

Asher :Why do you hate me ? Ha-Jun : I fucking hate you because......because.....be ... I also don't know ? "Pfft ,"Dae-Jung couldn't help but laugh at his cousin . "Haha ...now...haha ..he thinks you are a pervert ,picture this the class president is a fuckin pervert who likes groping guys asses ."..........… "Shut the fuck up ! After seven good years you decide to show yourself huh ?! I don't even care if you fucking used me ! but you left me alone to raise him! Wait what am I even talking about ?...What I meant to say was you abandoned us! You rejected us ! You rejected your responsibility ! "he said pointing at Ha-Woon who was hiding behind the fountain .Kwan together with Ha-Jun looked at the direction he was pointing only to see a small child shamelessly peeking at them . "Attraction at first sight” does exist. You can meet a person and be physically, emotionally, or intellectually attracted to them. Attraction doesn’t come with any attachments. You don’t need to know someone to know that they’re gorgeous, you just have to look at them. But at times a simple attraction evolves to love somehow,, in someway Asher a cold overbearing CEO was just a normal goofy teen but after a mistake in a drunken night ,everything changes ,he changes he learns how to hate with all his heart and learns how to love those only close to him ,his parents ,his seven year old kid (a result of their drunken escapades) and his siblings and cousin his one and only best friend . NOTICE!!!! :THIS BOOK COVER DOESN'T ORIGINALLY BELONGS TO ME

little_taetae · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


"What do you think you are doing?"asked Asher who was just from the office getting scolded for not doing his duty well as a class president but who could blame him .The head master his uncle had been brainwashed by his father to teach Asher to be a better and yet mature leader and what possible way could they achieve that apart from making him captain of the football team and also a class president double responsibility to teach him what life would be like in the future after taking over his father's company per his father's wishes .

"Nothing ,"Ha-Jun said in a dismissive tone as he hurriedly walked away lest he got into trouble since his class president had caught him sneaking into school in the middle of class ,which meant he was missing class right then .

"Hey ,I caught you sneaking in ,"said Asher following after him but Ha-Jun ignored him and quickened his pase .He could have stayed back and convinced him not to say anything but the brat didn't even take his responsibilities seriously so he didn't bother .

"You know I might report you ,"Asher said which made Ha-Jun halt and turn to him .Report him he said ? He was the fucking reason he was sneaking out of school ! He was the one who took his wallet spent his money and returned only half of it after spending on only God knows what .Ha-Jun was irritated to the point of blowing up .

He pictured himself punching that pretty face before him to release his pent up anger .He could have done it literally but didn't want trouble nor much attention.

"Says the person who used a strangers money ,more like stole ,"Ha-Jun said before walking away and not wanting to talk to the person who was starting to irritate him.Before Asher could have said anything Ha-Jun was already gone .He lingered at the school corridor for a while and soon regretted it as he felt a repressing aura behind him .

"Asher ?"he was called but soon froze as that scary voice was engraved in his mind and he knew he was totally a goner as he turned back to face the man who wore a devilish smirk on his face .

"Uncle ?..."Asher trailed off as his shirt was grabbed and he was drugged to his uncle's office again .It hadn't been half an hour yet he had managed to get in there twice .He was surely a goner if anybody asked me .

"You sure have enough time to goof around as you are not in class ,such a bad example you are setting as a class president ,"said his uncle before handing him two buckets of water ,God only knows where he got them from .

He handed the buckets filled with water to Asher and made him carry them both with his knees slightly bent. He was to stay like for half an hour .His uncle was sure a callous man giving him such a punishment that made his muscles scream .He even had the audacity to ignore his nephew as he casually played games on his phone without even sparing him a glance.....

His screaming muscles weren't given a break because the next lesson was Physical education and to make matters worse for skipping English class he got detention all thanks to his uncle who had informed his class teacher .Asher didn't know who he had offended in his previous life to end up in such a situation .Wait that's actually wrong very wrong ,he had offended someone in his current life ,who internally cursed him to the core ,which maybe resulted to such bad luck.

He wasn't the only one who missed English class ,but he was the only who got punished while Ha-Jun had gotten away with it .Though his case was slight different he got late for class while Asher missed the entire class but still it was unfair .

During lunch Asher shared his grievances with his cousin since he was his only friend and also he was the only one who could withstand his constant whining ,complaints and none stop blabbering .

"Your dad is fucking cruel ,do you know what he did to me ?"Asher asked and Dae-Jung didn't want to hear any of it .If he asked what, it would be like switching a radio on with ever lasting batteries .He already knew what torture his dad gave to the radio beside him seen he had already been subjected to the same torture and even worse .

"I don't want to know ,"said Dae-Jung taking a huge bite out of Asher's food even though he had his .I mean the boy literally drug him all the way from the library to the cafeteria just so he could bug him with his complaints and it would be fair enough if he took a bite out of his food as a way of payment for being disturbed .

Even though he said he didn't want to hear it ,Asher didn't listen and started his exaggerated explanation .