
Chapter 12

On getting to the venue, the place was filled a lot of amazing activities one could partake in and have the absolute pleasure. The decor was also aesthetically pleasing and it gave the place a lively look.It had both historic and contemporary influences making both the young and old guests feel some connection.There was a wine and cocktail bar at the side,a buffet consisting of both local and foreign dishes,a paint and sip corner,a game Corner and so on.Each guest was given a card at the entrance which entailed the program lineup for the night. The girls took their seats and started going through the program lineup and you could see the excitement on their faces.Although Celestine had been to a few of these events,it was the first for Augusta as her parents were not fans of such programs.This meant something special to her and she had made up her mind to enjoy every bit of it. The first activity was the fashion show and it was about to commence when a handsome guy appeared out of nowhere and took the seat next to Celestine. The lights were dimmed and a stage was mounted which had the spotlight and the fashion show began .Celestine had always been a fun of fashion whether it was a historic one or a contemporary one. She took out her phone to take pictures of the clothes that might later serve as an inspiration for her future fashion projects .Augusta was also taking pictures to serve as memories . The guy sitting next to Celestine wanted to strike a conversation with her but her demeanor and composure was a little intimidating to him.After careful consideration,he decided to go on with it.

"Hi, I'm Chris.May I know your name?" Said the gentleman.

"My name is Celestine",replied Celestine.

"I can see you are really loving the fashion show",he uttered.

"Oh yes, I really love fashion. I might have pursued a career in it if I gave it enough time and thought ".she added

"Are you a student or a worker ?",he further probed.

"I'm in my final level in the university ",She replied.

"Oh great!, I completed the university last year and I'm currently working as an assistant in a new law firm", he exclaimed.

"Alright,it was nice meeting you,Chris."She said as the fashion show came to an end.

Before he could probe any further, she had already gotten up from her seat and followed behind Augusta to the paint and sip corner.He felt a bit disappointed because he was getting interested in knowing her and also exchanging contacts in order to keep in touch even after the program.At the sip and paint corner,a lot of people had volunteered to explore their creative side and Augusta and Celestine were no exception.Celestine was really good at arts because of her interest in fashion and Augusta wasn't that bad either.At the end,Celestine and other two people were awarded for their arts and Augusta took pictures of it all. The third person was no other than Jerry who had also drawn an exquisite image.Augusta wanted to cheer him on but she refrained from doing that because his girlfriend crossed her mind. The girls then went to the buffet corner and fixed themselves a plate while enjoying the ambiance of the food. They took pictures and posted some on their various social media accounts with the tag,"best holiday ever".It was almost 11pm and people started leaving the premises to their rooms.A night full of numerous activities made them have fun but also left them with tiredness,so most people especially the aged and families with children were retiring to bed. The girls decided to stay and dance for a while before heading back to their room.While on the dance floor,Celestine decided to take a bathroom break and Augusta didn't want to dance alone so she sat down waiting for her.A voice from behind said hello and she turned around only to meet Jerry in front of her. She was screaming inside but the thought of her not having a chance with him made her respond nonchalantly to his salutation.He asked if he could sit and talk with her for a while and Augusta agreed.He introduced himself and inquired about her too.Jerry knew he didn't have much time with her because Celestine would be coming soon so he went straight to the point and told her he had liked her since the very day their eyes locked in the elevator.And he couldn't say much because they were hardly alone pointing out how he was always with Maria and She with Celestine.At this point,Augusta was confused and thought Jerry was very audacious for trying to woo her while having a girlfriend,Maria.Jerry saw her fierce expression and he couldn't help but wonder if he overstepped and offended her with his words.Before he could say something,Augusta uttered,"Mr Jerry ,don't you think you're a greedy man?".Jerry was confused and before he could get her to explain what she meant by that,Celestine appeared.He greeted her and left the table.Augusta sighed and told Celestine that she was tired so they should also head back to the hotel which she obliged to.On the way to the hotel,the girls couldn't stop talking about all the fun they had at the party and how splendid everything was at the party. They showered right after entering the room and still continued chitchatting.Celestine used this chance to inquire about what the mulatto wanted and Augusta recounted exactly what happened.Celestine teased her for a while and they both retired to bed.