
My Best Friend Become My Girlfriend

Ivan was a normal child in a normal house. He didn't have a father but was happy. One day, his best friend Lucia came to his house to watch movies, and somehow they ended up becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Their relationship continued, and they also became Awakened when the world's aura revived. --- No NTR There is Yuri

RyukiAkuma · perkotaan
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21 Chs

My Beautiful Best Friend Sit On My Lap

The first movie they watched was Super Man, the first movie superhero. They sat in silence as the movie played. Now, Lucia is an extremely friendly person who is known to go around hugging everyone and leaning on them. That's why it was no surprise to Ivan when, within thirty or so minutes of the movie, she was leaning on him, practically sitting on him.

As was explained before, Lucia has a very sexy, big ass, and it was right on top of Ivan's crotch! This made him very uncomfortable.

They were just friends, yet he knew with her on him like that, he would certainly get an erection. He began to grow restless and worried that at any moment, his boner would start to rise, and she would feel it. In his mind, he started to plan out what to do out of panic. He thought Maybe I should warn her and make a joke out of it, and then it'd be funny and less awkward. On the other hand, maybe if I focused on the movie, I won't get a hard-on, and she would never notice.

Ivan tried to distract himself from the fact that his beautiful friend was sitting right on him, and her face was a foot away from him. Unfortunately, it didn't work for long. Right when he thought he was safe, Lucia leaned forward to scratch her foot or something, and her butt rubbed against his crotch.

He immediately began to harden at a rate that he couldn't stop. It wasn't his fault, there was physical and visual stimulation even though they were good friends his dick didn't care; it made him think sexually of Lucia which caused further arousal.

Ivan's face turned to pure shock. He didn't know what to do or say. Lucia had to feel my erection. He was stone hard, and her plump ass was pressing right against it.

He tried to look at her face to get a sense of her reaction, but she was looking away from him, still staring at the movie. When she sat back up, once again rubbing his crotch, he felt his cock twitch. That's when he knew she had to feel it, and he had to do something.

Lucia wiggled a bit, and suddenly, his dick was wedged in between her asscheeks; basically, he guessed, since they were both wearing clothes. To his surprise, Lucia ignored his raging erection and continued to lean back against him. She watched the movie as if nothing had happened. It was too much for him. Her huge butt was squished against him, he couldn't ignore it, it turned him on so much that he was not paying attention to the movie at all. Instead, he tried to figure out how he could get out of this awkward situation without making the rest of the night uncomfortable for both of them. With every slight movement, she was rubbing against him, ensuring his erection and sexual thoughts never went away.

He finally decided enough was enough, and something had to be done, or else he might lose control.

"Uhh, Lucia?" Ivan started. She turned her head slightly to look at him. "The way you're sitting is kind of... well, you're an awesome person, and I love you as a friend, but you're also a very attractive, stunning girl, and that means you can't sit on my lap, a boy's lap, without getting... I don't know, some unwanted attention?"

At first, there was silence. Lucia simply smiled at him. Then, after a few seconds, she giggled, leaned away from me, and sighed, "Oh Ivan, who says it's unwanted attention?"

He was confused. He thought she didn't understand what he meant, so he repeated himself more clearly. "No Lucia, I mean if you sit like that you're accidentally rubbing against my crotch which is turning me on and I'm really sorry for it. I can't control it, so please sit next to me or something because it's not gonna be fun if you sit on me like this. I'm really sorry."

Lucia laughed. "Ivan stop apologizing! I'm saying I like this. It... it's kinda hot to me to think that I can turn you on like this."

"You mean you meant to do this?" Ivan asked, bewildered.

"Not at first, but once I felt your large dick against me I started to think about all the nice things, all the compliments you ever gave me. It made me realize you're not just being nice or a good friend, you actually believe in what you say, you really think I'm gorgeous don't you?" Lucia confessed.

It was time for his confession now. "Yes of course I do. I'd never lie to you, you're so sweet and breathtakingly stunning. You don't have to do something like this in order to know that I'm telling the truth."

Lucia blushed. "You know that I hate it when guys hit on me or flirt with me but it's strange because when you say things like that... I love it."

They sat in silence again for a moment. He thinks they both didn't know what to say or what lay ahead for them. Finally, Lucia began to speak.

"And yeah maybe it was wrong to grind against you like I did but I really didn't do much. I'm not offended. In fact I'm very happy because... I don't know... it's like the guys that usually hit on me, I know that they're only after one thing, you know? Like they don't care about me, they just want sex, it's obvious because they're complete strangers that know nothing about me. However, with you it's different. You've been my friend for a long time and have always been here for me, so I know you care about me. You know a ton about me, my secrets, my interests, my dreams. You know me, understand me, and now I know you! That you're way more than just a good friend or a good person. You love me for who I am, unconditionally, and in return you never asked for anything and you even wanted me to stop grinding against you, you truly respect me and you're not after anything."

"I don't know what to say Lucia," he replied.