
My Better Half (she's mine)

Kol locked eyes with her over his wine glass, she was as pretty as sin. He wanted her, he wanted to take her right there. He could barely remember the last time he felt this strongly about any woman. What surprised him most was the fact that he didn't just want her body, he wanted her heart too. But that won't be too difficult to get because since the first time she saw him, he's been able to make her heart flutter and her knees go weak. She wanted him this much even if she barely knew him. They were created for each other. They've got ties and nothing could pull them apart. This was her belief. This is a story of love between two people who were always meant to be together. But sadly, the surrounding misfortunes aimed at separating them pictures the opposite - that they were never meant to be. Warning: this novel has mature contents. Reader's discretion advised.

karis_wealthy · perkotaan
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26 Chs

The Unexpected Visit

The week went on very well, busy as usual. Kol was in his office. He just finished speaking with a personnel in the HR department, concerning some documents to be verified.

He took out his phone and went on WhatsApp. He wanted to message Rebecca but then he got thinking, what if she asked him how he got her contact? what would he tell her? what if she felt her privacy was violated? what if she felt that he was an intruder? what if she ends up being a snob?

' come on what am I thinking?' he said coming back to reality.

'Hi!' he typed but erased it

' hello Rebecca ' he typed but also erased it

' hey! good afternoon ' he typed but also erased

then he typed ' hi! good afternoon beautiful ' and erased it again, this time around he gave up. He'd just pay the company a visit. They might just cross paths, he thought.

He couldn't understand why he just wanted to see her. He just needed to set his eyes on her again. He's been struck by only God knows what, and he doesn't seem to want to recover from it.

He picked up his phone and called David.

' come to my office immediately' he ordered.

' yes boss' David replied

* * *

the audition for some of the roles in the blockbuster movie 'FATED' had begun already and shooting was to begin in a few weeks. It was actually a novel being put into a TV series and so had gained so much attention from the media. A lot of questions were being asked concerning the release of the movie. Tiffany had to supervise to know how things went. She had just a week left to spend in California before she goes back to Michigan.

It was in the afternoon and the audition had begun already. The last part of the audition was centred around the female lead and the supporting male lead. The supporting male lead is another popular actor, Chris Stone.

Reginald Dior and Chris Stone were to act out a scene. Regina was to act the part of Kyla Hames, a heiress to the Hames empire and Chris Stone was to act as Adriel Jakoda, her friend and the heir to the Jakoda family business.

'Kyla stop acting this way. You've witnessed all I've been through just for you. Isn't it proof enough?' adriel asked.

He has been trying to persuade Kyla to marry him since he loves her so much but she wouldn't give in. He had been with her after the sudden disappearance of her boyfriend Ashley Castriel. Even till now, he had never left her side. He was getting fed up already. What else did she want him to do to prove his love for her?

'I am not denying the fact that you love me. I in fact I totally appreciate all you've done for me so far...' she tried saying but was interrupted

'Really? Is that what you think of this? He asked

'stop!' the director half yelled

'come on Chris! are you a statue or what? I want to see the emotion in the action, place yourself in the character. You should know what to do, you're not new here. I want to see you in the character! Now put in the emotion because I'm am not feeling it!

* * *

'boss you requested to see me' David said as soon as he got into Kol's office

' yes, I want you to clear my schedule for the next two hours.'

' is everything okay boss? ' David asked

' yes, and please get it done really quickly' he said operating his PC

' okay boss' David said tapping on the iPad in his hand.

' all done boss ' He said finally

Kol stopped what he was doing and headed straight out of his office. David was just beside him, he didn't say anything, he just followed silently. Kol went into the elevator and went towards the parking lot.

'Head straight to McClain Entertainment' he said to the driver

David was puzzled. Kol hardly ever went to McClain Entertainment, he always got everything done so there was hardly ever any need to go there. Why did he suddenly want to go there? David thought

'boss is everything okay?'

'yes it is.' was the short reply, David just kept mute.

* * *

The audition was still ongoing and was almost over with. All of a sudden, there was an uproar in the crowd then at once there was a stillness. Everyone was staring at the door.

A man came in from the door, he was putting on an ash colour suit. He was tall and handsome and he emitted a very intimidating aura.

And in a moment, silence turned into excitement and everyone couldn't just stop talking.

'oh my god!' someone said with a gasp from the crowd

'who is he?'

'is he the male lead?'

'oh my! he is so handsome...'

'and dreamy'

'Isn't that Kol McClain? Yes it's him!'

'I heard he's still single'

Kol was used to the reaction of women, but this time around he came because of just one woman. He badly wished in his heart that he could just set his eyes on her once again.

'What is the fuss about?' Rebecca thought.

She couldn't help but shift her gaze from the script she was reading to the person who just came in.

Immediately she saw him, her eyes widened in shock.

'What is he doing here?' she thought to herself

She tried her best to maintain composure even if she was feeling a bit excited to see him. She felt her heart flutter. He was the man that aroused in her those feelings she never wanted to get rid of. He was the man that made her knees go weak just thinking about him.

Kol walked to the center of the room and in a moment, there was a pin drop silence in the room. No one dared to make a sound as if affected by his domineering aura.

Kol ran his eyes through the crowd searching for someone. And sitting not far from him was the one he'd been looking for. She wore the most beautiful look had ever seen. She was putting on a white top tucked in a black jeans with a blue fluffy jacket. She looked simple but exquisite. He locked eyes with her for a few seconds. He didn't know what to say or how to react, he just stared at her.

Rebecca was overwhelmed. Had he recognised her? Why was he staring so much? she thought. She felt like he was staring deep into her soul.

Immediately the director noticed it was Kol who walked in, he ran forward to welcome him

'CEO sir, you're welcome.' he said giving Kol a slight bow he didn't know what other formality to add to the name because Kol was just such a great personality that needed to be recognised.

'CEO sir, you are so busy we didn't know you were coming' he said but Kol didn't respond

Rebecca was surprised at the authority he commanded. She never expected to see him here and of course she never thought that he would be the CEO of McClain Entertainment. She was surprised but didn't show it. She had never seen Director Donald act so humble. Deep down, she was pleased that the man she ended up having feelings for is not just an ordinary person.

'please have a seat, pardon my manners' The director added showing him a very magnificent seat in the table where the top members of the crew sat. Kol just went straight to the seat he was shown to, and sat.

Tiffany was in her office, she wasn't in the place of the audition so she didn't see Kol come in. Immediately Maria noticed Kol's presence, she quickly informed Tiffany who made her way to the audition room.

'what a surprise! you didn't tell me you would be coming.' Tiffany said with a smile as soon as she got in

'yeah' was the short response

'would you want to come to my office?' Tiffany asked politely

'not so soon. I heard the audition is still ongoing.' he said

'oh yes' Tiffany replied

'I came to have a look' Kol said

'that's beautiful, thank you.' Tiffany said sitting beside him

'alright let's continue' the director said to the crew and at once everyone was back to business.

'what are you up to Kol?' Tiffany asked in a whisper, Kol only grinned.

It was Regina and Chris's performance next. Regina was extremely excited to perform in front of the almighty Kol McClain. This was the best time to display her acting skills. 'who knows he might just take a liking to me' she thought. She got herself ready, prepared to put in her best.

Then they both walked towards the stage.

'action!' director said and they started immediately.

'Kyla you need to stop doing this! I don't think I can take this anymore. Why can't you just see through me and know that I am sincere. you know how much I love you, don't you? You know I can never hurt you, right?' Adriel asked

'I know you're not going to hurt me. I totally know that, but you don't just understand me...' Kyla replied

'what else do you want me to understand Kyla? I have endured by your side for so long, isn't that enough proof? what else do you want me to do to prove my love for you? Just tell me and I'll do it' Adriel said

'look Adriel, I totally appreciate everything you've done for me this far. You are the best friend anyone could ever have but...' she tried saying but was interrupted

'really? really Kyla? Is that how you see this whole thing? your perspective of me hasn't even changed a bit over time?'

'I don't think you get me at all. Ashley only disappeared, his body was never found and I strongly believe that he's not dead. He's still alive. Can't you..'

'three years! three years Kyla and he isn't back for you.' he half yelled.

'For three years I waited patiently for your wounds to heal. Why don't you just want to give me a chance? You don't know, but you're hurting me Kyla. You're hurting me really bad.' he continued with so much emotions in his eyes, then he turned and walked away.

'Adriel' she tried calling him to come back but he just kept walking away without looking back.

' cut' the director shouted.

'That was amazing Chris' he added

'Regina, you did really well too' he commended

'Mr McClain, what do you think of the performance? do you have anything to say?' the director asked with a bow

'They did well, but not so well for a blockbuster movie. I'm sure you guys can do better. Kyla you need to put your soul into this. I'm sure you were not made to act the selfish role here. I want to see the emotion in it. Show that you care so much about Adriel and not just about your missing boyfriend. So he feeling so hurt should hurt you as bad, because you care so much about him as well' he said.

' thank you so much Mr McClain' the director said

'Miss McClain, do you have any comment as well?' he asked

'well, he's is right. I think that's just the part, they did really great' she commended

'Miss Becca, do you also have anything to say?' director Donald asked.

Rebecca was taken aback. She wasn't expecting she would be called to mention her observations or she was just pretty lost thinking about the whole thing. She couldn't believe the man she met ended up being the owner of the company where she works. Nonetheless, she composed herself.

'Chris you are going through a lot and you can't take it anymore. Aside the emotion in your eyes and facial expression, body movement is key. It didn't just seem to be enough for your part. I think that's just all for now.' she said.

Chris and Regina only nodded taking note of the observations.

'alright that'll be all for now, audition continues tomorrow. Thank you very much guys.' and so the actors and actresses were dismissed for the day.

' director please I'd love to meet with the production crew.' Kol said.

Rebecca who was just sitting not so far raised her head and turned to the direction of the voice only to find him staring at her. Even when she tore her gaze from him, she could still see him from the edge of her eye staring intently at her. She felt so hot all of a sudden. he had never come here in a long while and now he's here and wants to meet with the production crew she just hoped it's not because of her.

Tiffany was surprised that he suddenly cared about the business all of a sudden but she didn't show it. 'What is Kol McClain up to? It's so unlike him' she thought.

Please do not fail to show this book some love. Your power Stones mean a lot to me, it's a motivation for my creation. I love you all

karis_wealthycreators' thoughts