
My Beloved Archmage

Betrayed by the person he loved, and after losing everything. Ethan in his last moments meets the person who has unconditionally loved him. Luna, The Archmage who had loved him one-sidedly for a long time confesses her love for him in his last moments. After his death, Ethan Regresses in time and returns to the first year of his academy days. Ethan swears to live without any regrets... However, things are more complicated as he founds out the truth about Luna's past and her connection with the death of his parents... Follow Ethan's journey as he overcomes every challenge to save his beloved Archmage. ***** This is going to be one of the good ones that I have written in a long time. The elements of the story are, Magic, Academy, Mages, Unique Bloodlines, Kingdom building, Revenge, Romance and Adventure. ***** After the first chapter, every chapter will be around 2000 words so there will be only 4 chapter every week. I hope you like this story. So don't forget to leave a comment as it helps me stay motivated to write more stories like this. [ Note- The Cover art doesn't belong to me]

RYZ_WN · Fantasi
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23 Chs

A Trap

Part 1, Jonathan's Pov

Big results require Big Ambitions, one needs to have ambition in thier heart to achieve something yet there was one thing that proved this statement wrong.

It was authority...

In front of the Authority, everyone has to bow thier head... And if the person with that Authority doesn't want your ambitions to succeed then you can never succeed.

You can just despair... That was what I felt today, after receiving a message from the Duke.

'Ethan Augustine... It all happened because of you, but all of it can also be resolved quite easily, thankfully there is a plan already in motion that will get you kicked out of the academy.' I thought.

Just as Ethan proclaimed he somehow created an obstacle in front of me that I could never overcome. And as if to mock me, he even told the Duke to state that he was behind this.

'Do you not care about your own life? I just need to get rid of you... Who would care for such a guy? The Duke will also abandon you once you are kicked out of the academy...Gilbert said that it was an abrupt decision from Duke... I need to just eliminate you and that guy today, you will not be a big threat anymore and then everything will go back to normal.'

Just as I was thinking about various methods to end his miserable life, someone knocked on my door. I ignored the knocking thinking whoever it was will go away but they kept knocking.

knock knock!

Rising from my bed, I changed my facial demeanour with a fake smile and opened the door.

" I am sorry I was asleep—"

I fell silent upon seeing this late-night visitor... He was the last person I wanted to see at this moment.

' What is he doing here? He needs to be in his room for our plan to work!' I became nervous seeing Ethan outside.

" Senior, Can I come inside?" Ethan spoke.

Even though he asked for permission, he entered before I could even say anything.

Sitting cross-legged at my study desk he waited for me to say something...

" Aren't you a brave one? Do you think I will let you go unharmed?" I spoke in a threatening tone.

" Senior... So I did it, I created the hurdle in your path that you can never cross but I am not here to brag about it."

" Then why are you here... To Ask me what happened between your friend and Albert?" I guessed.

From the start, he had only wanted one thing from me...

" Yes, if you tell me then I will ask the Duke to support you instead of your brother."

" I can achieve that on my own... I must let you know one thing, I never betray my people."

" Then you will never succeed."

His confident tone is irritable but I was interested to listen to what he had to say, at least today. I need to send him back to his dorm room.

I need Albert for my plans, I am never letting go of someone who is destined to become a sword master in the future.

" You and I are the same, aren't we?" I spoke and added why I thought that way, " ...We both are abandoned by our families, and both of us are ready to do anything for our people. Just like you are unable to forgive someone who messed with Davis Taron, I also want to protect Albert."

He narrowed his eyes and gnashed his teeth... I never expected what was going to happen next.

He pointed his hands towards me and without even chanting ...he fired a spell.

I was unable to react...

This guy... He didn't have a mana vessel, it was a lie, why was he hiding his true power? How is he able to cast a chant-less spell? One has to practice thousands of times to make it work without any chants... So since when, since when!


I grabbed my chest... It was not a strong attack but for humans, it was hard to endure. I barely managed to not puke after not being able to dodge it.

" I am going to tell you one thing Jonathan Nes... If you don't want me to kill Albert Drew. Tell me what happened between him and Davis.."

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head to see his face ... An unusual pressure that I wasn't able to endure took over my body.

At this moment, Ethan Augustine was nothing more than a mindless beast... Acting on impulse, I don't understand how was he able to keep his powers hidden from others with such an attitude.

" I won't say a word."

" Then I will kill Albert... And you will forever face that hurdle in your life. You will lose both your life and Albert... So I am giving you a chance to save them."

" Fuck Off..."

I spoke provocative words but I shouldn't have because he took out a wand from his jacket... And aimed it towards my forehead.

Even the weakest attack spell could easily kill if shot from this distance...

~Hynosis~ He chanted... I didn't know what spell it was but slowly I lost consciousness.

[ Note: When I write a spell (~Hypnosis~) like this, it means he chanted different words and didn't just say Hypnosis to cast hypnosis, he said a complete spell... It is just for the convenience of readers ... And of course for me as well.]

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Part 2, Luna's Pov

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With the pendant in my hand, I tried to analyse it many times... No matter how I look at it, this is not an ordinary pendant.

This pendant reacted every time I cast an elemental spell... I even tried casting a chant-less spell and it worked on my first try. There is a saying that an average mage takes about ten years to learn to cast spells upto 3rd tier without chanting.

I tried casting a 2nd tier spell while using this pendant and succeeded on my first try... It was as if the pendant was reading my thoughts and doing whatever I wanted.

Ethan told me to never tell anyone that I have this artefact... And I think he might be right, but why would he give me something so valuable?

Did he not know its true value?

' Should I return it?' I thought as I lay on my bed while watching the pendant.

' I will return it after one month... It will be useful against her.'

Just as I was feeling sleepy... Suddenly the pendant started to shine.

' What's happening? Did I trigger something?' I panicked but before I could do anything the pendant broke into light particles and shot towards my hand and a marking appeared on my hands.

A seven-petal magic circle...

Why did this happen? Did I do something? Is it dangerous? Did Ethan know about it and that's why he gave me that pendant?

. . . . .

Part 3, Ethan's Pov

. . . . .

I didn't know what kind of a person Jonathan Nes was so I had assumed many things wrong, for being the ringleader in the shadows, he wasn't a traitor... The boy was just like me.

Did he care that much about this Albert Guy?

Since I didn't get an answer from him using the threats, I had to use something else... Plan B was to cast the Hypnosis spell and interrogate him.

" What happened between Davis and Albert?"

" Albert wanted to fight Davis."

" Why?"

" For Janice Fleur."

" Is that it?... Why would Albert pick a fight with someone from the Taron family?"

" Because Albert received the offer to serve under the imperial knights after graduation. Now that he has a srong backing... He tried to get revenge on Davis for his past actions."

Nothing turned out to be unexpected but if I remember correctly, Albert in my past life was working for Jonathan and not for the empire.

" So, is his grudge satisfied?"

" No... He plans to humiliate you and Davis further. He planned to make you guys the outcast of the academy... Or kick you out."

Petty Punk!... I am already an outcast but he dare lay his hands on my friend for just petty revenge... Davis wasn't even going after Janice any longer so he must be sick in his head to continue even after what he already did to Davis.

" What is his next plan?"

" He is going to blame Davis and you for trying to assault Laura Mauser... They have already set up thier plans and Laura Mauser is already in your dorm room hiding somewhere, the teacher will be coming at any moment to check your dorm room."

Let me know your suggestions and opinions on the story in the comments...

RYZ_WNcreators' thoughts