
My Best Dream of the Worst Love

...I stood there admiring his face. He grew out to be handsome. His jawline was impeccably defined, his dark brown hair cascading slightly over his forehead. His eyes, a captivating shade of gray, seemed to glimmer in the light. His height is probably a bit over 180 cm, and that fair complexion... .---. I always remember my dreams after I wake up, and every time they end up good, but this time around things changed. It was the worst dream I've ever had! It was a nightmare! My greatest love of mine rejected me! And it's gonna become true!... If it's gonna happen, then I'm gonna have to change it my way!! In my dreams I saw my hubby cheat on me with another woman, my best friend! This happened because of a trivial argument between me and him about a family trip! Perhaps, though he married me, his feeling might've always been for her! But that is a dream. Even if half- no- quarter of it came true, I'll change it! I'll avoid a fate where it involves him and me! This is the first dream I had about me and my lover, because usually I only see about other people, so its a must that I find my true lover and change this fate! Too bad I didn't get to see the rest of my dream because of my ALARM!...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

The Worst Happy Dream : 1

I never expected a twist of fate like this; from the moment he entered, I fell in love with him. My heart melted as he stood in front of the class with his jet-black hair falling over his eyes swaying with the wind, his pupils; a mix of grey and blue, shimmering as they study the new faces, his peach-pink oval face, glimmering in the rays of sunlight that sneaks from the window curtains.

The teacher introduced him as our new classmate and my new deskmate. As he came toward me, a smile curved on his lips, and in a soft murmur he said, 'You are cute.' Then he muttered, 'Please take care of me from here onwards.' His words stuck in my head till I got punished because I wasn't paying attention in class. This small conversation was the root of our relationship. In two months, he confessed to me right in front of the school gates (later, when we were married, he told me it was to let everyone know we were dating).

After high school graduation, we went our separate ways. We found jobs—him as an architect, me as a fashion designer—we got engagement, and in three years, we married. We acquired a two-story house and had three children—a girl and two boys. No conflicts, no deception. He excelled as a father, and I as a mother. Our lives were filled with perfection, happiness, and normalcy... until one fateful day. That day, the most horrendous in my existence, marked the world's end, my cataclysm—a witch's curse, an inferno, a sinister snare, my assassin...

All these years, for fifteen years, I didn't have a single fight with him that lasted more than two minutes. But this...this was the one and only, the first and last fight I had with him. This wasn't a run-of-the-mill dispute about chores or dessert or child's play. It was a fight that went on for forty seconds and lasted for a lifetime. It began with me saying I won't care for him anymore if we don't use our summer vacation to travel to another country.

"Is it so hard to go on a trip, all five of us?" I asked him.

"Yes, it is! I have to finish this plan during my break so that I can get us enough money to go and live there for a year if that's what you want!" he ranted, pacing about in the living room.

"You can do it during our trip, send it through the mail, and receive the money through e-banking!!"

He stopped moving, "No, I can't do that!"

"If money is what you're worrying about, then don't worry! I have enough money saved for this purpose, why don't we just go!?"

"I told you I can't! I don't want you to use your money! Even if we were to go, I want to go without the kids!"


"Ever since they came, we've never done anything together, just the two of us! Not even a single trip alone! It seems to me you care only for them more than you do for me. You don't even pay attention to me!!"

I gave him an intense glare, "Oh come on! Like we haven't spent more years together than these kids have ever lived! You're an adult! Get ahold of yourself!"

"So you're saying we can't be together anymore?!"

"Not th--"

"Fine! I'll leave you! You, and your kids alone! Have fun together, go on trips together, and do everything together without me! I'm gonna find another woman who'll pay attention to me and me only! I'm going to cheat on you! Goodbye!" He said and left the house shutting the door hard: *BAM!!*

That's it. He came home late at night and slept on the sofa. We never spoke the next day. He minded his own business, cooked for himself, and lived his own separate life every day. Just as he said he would cheat on me, he did. When I went shopping one day, I saw him with another woman, kissing in his car: she had blonde hair and black eyes. The sight broke my heart. Wish it was the last thing I saw, but it wasn't. A week later, at midnight, a creaking noise was heard next door, I went to check it out.

More creaking noises came as I slightly pushed open the closed door in the guest room. I took small steps peeking in. Inside there were clothes all over the floor. I couldn't see whose it was since the lights were off and the room was dark. Only the moonlight shone from the closed windows. On the bed there was something. It had the oddest shape I've ever seen. It had bumps side to side, a little up and a little down covered by the bedsheets. My heart began to beat fast, my body was trembling. I didn't want to know what it was, but something was making me look. I pushed the door wide open, and the lights in the hallway marked out bumps lying on the bed covered with sheets: the people on the bed; It was his wit-- *Ring! Ring!*

. . .

"Good morning sister!" She exclaimed; a twelve-year-old kneeling on my bedroom rug resting her arms on my bed, cheeks on her palms, smirking. "What was your dream today? Was it good?" She queried.

"Won't tell a brat who left the alarm near my ear," I replied.

"But it wasn't me. You were the one who knocked it off the table in your sleep!" She cut off my statement.

"...It started good, the middle was bad, didn't get to see the end because of a certain someone."

"But I told you it wasn't me," she mumbled on. "How was it bad? I thought your love stories were all about the happy stuff?!"

"It is... or it was, but today... my lovely married husband decided he'd cheat on me and he kept his word."

"That sounds bad..."

"It is!"

She crawled onto my bed, "You know... " her hands now between my legs, "from what I've heard..." My left cheek warmed from her breath, "It's a bad omen. It could come true." She whispered into my ear.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'll update new chapters a day after day(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

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