
Chapter 47 Relax Wendy

“Relax, Wendy,” Christine said, dropping into the seat next to her.

“What do you mean?” Wendy said, glancing around the lecture hall before looking at her hands.

“You’re tense as hell. Are you nervous about your grades? Didn’t you say you talked to Montreal and convinced him to give you a second chance?”

“Yeah, I did. He didn’t fail me yet—I just found out he gave me a D.” And god, it had been such a relief. Wendy didn’t think she had ever been so happy to receive a D.

“Congrats,” Christine said with a grin, patting her on the back. “I’m still amazed you managed to convince him.”

Wendy studiously avoided her friend’s eyes.

“Speak of the devil,” Christine muttered.

The instant hush that fell over the lecture hall was almost amusing. Almost.

Wendy glanced at Montreal’s tall form before dropping her gaze.