
My blessed Multiverse

My first multiversal fanfic and my first fanfic also story # futa First world world : Highschool DXD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wandering soul gets blessed omin God and end up becoming one ___________________________________ let keep synopsis short

Fanfic_artist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

chapter 10

After i woke up i was tied in bandages and akeno was sleeping beside me during the time i thought that i need to recruit many people on my side and become stronger first i need to go to familiar forest to get a familiar and then using gacha summon too summon ally's to help me in my joinery to become stronger as i was checking body i found out that [dragon god seed] is refined and ready to use and it got mutated due to influence of the [ophis infinity flames] i thought that let go a step further and use yin-yang art to refine [dragon god seed] using [ophis infinity flames][ophis infinity water] and make it even stronger and for 2nd senjutsu i want to use a creatures form water and for 3rd i will use one from air and i have made up my mind that i will use five natural senjutsu and five artificial senjutsu yea its possible to make one using observation

Akeno woke some time after and suddenly kissed me and hugged tight she didn't say much but i knew after yesterday's incident we grew much closer to each other and i started to cultivate my ability

i awaken my other skill two skill named [lilith ruler of 9 hell] [Astraelis ruler of 9 heaven] with the help of yin-yang art along side with fusing with [mutated dragon god seed] but this process was very dangerous i have never accepted that it will be this painful each cell in my body was destroyed and recreated again and again including my organ's, bone it was completely changing my body's structure even my brain due to intense pain i kept screaming and body continuously being heating and excreting a black liquid like thing along with the black smoke my whole body was going through a process of purification

seeing all this Akeno was worried but she didn't do anything because she knew what was happening, she can feel that my ki is getting stronger and purer by each second and ophis arrives akeno in order to protect be from unknown presence she attacked ophis but end getting swept away like a insect.

"you have bit more than you chew [infinite chains]"(ophis)

saying this she summoned a purple color chan which entered my body and whole process was stopped and my body returned to normal


all the black liquid and pungent smell disappeared

"what are you doing here?"

"helping you so that you don't die"

"what do mean"

"entering domain of gods without achieving divinity or immortality, its like you are begging for death"

"what are saying?"

"you are really lucky if your body rejected power or i came a second late you would have been dead"

"i see, so i guess thanks for saving me"

"you have a potential to become a dragon god if you wanna thank me help me by taking care of BAKA RED"

"Are you talking about Great red"

"yes after you become stronger help me take care of it"

"i promise that i will help you"

[Are you sure master this deal can backfire great red is not a existence that you can take lightly]

'Athena is that you i thought you were in hibernation mode'

"i will leave now"(ophis)


she left before we can continue any further

"Ohk then athena what happen why are you out of your hibernation mode"

[because master has became stronger]

"what ophis said was it true and what is happening with my body"

[yes master she is telling the truth even though with your traits and skill it was impossible for you to die but master's is made up of 4 things [mind][body][soul][existence] your mind is strong and mature due to spending 100,000 yrs in void your body has no limits and infinite luck has influenced your soul and its becoming stronger every second but your existence was injured by [Azathoth] even though it was repaired by the 5 goddess its still young and immature and needs time to grow so your [mind][body][soul] is verge of achieving god hood but your existence is still that of a [mortal]]

"i see so how i make it stronger"

[you just need to keep training your primal energy art and it will influence your existence to grow stronger]

[master due sudden changes in your body seal given by [rebirth] has been removed and now i can use 50% of ability due to increase in your strength if you want i can modify your skills and ability which will lead you to grow stronger without any restrictions but can't use your whole power due to your existence but i can use that ability for you by taking temporary control over your body]

[do you want do go through modifications yes/no]

"how long is this process going to be"

[3 days]

"i see but wait for some time"

after some time akeno woke up and i explained her everything about who ophis was and what was happening to my body and how i will be going to sleep for next 3 days but kept my ability and [Athena] a secret

"i see, so your going be a sleep again"(akeno)

i know why she said that but now that athena has woken up i am able to train akeno to become more stronger

'hey athena how stronger will i be after modifications'

[if you use your ability at 100% then your stronger than ophis and almost at the level of Great red, but with your current condition it will as strong as riser phoenix and when the anime starts you will be at the level of 5 great dragon]

'what, this growth rate is almost unbelievable if only azathoth didn't damage my existence i might have became the strongest in omniverse'

[yes master]

'start the modification process now'

[yes master]

my body suddenly started to get weaker and weaker and i fell a sleep

<3 days later>

"where i am?"

i saw a unfamiliarly roof and akeno was sleeping naked next to me

'don't tell me did i accidentally.....'

[No you didn't master]

'are you sure'

[you body is still a virgin]

i don't why i am feeling relieved and disappointed at the same time, and pretend to be a sleep and hugged akeno she woke and saw me hugging her she suddenly got flustered and didn't say anything and hugged me back she thought i was sleeping then i pulled closer and bit her neck and started sucking the bite mark she got turned by that i knew she was a masochist she covered her mouth and started to breath heavily and then i whispered into her hear that it is the price for seducing me do you want me to go further she did not react for some time when i looked at her she was passed out with a bleed in her nose i think i pushed her a little to hard

well its not like i don't wanna n fuck her but its just that she is still underage and i am not a pedophile but i doesn't mean i will not fuck if she is the one initiating it.

'athena show me my ability'

[yes master]

[regeneration] ---->[omni-regeneration]

this skill can heal and regenerate anything including souls

[universal observation] ---->[omniversal observation]

range of this skill extended to omniversal level

[infinite library]

this skill allow you to scan through accessed part of tera's library and create spell, techniques and skills

[infinity dragon ophis]

this skill allow you to access all of her abilities

[battel instinct] + [body control] ----> [ultra instinct]

{A/N: i don't think i need to explain this one and for those who don't know just search M.U.I goku}

[nightmares of abyss] + [Awakened worlds] +[infinite void] ----> [pocket universe]

skill allow you to create your own universe within ones body

[Astrid's summons]+[gacha] ----> [omniversal summon]

summoning no longer depends on luck you can summon anything you want as long as you know it exists you can still use the former ability of the skills

{A/N: one of the blessings that got sealed due mc being weak just refer previous chapters}

[insight of million Dao]+[God's experience]+[weapon master]----> [Maharudra Vyugamastery]

Embrace the divine essence of the Maharudra Vyugamastery, an ancient and celestial technique rooted in the realms of Hindu mythos. With this skill, you transcend mortal limitations to become a God-level master of all fighting styles spanning the vast expanse of the omniverse. You wield absolute control over millions of Dao, the cosmic pathways that govern existence, and effortlessly command mastery over every conceivable weapon known to existence. Channel the power of deities, draw from primordial energy, and become a force to be reckoned with across the infinite tapestry of battles.

[Ardentis knowledge]+[Starforged Weaponry]+[forbidden knowledge]+[infinite creation(sacred gear)] ----> [godly creations(sacred gears)]

[lilith ruler of 9 hells] this skill was recently awaken giving access 9 skilled based ability and a demonic transformation

[lust]: ability to absorb life force and power from any target and control over life and death

[greed]: ability to steal from their target

[glutton]: ability to devour your target

[sloth]: ability strength yourself by sleeping

[wrath]: ability to grow stronger the more you fight

[envy]: ability to replicate targets ability

[pride]: ability make you stronger the more you get hit

[Vanity]: ability to break through barriers

[Melancholy]: ability to control emotions

[Astraelis ruler of nine heavens] this skill was recently awaken giving access 9 skilled based ability and a angelic transformation

[Chastity]: ability to nullify curse's

[Generosity]: ability to share your skill for limited periods of time

[Temperance]: ability to protect yourself form metal attack

[Diligence]: ability to grow stronger the harder you train

[Patience]: ability to store power infinitely as long as you keep fighting

[Kindness]: ability cure and heal target

[Humility]: ability to strength your mental ability and create spirit

[Modesty]: ability to create barriers

[Joy]: ability to breakthrough your limits and temporarily make you 100 times stronger

[lilith ruler of 9 hells] ----> [outer God Lilith]

[Astraelis ruler of nine heavens] ----> [outer God Astraelis]

[images of angelic and demonic transformation]

Name: Azura Shadowheart

gender: futa

Race: [10%dragon][45%angel][45%demon]


traits:[adept body] [limitless potential] [god of hording] [god of cooking] [multiversal mastery] [yin-yang body](gained due to mastery of yin-yang art)

skills: [senjutsu (Achrine transformation)] [space walk] [Absolute domination] [omni-regeneration] [omniversal threads] [omniversal observation] [infinite library] [infinity dragon ophis] [ultra instinct] [pocket universe] [omniversal summon] [Maharudra Vyugamastery] [outer God Lilith] [outer God Astraelis]

sacred gear: [godly creations]

gacha tickets: 100

{STR: Strength, AGI: Agility, MAG: Magic power, VIT: vitality, DP: Demonic power, HOP: Holy power, ki: spiritual energy/ki, PE: primal energy, CE: chaos energy}

STR:999999999🔒(100)[due to damaged existence]

AGI:999999999🔒(100)[due to damaged existence]

VIT:999999999🔒(100)[due to damaged existence]

MAG: 999999999🔒(100) [due to damaged existence]

DP:999999999🔒(100)[due to damaged existence]

HOP:999999999🔒(100)[due to damaged existence]

CE: 999999999 🔒(100)(fusion of holy and demonic energy)[due to damaged existence]

PE: 0.0000009999

Ki:199 (monster god ki need second evolution)

LUK: ∞ 🔒 [has increased to higher limits until existence is fixed it will be sealed]

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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