
My Blackwood System

Rising from the ashes of death, a warrior unworthy to exist was born. He was born to lead, to be superior above others and ascend to a height beyond the reach of the world. ... How was a child who laid in the wilderness, wounded, hungry, thirsty with his life slowly seeping out of him, supposed to achieve that? He couldn't think about living past the next second, he was hopeless not knowing what hope even meant. Life had been unfair and he'd curse it if he had a known language to use, he couldn't speak, unaware of the fact that his lips were supposed to be used. He knew nothing, and even though amnesia did leave something behind, his left a blank sheet, void of most basic among basic knowledge. Unable to think about anything, a certain feeling moved all over him, being dense around his heart, and this emotion caused a certain transparent liquid to snake down his cheeks. The emotion got stronger and he could tell that it was the right one, this was what he had to feel - deep sorrow for his existence was a miserable one. Slowly, his dark skin turned as pale as it could, with the last of his blood dripping into the red river he laid afloat. His eyes lost their life as the second flew by, soon he was at the bridge between the living and the otherside, ready to cross over, when a sudden energy erupted in his heart. By - Xrisma Online•

Xrisma_Online · Fantasi
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14 Chs

An Urgent Meeting

It had been days since the High Priest had been bestowed the prophecy from the Life Root itself.

He had visualized it over and over again yet couldn't figure out just what the supreme being wanted to confer to him.

He'd see a certain time in the future revealed to him, then there would be a certain individual appearing out of nowhere which later changes the entirety of the first future he had witnessed.

It seemed as if someone had just changed what was supposed to be in the future by somehow managing to find a way into it.

This was something he had never seen in all his years of service to the supreme being, in fact it was the first he had ever heard or seen such a thing occur since birth.

What he had seen was much like the future of a flowing river to end up emptying into the sea yet it suddenly has its path altered due to the appearance of a dam in its path.

Currently, the High Priest whose birth name seemed to be only remembered by one person and that was himself.

Ravond was known as a mage who had achieved earth shattering merits back in his young days.

Being at the age of 250 years, he was stronger, healthier, faster and much more good looking than any who would have miraculously survived to his age.

He had seen the rise and fall of many, he couldn't even remember his comrades from years back and had even lost count of how many grands of grandchildren he now had.

He seemed to have been charged with the purpose of just watching everything come to this world and also leave it.

Was it a curse or blessing to live for so long?

Ravond couldn't tell, but in all he never had any regrets in deciding to take on the mantle and dedicate his entire life and being to the supreme being.

Currently, he sat down before the large dining table which bore many seats around yet, were occupied once in a thousand years.

Two figures stood by his side in white robes and also having their heads under a hood.

Among the two figures, one had its face hidden behind a mask which covered his entire facial features, while the other's face could be seen quite clearly.

The entire Empire wasn't known to be an empire because of its resources, land or even population but rather, by the power it had at its disposal.

The Life Temple in which the name of the empire was taken after, looked exactly like that of an entire city with half of it being occupied by the Life Root itself.

The temple was rumored to have come from the Root World, a dimension in which the Life Root inhabited and created being accessible to only the chiefs of the Tree race.

Within the half of the temple was where the one who bore the highest authority below the Life Root, resided.

He wasn't a chief as every emperor was, giving him no access to the systems, advanced skills, knowledge and other domains including the Root World.

Keeping him company in the temple were the robes, ones which had one duty, to protect and care for Ravond the High Priest.

The Paladins and servants who were paladins themselves were of a much lower grade than those who deserve to bear the title of a Paladin.

It wasn't a lonely life for the High Priest in the temple as each day he was either beating them down in one game or getting lashed in another.

The temple was for all and all year round, despite having enough time for fun games, the high priest dealt with any issues from healing to casting out other beings which kept others in bondages.

The supreme being stood above all others and no being could be able to raise up its head nor lift up itself from the ground when before the Life Root.

Breaking up a piece of the large and heavy loaf of bread before him, he shoved it into his wide opened mouth before slurping up a few scoops of porridge.

He munched on it, not failing to feel each and every part and taste of it as he had a very sensitive tongue which could even taste the very raw flour and ingredients used in its preparation.

This was the first and only dish on his menu each and every day as he didn't want anything apart from his favorite.

After all, he had had his days long ago and was just a feather which could be blown away anytime so what else could he do than have a taste of his best till the time he breathed his last.

, it would've pleased him much more if he died while seated there in his chair with a meal before him so he could leave with a mouth full of pleasant taste and most importantly a satisfied stomach.

One by one, the bread gradually reduced in both mass and weight till it was finally exhausted by yours truly - Ravond himself.

Quickly the table was cleared off and a new set of the same meal and bread of course was placed before him.

This was normal and happened on a daily basis as he could eat mostly 3 sets of these a day during breakfast.

Yet after an encounter with the Life Root, he was indeed sure enough that he'd be able to chunk down about 15 of them and that wasn't something the temple couldn't get done.

Gulping down his third set, he placed the plate which once held the bread back on the table before turning to look at the figure at his right.

"I need to get the word out." Ravond voiced it out to the face under the hood of the white robes who stood at his right.

The guard just nodded in response before turning and briskly walking out of the large hall while the High Priest continued digging in.

Soon, the guard returned and stood at his previous position which was the right side of the High Priest's chair.

Following suit after the Guard were two more figures which bore masks under hoods yet, wore full black robes which was unlike the white but rather seemed to be for knights.

The two stood still as the Priest munched down on his meal and when he was done he gestured for them to come.

Getting to the table, one of the dark robed figures who had a scroll in hand, untied it before placing it on the table, in front of the High Priest.

The knights were one of the regular knights which dwelled in the temple for just this reason - to relay messages from the Temple to the outside, though that rarely happened.

These knights were from the imperial knights and were nothing special as the appearance of paladin wouldn't go quite well and everyone knew that much.

Grabbing the inked feather pen, he wrote the message in bold and large alphabets though few words were written, they were enough to get them to be on time.


Ravond ended it with a stamp and signature from him.

The knight folded the scroll before turning towards him to give a bow, taking their leave as Ravond got back to his brutal devouring.

Author Xrisma shout outs to Youngboss06...

I don't write on Sundays and Tuesdays buh did try to do something today..

Do continue to support MBS - I need it.


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