

Julia Davis, a very beautiful,smart, hardworking 24year young lady finds herself working in a noble business institution as an interpreter under her strict boss Kerry Harrison ,whose seen as a workaholic and a "no joke, no distractions" when it comes to business. Although she dislikes his whole being and personality including the way he treats women, she makes sure everything she does goes into accordance with his instructions, especially business matters. She works in accordance with his rules because to hell she needs this job to take care of her mother and young sister, her worlds. She knows her boss very well and doesn't want to mix personal feelings with work. Nervousness kicks in when she has to work even closer to her strict boss as his personal assistant for six months. Kerry Harrison, the 27year youngest owner of Harrison &Sons Corp . He's known to be cold, a workaholic business man who doesn't mix personal feelings with work. Being the youngest and only son to his parents,he had no other options than to inherit everything his father left, upon a long time separation with his mother. Although he's main objective was to become a doctor owning his personal hospital facility and not to become the next of kin to his father's company. His dreams was shattered right after college when he had to save his father's company from collapsing and going bankrupt. Now, the raising of his father's property is entrusted to him and that explains his personality. Although he does not do relationships but he adores women who possess good work ethics most importantly when they're very hard-working towards their job. He easily discards anyone who tries to pull him back when he's progressing. Now, there's Julia to whom he made his personal assistant for six months. Will she be able to meet his criteria, standards and love codes? Will he be able to tolerate her? Will she ever get used to him ,let alone get attracted to him? **** Let's dive into their world

MartFord21 · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter Two

At his office

Julia's POV

Mr Persus was already seated in his office waiting. He was my boss's one time business partner and they really get along well with each other. They were more or less like friends with different personalities. Mr Persus's much of a talker,the flirty type and  a jovial man compared to Harrison, my boss.

I quietly entered greeting him then placing Mr Harrison's briefcase on his  desk ready to set up his laptop and arrange his documents.

"Ahh.. always beautiful Ms Davis", I heard Mr Persus say while I was turning on my boss's laptop.

"Stop flattering me Mr Persus", I told him  while he laughed .

"I'm not and you need to let Harrison know that you're the reason I keep waiting at his office",He said while I shook my head to show how unbelievable that he is.

"The man with a big P !!",my boss enters with his arms stretched to embrace Mr Persus. Mr Persus got up from his seat to reciprocate his greetings.

"It's good to see you man",Mr Persus said happily.

"Likewise ", I heard Harrison ,my boss say

"Looking good as usual",Mr Persus complimented him.

"Thank you so much", Harrison said as he goes round to his desk to take a seat after I had set everything up for his use .

"You kept me waiting for long",Mr Persus complained.

"I'm so sorry but we need to finish up the unfinished businesses we have on our plate today", Harrison said while I stood at the left side of his desk next to the door with my hands on my sides waiting for him to dismiss me. I listened to them talk about thing or two.

"Uh Julie?

"Yes sir?

"Please get Mr Persus and I lunch , we'll be here for awhile.

"Ok sir", I said matching out of the office to order and take delivery.


Harrison's POV

"So umm... I told you..", I began to say but was interrupted by  Persus

"I like that girl, Julie. "She's smart, beautiful and intelligent, all I want in a woman",Persus said still looking at Julie's retreating figure disappearing as she went out to grab lunch for us.

I pursed my lips looking at him.

"Boss, please don't fall in love with her here . I need her here and I want you to focus on our meeting as well ", I told him. Sensing my distaste in the way he behaved he looked at me and smiled widely.

"I'm focused",He said grinning.

"How are you focused when you are checking Julie out".

Persus laughed shaking his head.

"This isn't funny Persus and you know".

"For goodness sake, all work and no play huh?", He said  still laughing and shaking.

"I'm serious", I said glaring at him.

Knowing my expression too well when I get serious, he stopped joking around ,took  a file of documents from his briefcase and faced me since he sat across from me.

"Ok let's start"


Julia's POV

I took my phone out calling the delivery guy.

"Hello, where are you?", I said asking the delivery guy.

On my way ma'am

"Ok boss needs his lunch

Got it meet me on the street.

"Ok fine I'm walking out of the office right now to the streets. Bye", then I hanged up

"Hi Julia", I turned to meet my boss's girlfriend Kate who held a worried expression.

"Hi", I responded looking at her .

"But ,what brings you here. "Is anything the matter?

"It's Harrison. "I called him in the morning",she said while I sighed and placed a hand on my temple.

"I was there", I told her looking at her mirroring her worried expression.

"So-so you heard how he spoke to me?",she asked.


"I just want him to understand that I'm not here to disturb him",she trailed off sighing audibly along.

"Is that why you came?"

"Yes",she said and I sighed irritated by the way my boss treats his women and how those women won't just back off.

"Kate, honestly, he's in a business  meeting with his partner. I don't think he'll have time for you today. His table's full .

"Ok I  should just quickly see him?

"Look, I'm trying to let you know that he doesn't have time. Like I just said, his table's full", I said to her.

"Are you trying to say that I should go?",she asked with her expression changed.

"Uh no. What I'm saying is.....fine. Kate, why don't you call him tomorrow, let's just say around 2 or 3pm. By then, he'll be done with his meetings then who knows, he can invite you to his place for dinner. If he does that fine.

"Ok great idea",she said her face immediately brightening up .

"Um, sorry I have to grab lunch for my boss", I said excusing myself to go pick up the order.


At the office

Harrison's POV

"Also we asked him for his expansion with strategic partnership and um...increased  profit ability",Persus explained his view while I sat there listening to him.

"Exactly what I'd suggest but you know what we're talking about isn't it?", I asked him with my brow raised.

"Yeah. We're talking basically about ideas, activities, minitiator and good business strategies alternatively to umm..help business growth and increase revenue. An advise to someone",he said nodding his head and typed a thing or two on his laptop.

I kept what he said into consideration.

"Hmm... you're right-", I trailed off but was interrupted when a knock came at the door to reveal the last person I want to see right now especially when I'm in the middle of an important discussion.

What nonsense is this

"Hey, I'm I interrupting something?. I saw Julia on  my way and hi babe",Kate said as she came close to where I sat to touch me but I put my hand up to stop her from doing so.

"Yes, is everythirng ok?", I asked looking at her

She sighed and whined.

"Babe,it was about this morning",she said still whining.

"Allow me give you guys a minute", Persus said as he gets up leaving the office.

I nodded and sighed not happy at all that she had to show up in front of me at my office whereas I made everything clear to her.

"Kate? I thought I told you I don't like being interrupted when I'm working?

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): MartFord21 ♥️