
My Blood God System

You are born to kill, You live to kill, You will die while killing......these were the last words that rang in the head of a man called Reaper. Reaper was known as the most powerful and deadly assassin in the world........he destroyed the organization which trained him and made him an assassin.......he also died after destroying all of his enemies. He thought he was going to hell but instead of going to hell, he was given a chance to reincarnate into another world with Blood God System. He who lived his whole life in blood and died in the blood, is going to use blood as a weapon to create more blood and chaos.....He will be going to known as the Demon God of Blood and Conquest. _____________________________________________________ Disclaimer Hello guys ......this is the first novel I am writing so I am a newbie to this so pls forgive me If I make any mistakes and pls comment on your views on my novel so I can learn and improve myself...... English is not my native language so there are chances that I will make some grammatical mistakes so pls bear a little bit for that......

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36 Chs

Shadow Wolf.

[ Status Window

Name: Austin Silver

Race: Human

Age: 21

Rank: Supreme Swordmaster ( High Tier)

Class: Aura Swordsman

Affiliation: Griffin Empire

Titles: Sword Prodigy, Charmer, Delusional One.

Health condition: Physically Fit but Mentally ill.

Hidden Bloodlines: Silver dragon (10%)

Talent: Aura manipulation

(Sword Prodigy- A title was given to those people who are exceptionally talented with the ways of sword. People bearing this title always became exceptional geniuses and have very fast learning speed and show terrifying powers while using swords.)

(Charmer- A title given to those people who are exceptionally beautiful or handsome and can easily charm the Opposite Sex. People bearing this title can easily earn favors of the opposite sex and can easily earn Spotlight wherever they go.)

(Delusional one- This title is given to those people who mostly live with different Delusions in life. Austin Silver has a split personality disorder which is triggered from time to time and he switches his personality depending on the dosages of beating given by his wife. His oneself knows that his wife can take care of her own and doesn't need his protection, but his other self thinks that his wife is just a weak flower that needs his protection. This happens because he wants to be a Prince Charming which saves a damsel in distress, but the terrifying power of his wife breaks his dreams and he develops split personality disorder.)

(Health condition- Physically Fit but Mentally ill: He is physically fit but has some mental issues. He has developed a Split personality, It's affecting him on the Consciousness level so it can't be cured by healing magic.)

Ethan didn't know if he should laugh or cry about his father's condition. He was even shocked that people of this world can also have Split personality disorder because he thought only people on Earth suffer from this Personality Disorder. One thing is for sure that is his Mother's beating is very dangerous, so he will always try to be on her good side so that he will not get a dosage of her beating.

But the most surprising thing that is his Father have more pure Dragon bloodline then his mother. His mother has only 5% dragon blood in her but his father has 10% dragon blood in him. Well, so what even if he has more pure Dragon bloodline even then his mother he is beneath his mother, because his mother is the best.(^○^)

"Wow, you are looking exceptionally handsome today Father". Said Ethan while entering Austin's room.

"Well, I always look exceptionally handsome but it feels like only today you opened your eyes properly to see my grandness" Said Austin with a smug on his face.

Ethan's face twitched after hearing this. How can a person as shameless as him exists? One thing his both personalities have in common is that they both have Narcissistic traits and believe that they are the most handsome man in the world.

"Haha, yes Father you always look exceptionally handsome, it is just that I am too shy to compliment you every day". Said Ethan while cursing him in his mind.

"Well, good things should be repeated every day, so you don't need to be shy and can compliment me every day, after all only a few people are lucky to see my exceptionally handsome face every day". Said Austin.

After hearing this, Ethan's face twitched and he barely stopped himself from vomiting from the cringe.

"Well, why you are here, and where is your mother?" Asked Austin in a questionable tone.

"Well Mother is gone Royal Palace to meet the Emperor and I am here to ask you something". Said Ethan while thinking how should he convince him to take him along.

"Why has she gone to the Royal palace without telling me? Why is she gone to meet his brute brother, you should know how short a tempered person your Uncle is and your mother is delicate like a flower, and what happens if she is harmed by your brute uncle. I think I should also go to Royal palace".Said Austin with a frown on his face.

Ethan thought in his mind, Brute? what brute. In front of his Mother, Uncle is tamed as a sheep. The true brute is the mother herself. You should be more worried about your poor Brother in law. Well, I think Father's uxorious personality is in command. Uxorious this term is used for people who have and show a great or excessive fondness for one's wife. Ethan also terms this personality as a Foolish lover personality. He named his father's both personalities as Foolish personality and Normal personality. During his Foolish personality, he forgets how much powerful his wife is and thinks she is someone who needs his protection at all times, he also behaves abnormally around his wife during this personality and after a beating from her wife he switches to normal personality and during Normal personality he remembers true nature of his wife and usually behave normally around her, but after some time when he don't get a beating from mother for a long time, he again switch to back his Foolish lovers personality.

"Well, don't worry too much Father even though Emperor is a brute, but it's only for other people. Mother is her sister so he was always polite around her and I think he doesn't even dare to touch a single hair of Mother's head, because he knows if he do something to Mother then he will face your wrath and nobody wants to face your wrath in Empire, even the Emperor uncle himself so don't worry". Said Ethan with a fake smile on his face. After dealing With Austin for three years he also has learned to use different words depending on his father's Personality change.

"Well, yes it's true. I think I am just overreacting who dares to touch your mother till I am alive? As expected of my son you know me well. Well, after all you have inherited my great genes and this much intelligence from you is expected, heheh.Now tell me what you want to ask me, Today I am in generous mood so will give you whatever you want". Said Austin with a arrogant voice.

Ethan smiled in his mind because, he knew his father had taken the bait, " Well father I came to know that you are going for a hunt in the forest, so I also want to go with you so that I can see you fighting from close and see your glorious self while you hunt those monster".

"Well, it's a bit difficult because if your mother knows that you gone to such dangerous place she will worried about you but we'll i have already promised you so, if you request so much then I can let you see a glimpse of my glorious self, so let's go". Said Austin after picking Ethan in his arms.

Outside of the Griffin Empire, few thousand kilometre from Griffin Empire, there is a Forest known as the Dark Forest. It's one of the biggest and most dangerous forests on Azura Continent. Many Empires come here for hunting Monsters and collect precious things from this forest. It's said Even peak Tier Overlord Rank Monsters live in this forest. Overlord Rank is equal to Supreme Rank. It's said there is a great formation laid in the whole forest which stops Overlord Rank Monsters from coming out of the forest and even stop them from going toward lower Rank monsters area in the forest. People say this formation is laid by a human Demi-god to stop these monsters from running rampant and turning this place into a hunting ground for Humans training and power up.

In this forest, a child has entered which soon turns this whole forest as his playground. In the forest, Austin was walking around with Ethan in one of his arm and a sword in his hand. Ethan wants to walk himself, but Austin only lets him come with him on this condition that he will not leave his side. They were not alone there, some bodyguards from Silver Family also came with them and they were between 5th to 9th rank.

"Well, father will we go around where Overlord Rank monsters live?". Asked Ethan in a curious and excited tone.

Austin Shook his head in a no and said, " We will not go in that area because there are many Overlord Rank monsters and joint attacks of them even threaten my life, so I can't take the risk of going there while trying to protect you and our bodyguards. We will not cross the line from where the area of Overlord Monsters starts".

"Then why you came here father, I thought you came here to kill some Overlord Monsters". Asked Ethan

"No, we came here to hunt some monsters up to Rank 9 and to collect some material which will be helpful for creating weapons and we are collecting monster cores which will be helpful for our bodyguards in their Cultivation". Said Austin.

"Then Father how will you know that, it is Overlord Monsters area's line when we reach there?" asked Ethan in a curious tone.

"When you come near that area you will see a red glowing line on the ground, it is the sign of Overlord Monsters area which is also called inner zone or Forbidden Zone, and the area in which we are currently is called Outer Zone". Said Austin.

"Well, it's quite fascinating how we can go in that Forbidden zone, but Overlord Monsters from that zone can't come out from that place. Is normal monsters from the outer zone also can't go there or come out from there". Asked Ethan.

"Well, Monsters from the outer zone can go there but they don't even dare to go there because they know once they enter there they will be hunted in a few minutes. So monsters up to Rank 9 leave in the outer zone and don't go in the forbidden zone". Said Austin.

Ethan asked Gen if there was any difference between Beasts and Monsters because in the past Gen had told him to absorb Beast cores to increase his level and rank, Gen told him that both of them were the same. It's just that people used to refer to them by different names in different places. Some call them Monsters and some call them beasts, but they all belong to Beast Species.

While talking they ventured deep into the forest, during their journey they hunted many Monsters and Ethan watched their Status windows with his Omni eyes, but didn't find anything interesting in them. While hunting Ethan also uses his Omni eyes to get details of everything to increase his knowledge and to find something interesting and during their journey Ethan found an interesting monster that was able to hide himself even from the senses of Austin.

[ Status window

Name: Zether

Race: Beast (Shadow Wolf).

Age: 70

Rank: 9

Talent: Shadow Magic

Titles: One who lives in shadows, Son of Royal Zestros.

Heath condition: Good

Hidden bloodline: It has a trace from the bloodline of the Demon Lord of Shadow and Darkness.

( One who lives in shadows: The one who is holding this title has exceptional talent in shadow magic and is able to bypass the perception of even Supreme and Overlord tier beings and able to hide his traces from them for a few minutes,if it's holder doesn't show any physical movements.)

(Son of Royal Zestros- He is the son of Zestros, who is one the most powerful Overlord from the Forbidden Zone in the dark forest and also known as Royal Wolf. There family is considered Royal wolf family among other wolf families and As son of Zestros who is a Royal wolf, Zether is also considered Royalty among wolfs. He is able to command any wolf special regardless of whatever elements they use below his Rank.)

(Bloodline of Demon Lord of Shadow and Darkness: Demon Lord of Shadow and Darkness is one of the most powerful Demon Lord from Abyss world, who hold absolute commands over Shadows and darkness. Even though this wolf holds only a trace of his bloodline even then it makes him very much powerful in shadow magic, among normal shadow wolfs).

Ethan smiled after watching this and said to Austin, " Father if I help you to locate a Rank 9 monster in this area, then will you let me give it a finishing blow".

Austin was stunned after hearing this and sensed his surroundings and said, "What are you talking about, I can't sense any monster in his area. So stop joking around".

"Well, if I help you to locate one then will you let me give it a finishing blow? If I turned out to be wrong then I will do whatever you say, but if I am right then you have to cripple it and let me finish it". Said Ethan with a smile.

1st male Bodyguard spoke, "What is the young master talking about? I don't see any monsters in this area. Is young master trying to gather master's attention by pulling these types of stunts?

A female Bodyguard spoke, "Well, it doesn't matter whatever he is trying to do. He is just so cute. Look at his red face, I want to pinch his chubby Cheeks and cuddle him.

The third bodyguard who looks like there is commander spoke in harsh and commanding tone, "Keep quiet both of you. You are not at home, so you both behave properly".After hearing his words both of them kept quiet.

Austin thought for a few seconds and said, "Ok, let's do it. So tell me where is that Rank 9 monster is hiding, and let's see who will win and lose this bet. If I win then you have praise me 3 time a day and have to brag about me in front of your mother, hehehe".

"Ok, but you have to attack in the place where I will point without any questions." Said Ethan while igroning his nonsense.

"Ok, so tell me where and when to attack". Said Austin with a smile.

Reaper smiled and pointed to where that wolf was hiding and said, "Attack now".

The Shadow wolf which was hiding under the shadows of a tree, suddenly got chills down his spine.

It tried to run from there but before he was able run,he heard a sound of Boom.

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