
My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil GodLu Yu came to a strange beast

Lu Yu came to a strange beast-monitoring world where evil gods peeped in and ancient taboos revived from the depths of time. In this world, birds, beasts, mountains, rivers, and even elements can be born and turned into pet beasts spiritually. Among them, the powerful ones themselves are ecological niches, radiating out ecological secrets such as the secret realm of the underworld, the kingdom of bones, the lair of succubi, and the kingdom of heavenly trees, giving birth to countless Dependents. The beast master makes a contract with the beast, cultivates it, and controls the spirituality.After witnessing the [Forbidden Sun] incident, Lu Yu gained the ability to extract materials from all things in the world and edit [Secret Food]. Evolve the secret food, with [Broken Twilight World] + [Ancient Dragon Dead Egg] = Final Banquet, after the royal beast eats it, it evolves into the Final Dragon God, the twilight realm erodes the world, and becomes the God of Doomsday. The skill secret food is the skill of controlling beasts to plunder all things, to become omniscient and omnipotent, to sacrifice secret food to intercept taboo time, to sacrifice ancient existence, and to blaspheme the gods.And his style of painting the beast has also become weird. There is the dream of weaving all living beings, the spider shadow that entwines the ancient dragon with spider silk, and the Crimson Lord that pollutes the multiverse, and there is the Devourer of Worlds that feeds on the world…In this regard, he explained: “My beast masters are just a little weird, they are really not evil gods!” - Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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154 Chs

The magic eye of the abyss, the secret food of skills!

Chapter 4 The Devil's Eye of the Abyss, Skill Secrets!

Gold Medal,

The full name is the Golden Pioneer Medal!

It is a badge of merit issued by the Human Alliance under the Supreme Council of Lu Yu, which is divided into Gold Medal, Morning Star Medal, etc...

There are two ways to obtain the gold badge, one is to complete ten gold missions released by the alliance, or the heroes who died while performing the officially released pioneering missions.

And Lu Yu belongs to the latter category.

His parents, who belonged to half of the system, died after participating in the official pioneering mission, and he got a gold medal, which he could also choose to exchange for a huge amount of wealth of the same value.

In a sense, he is also the direct descendant of Zheng Miaohong, the root of the Human Alliance.

The function of the badge of merit is also very simple, that is, it can be exchanged for a royal beast with golden spirituality, that is, commanding potential! (Human red copper, silver, and gold correspond to servants, elites, and leaders of beasts)

It is equivalent to Pokémon, the children of the alliance can receive the potential elf named Yusanjia at the age of ten.

Of course not everyone has it, otherwise there wouldn't be so many bug catchers and miscellaneous fish opponents.

Of course, these are things that the beautiful childlike world will not reveal.

And the reason why Lu Yu didn't choose to use the badge of meritorious service was naturally not because he had some psychological pstd, didn't want to use up the relics left by his father, and other **** reasons.

Part of the reason is that he has been recovering from his injuries since his awakening, not to mention that there is a price for using the gold medal.

The first one is to become an adult at the age of eighteen.

The second is to be clean.

The third is to complete five red copper tasks issued by the alliance within one year after being promoted to the red copper rank, two silver tasks within three years after being promoted to the silver rank, and one gold task after being promoted to the gold spirituality.

Each mission will have a corresponding reward, and you can get alliance internal points, which can be used to exchange for rare resources.

The conditions are not harsh.

If you don't want to, you can exchange it for a large sum of money and buy a pet beast yourself.

Just this, Lu Yu can also accept, after all, the first beast master is the foundation of the beast master, which is extremely important.


This is Daebuchi!

Single round of infrastructure, number of garrisons, economy, and degree of development are also quasi-first-tier cities in the entire alliance, second only to 14 first-tier cities, and hundreds of second-tier cities below.

The reason why it is called this name is not because some strong man is called Zheng Dayuan or Xu Dayuan, but because it is close to the critical point of the human ecological circle and the monster ecological circle.


A huge rift valley of unknown length almost divided the world.

The opposite bank is the monster ecological world, where a large number of extraordinary beings are dotted around, living in groups, and countless magical ecological secrets have been born.

Legend has it that the bottom of the abyss is connected to the abyss dimension. Because the space is unstable, there will occasionally be void creatures intruding here, and even the spirit world will occasionally link to reality here. In such a chaotic place, there are naturally a large number of evil gods who have been expelled by human society. Occupy...

It can almost be called a group of demons dancing wildly.

Although Dayuan City and many surrounding cities are tens of thousands of miles away from the real front line, and there are many satellite towns guarding it, and there have been no major battles for decades, it seems to be safe.

But if it is an official mission, there is a high probability that it will be close to the abyss or destroy the evil **** believer organization.

While danger comes with opportunity,…

Too unstable!

Another problem is that the gold badges are generally exchanged for the spoils of the wilderness battles of special departments, or the extermination of the cult of evil gods.

Most of the beasts are biased towards the evil camp, and some are even born under the influence of evil gods.

After testing, no major problems will be left, and minor problems will be ignored.

Powerful, but spiritually unstable, prone to distortion or backlash.

is not safe.

It's just that most people don't care about these things. It's a great thing to get a beast master with commanding potential, how can you be greedy.

Lu Yu is not a hypocritical person, but after the "Forbidden Sun", he needed several months to recuperate his spirit and was unable to complete the official task.

So I started from the side first, to see if I could use the [Eye of Truth] to carry out the primitive accumulation of capital, and then first get a beast master with commanding potential as the first beast master.

Wait until the strength is strong enough, then use the gold medal and exchange it for the second or third beast.

If the original accumulation fails, then decisively exchange.

Facts have proved that he completed the Peach Pig Breeding Manual in only three months, and he already has a bargaining chip to negotiate with the school.

It's just that it will take a few months before the number of peach pigs doubles, and it may not be possible to exchange for the commanding pet beast in the end.

In particular, the resources of the school are mostly secret beasts such as Taohua Township, and most of them are plants, beasts, etc.

If he wants to solve the nightmare, he must find curse-type, spiritual-type, dream-type beasts.

As for spiritual instability... For him who has witnessed the forbidden secret without breaking down, it is not a shortcoming at all.

It's good that the pet beast doesn't get polluted by itself.

The reason for finding the student council president is because there are people in the system who are easy to handle, and can take the green channel of the school, without having to make an appointment in advance, wasting a week or two.

After a long silence, the message came.

[Student Council President: Stop raising pigs? ]

Lu Yu's face froze. If he didn't know the character of the other party, he would definitely feel that he was mocking him.

That's Peach Pig,

Not an ordinary pig!

Bi Mawen is not an ordinary horse breeder, he can even be a fairy!

[Mu Crow: Yes. ]

This time, Lu Yu waited for five minutes without replying.

Could it be that you don't want to help?

Lu Yu was also relieved about this. After all, he and the student council president are only ordinary colleagues, and it is normal that the other party does not want to help.

"It looks like I still have to find the principal myself..."

Lu Yu got up thinking about it, when suddenly the wind blew up and dust was blown up.

He raised his head subconsciously, and saw a girl with white hair and red eyes descending from the sky, with vampire demon wings waving behind her, landing slowly until the little black leather shoes lightly stepped on the ground.

The tall and graceful body lines revealed during the process are perfect, the white shirt wraps the proud curves, and the gully can be vaguely seen, and the buttocks wrapped in the gray plaid pleated skirt are like delicious peaches.

Slender legs wrapped in white calf socks, straight and slender, almost white, shining in the sun.

However, under such a **** appearance, the girl's perfect facial features, which seem to be carefully crafted by the creator, have a kind of indifference like ice.

After landing, the pink bat wings behind her also shrank, and finally turned into a big purple eyeball with little devil wings, and an inverted triangular black tail on the back, floating beside the girl.

But it doesn't look scary, but it looks like a flying doll with big eyes.

It's just that the Abyss Demon Eye looked unhappy, but looked at Lu Yu vigilantly, as if a vegetable farmer guarding a cabbage field watched a stalker stealing vegetables!

Lu Yu's Eye of Truth opened quietly.

[Abyss Demon Eye]

[Attribute: Spirit/Abyss]

[Strength: Elite Peak]

[Racial Potential: High Commander]

[Skills: see through, mental shock, high temperature ray, petrification ray, fear ray, eye of intimidation]

[Introduction: Possessing a spiritual beast, you can gain the ability to fly after possessing it.

Abyss species, the characteristic product of the beholder ecological niche, breed offspring through the beholder dream or other monster dreams, do not like to live in groups, have a cruel and powerful personality, and need to eat a lot of abyss demon insects and flesh and blood containing spirituality for good cultivation, and cannot resist the sour taste food]

[Evolution Path: Beholder Attendant (requires materials...) Evil Beholder (requires materials...) Rare Evolution - Beholder Tyrant (requires materials...)]

Not only the relevant attributes are displayed, but also more than a dozen evolutionary paths, among which even the top beholder tyrant appeared.

It's just that he can only see roughly now. To see clearly, he needs to consume a lot of spiritual power, enough to hollow him out.

So we still have to improve our strength.

But apart from that, [Eye of Truth] also revealed an interesting piece of knowledge, the abyss beholder material, which can be used to make skill secret food.

After taking it, you can get the special skill [Global Vision], allowing pets to have a 360° vision without dead ends.

Combat skills!

Mom no longer has to worry about being attacked by someone!

It's just a specific method, and the secret food inheritance that can only be unlocked after contracting the first royal beast.

This made Lu Yu look forward to the follow-up function of the key of truth even more.

Lu Yu looked at the Abyss Beholder again. Lu Yu felt that this was not an abyss monster, it was clearly a moving treasure chest monster!

Its own strength is also extremely strong. It has four kinds of racial talent ray skills, and the remaining skills are also spiritual skills. It has a wide range of strikes, and coupled with the potential of high-level command, it has a great chance to become the overlord creature of the morning star rank in the future. .

If you don't find a suitable pet this time, you can also ask it for help to resist the invasion of nightmares.



The abyss beholder floating next to the girl suddenly felt a chill behind him, as if he was being watched by something dangerous.

But under the surrounding field of vision, there are no enemies approaching!

Is it possible to be invisible?

Thinking of this, the big eyeballs couldn't help getting closer to the master.

This is not cowardly, just cautious!

Lu Yu also felt that his gaze was too fierce, so he reluctantly looked away from the Abyss Demon Eye, and kindly reminded:

"President, don't wear a skirt when you fly, it's easy to get naked!"

The voice fell, and the scene fell into silence.

The white-haired girl looked down at the ground without toes, thought for a moment, twisted the corners of her skirts with both hands, pulled them up, and asked expressionlessly:

"Does it look good?"

(end of this chapter)