
1. travel to min dynasty

Early in morning

"the beautiful girl was standing near the lake with the handsome boy and the boy was holding umbrella"

the alarm started to shout which made Aecha wake up she saw the time it was already late so she was in hurry she started to get ready

"my name is Aecha I am working in an archaeology lab today we are going to the place where min dynasty was located i am the in charge of today's work"

they went to location they got some rest and started there research .Aecha went near the lake which was near the mansion. she was standing there. she found that a cat was going near the lake so she went to save the cat but when she reached there she found a ring which was beautiful. she took that ring in hand and started to rub the ring suddenly there was bright light and then the light was gone.

she saw that there was boat in front of her which was not there before so she was shocked. she turned back. she was covered by many people who were armed and the point there weapon towards her. she was took near the prince of the mansion. she was dressed according to the modern time.

the prince asked " where are you from ? what are doing here ? who sent you here? what type of dress are you wearing? "

she said " my name in aecha i am from seoul

and then a servant came and said the prince that she was the daughter of the governor of the west city and she was reported missing 3 months ago so prince said "send her back to the governor before that get her changed her dress is inappropriate" they ordered the maids to take her to the room in the mansion and get her changed

aecha was confused she was taken to the room she was shouting but no one didn't care they changed her cloths and took near the prince and soon the carriage was arrived prince ordered his personal guard to send her safe back to mansion she asked the prince where was she been going but he didn't answer her than she remembered her old clothes she wanted them so she ran back to mansion and bought them she found that her phone was still there with her she opened it and everyone was scared so she showed phone and said nothing would happen but everyone was still scared because the light was coming from the phone so they taught that she was master in material art then prince asked what was that she said it was phone she opened the camera and showed them they frightened then prince sent her to governor's house

she got down the carriage and went near the gate as soon as the guard saw her they greeted her and were happy they ran towards the governor and said that "lady has come back" whole mansion was happy as soon as they heard the news they ran near the governor's chamber . aecha and the prince were standing near the gate the guard said her to follow him until they reach the governor and they went inside the mansion she was following him but she scared and wanted escape so when she went in different direction when the guard was not seeing her she tried climb the wall suddenly she hears the voice "ZHAO XIAO"