
Maham Got Scholarship!!!

Maham Got up early in the morning because she had a dream of his dream prince!!!

( so let me tell you that her dream prince is VARUN, the One And Only VARUN) she always love him, she never meet him in reality but she meets him many times in her dreams ( and god knows what she did in her dreams 😱😱😱) so when she is having her breakfast she is discussing with her parents to have admission in any girls college than suddenly the bell rang DING DONG!!!

maham ran towards the door and there was a post man who was standing with a letter..... the post man says the letter is for MAHAM.

maham have a sudden shock that she never get any letter in her whole life then she slammed the door and sat on her chair and carefully read it.... It's The letter of scholarship for MUMBAI UNIVERSITY!!!

Oh My God!!!

How can I get this Scholarship.....

I'm not ready for this at all

I hate it!!! she screams in front of every one

( so, maham got her scholarship from an Engineering college in MUMBAI )

she is so upset that she never want to go far from her family, she always want to live with them but destiny decides something suspicious for her....

Her mom and dad were convincing her to go out of town for further studies....

Maham said to their parents that how can I manage alone their???

Her parents were continuously convincing her. finally she agreed and said that I'll manage there on my own I'm a big girl now. Her parents was really happy for her that she took a right decision.