from her.