
My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil GodLu Yu came to a strange beast

Lu Yu came to a strange beast-monitoring world where evil gods peeped in and ancient taboos revived from the depths of time. In this world, birds, beasts, mountains, rivers, and even elements can be born and turned into pet beasts spiritually. Among them, the powerful ones themselves are ecological niches, radiating out ecological secrets such as the secret realm of the underworld, the kingdom of bones, the lair of succubi, and the kingdom of heavenly trees, giving birth to countless Dependents. The beast master makes a contract with the beast, cultivates it, and controls the spirituality.After witnessing the [Forbidden Sun] incident, Lu Yu gained the ability to extract materials from all things in the world and edit [Secret Food]. Evolve the secret food, with [Broken Twilight World] + [Ancient Dragon Dead Egg] = Final Banquet, after the royal beast eats it, it evolves into the Final Dragon God, the twilight realm erodes the world, and becomes the God of Doomsday. The skill secret food is the skill of controlling beasts to plunder all things, to become omniscient and omnipotent, to sacrifice secret food to intercept taboo time, to sacrifice ancient existence, and to blaspheme the gods.And his style of painting the beast has also become weird. There is the dream of weaving all living beings, the spider shadow that entwines the ancient dragon with spider silk, and the Crimson Lord that pollutes the multiverse, and there is the Devourer of Worlds that feeds on the world…In this regard, he explained: “My beast masters are just a little weird, they are really not evil gods!” - Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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154 Chs

The Book of the Hidden Emperor, Shushu's full level and Dragon's Secret Realm!

Chapter 100 The Book of Emperor Skeletal, Shushu's full level and Dragon's Secret Realm! (seeking subscription monthly pass)

"The manuscript of the book of the hidden emperor..."

An Hai recited the name with a puzzled expression.

Just now he clearly remembered that what he was holding was leather shoes, why did it suddenly become a book, and the name "Zanghu Emperor" doesn't sound like a serious thing...

It sounds like it has something to do with the undead system.

Although the alliance has always promoted that beasts are equal and should not be discriminated against, most people are still unavoidably afraid of undead beasts such as zombies, zombies, skeletons, and wraiths.

After all, the fear of death is engraved deep in the soul of every living being. Some unscrupulous construction site bosses like these hard-working undead.

What's more, after staying with undead beasts for a long time, people will become gloomy under the influence of spirituality.

An Hai didn't think much about it before, but now that he saw the weirdness, he suddenly felt that it felt like touching a…

Human skin?

Thinking of this, An Hai was so frightened that he almost threw the thing out of his hands. Finally, resisting the fear of calling the police, he carefully opened it with his gloves and found that it was not an evil sacrificial ceremony, but something like a small The child's scribbled human-shaped graffiti, after careful inspection, there was no evil smell, so he was relieved.

And look carefully, although these pages have been tanned, there is no trace of bleaching, so the skin color is too pale.

How can humans have such white skin?

Even dead people are impossible, more like some kind of special monster.

He should not be a believer of evil gods, otherwise how would he pay?

"It seems to be a eccentric undead beast master. I want to repair this thing, but I am afraid of scaring people, so I used illusion. It's just that I am born with strong mental power, so I can see through it..."

An Hai has a secret, that is, his spiritual power is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he can perceive the physical condition of some people, see some hidden beasts, and even perceive the existence of souls.

Especially every time he passed the cemetery, he could feel something attracting him.

I thought that this powerful mental power would help him become a powerful beast master, but it turned out that he...

He couldn't awaken the beast master talent, let alone open the beast master space.

It was as if God had played a joke on him. Since then, his life trajectory has also changed. He cannot step into the extraordinary world, and can only be a mediocre ordinary person.

I thought I was going to be decadent, but I met a gentle woman, an ordinary low-level beast master, not strong, and sloppy in doing things.

Many people say that she looks mediocre, but in An Hai's eyes, she is the most beautiful woman, warming half of his life.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and within a few years she also died of illness, leaving only the crystallization of their love. Therefore, An Hai pinned all his hopes on An Mo, not wanting his son to repeat his mistakes.

At least... it can give him a chance to choose!

Now he has roughly figured it out. It is estimated that this undead beast master wanted to repair the skin of this mysterious extraordinary item, and specially made a disguise, but he accidentally saw it through.

Since this is the case, then simply pretend that you don't know.

The less trouble, the better.

Thinking of this, An Hai put it away in an iron box, packed up the booth and went home.

And in the shadow of the alley behind him, the man wearing the blood-red three-lobed eye mask bowed slightly, as if welcoming the arrival of an excellent actor, and sang an ethereal song like a bard:

"When the stars return to their correct positions... the white pillars of heaven will eventually collapse... mortals control fantasy and usher in a backlash... the holy city of the ghastly bones will come... ancient shadows cover the sky... madness... fighting...everything begins with chaos, attributable to..."


A gust of wind blew by, rolled up the cans and rolled them into the alley, but there was no one there, and everything fell into silence.

On the other side, Shushu is facing the first time in his life...

Take a bath.

"Ah so comfortable!"

Shushu was wrapped into a ball and floated on the water, surrounded by steaming heat, a blush appeared on his face.

At this moment, it seems that all the troubles have disappeared.

Shushu, who has always washed his body with shadow power, felt the joy of taking a bath for the first time.

The little spider was also floating on the water, and kept splashing water on the mouse's face, feeding it a mouthful of bath water.

This is domestic violence!

For the time being, I can't beat Sister Spider. The mouse who lives under the human has endured it. When it turns over to become the master mouse in the future, let the little spider serve tea and water for it, and design beautiful clothes every day.

As for cultivating people, it should be the best meat pad.


Xiu Ren, what do you mean by wearing swimming trunks? ?

What about guarding against a gentleman?

Is Shushu the kind of shy, shameless rat?

Have the ability to untie the shackles of Shushu!

Having said that, Shushu is just complaining, the relationship between them is more like family members, the kind that can never be separated.

Because it was not good to soak in the bath for too long, about 20 minutes or so Lu Yu got up, the water swayed, and a small wave directly turned the floating Shushu over.

"Gululu...cultivating people...gululu...you give me...gu..."

Fortunately, the little spider untied the spider silk prison on his body, otherwise Shushu would be reincarnated as the soul emperor mouse.

By the way, hold a resurrection ceremony,

Resurrect, my mouse.

After Lu Yu wiped his body and put on new clothes, he began to skillfully blow-dry the little spider's hair, which made Shushu, who was about to shake off the water droplets, also asked for it.

"Okay, it's your turn now."

Lu Yu smiled. After drying the little spider's hair, he tied the streamer condensed with the power of nightmare, and then started blowing Shushu's hair.


Washed and dried, Shushu grabbed the hot milk with a streamer, took a sip, and sighed.

"Be quiet, don't act like a middle-aged man all day!" Lu Yu reminded, but Shushu retorted unconvinced:

"After all, I am not like Elder Sister Spider, who is gentle and cute, and I am fed with all kinds of secret food. Now I am disliked even drinking milk. I am probably tired of it..."

"Okay, here you go!"

Looking at Shushu who was about to enter the "Lin Ruan" mode again, Lu Yu was extremely disgusted and threw out a bunch of things.

"Oh yeah!"

Another victory, Shushu happily manipulated the streamer, but what it saw scared it so much that it almost didn't throw it out.

It turned out to be a group of slender, wriggling blood-colored bugs, wriggling continuously in the blood-colored streamers.

"Change! State! Repair! People!"

Shushu rioted with resentment, condensing shadow flames around his body, turning into a super saiyan.

Is the relationship fading or what?

Sister Spider is chocolate? I'm a bug?

Besides, I'm not a fish, or are you implying that Shushu, I'm a fish in the fish pond of your scumbag beast master?

You stinky Aquaman!

However, Lu Yu looked at Shushu who was bursting with anger, and just said lightly: "Don't you think this thing is very familiar?"

"Familiar?" Shushu was stunned for a moment, then reacted randomly, and after reading it carefully, he exclaimed: "It seems to be from the limb-grabber..."

"You are not stupid." Lu Yu glanced at it.

These are the materials extracted from the Gripping Demon—the bloodshot parasite, which is separated from the core of the Great Demon of Thousand Faces and used to feed the mother's slave beast.

Because after the limb-attaching demon has spliced ​​the bodies of extraordinary creatures, the parasites in its body will eat away, pollute and erode these extraordinary spiritualities.

Therefore, after being extracted as materials, the spliced ​​monster body has long been scrapped, but these bloodshot parasites are full of vitality.

Since they can support their mothers, Shushu, which is fused with the core of the Great Demon with Thousand Faces, can naturally absorb these energies and strengthen the super skill [Touch of Thousand Faces].

Shushu also understood, and looked at the parasites in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Lu Yu thought it had some psychological burden, and wanted to enlighten it, but Shushu suddenly turned into an ant king form, and then continuously absorbed bloodshot parasites through the thousand-faced touch that simulated a **** streamer behind him.

Boom boom boom!

The power ring in Shushu's body appeared, condensing blood and stars around his body, starting from the thirtyth level and continuously soaring, thirty-one... thirty-three... thirty-five

It didn't stop until forty.

The incarnation of the ant king has directly reached the perfect state of the force ring, and his strength has broken through to the peak of the elite.

In this way, counting the doubled power, a full sixty tons of huge power, with the addition of extraordinary spirituality, is enough to sweep the entire elite class.

Here refers to the permanent state, not the limit!

One punch down, Lu Yu had to beg the opponent not to die.

In this wave, Emperor Shutian stood up!

Lu Yu didn't expect this either. Originally, he just wanted to strengthen the touch of a thousand faces, but he didn't expect to pile up the incarnation of the "Ant King" to the full level.

There is no problem if you think about it carefully. The principle of the force ring's cohesion is said to be a corpse, but it is actually flesh and blood and spiritual essence.

These bloodshot parasites have already absorbed a large amount of flesh and blood essence and spirituality. If they absorb it normally, they need to remove these impurities to prevent their spirituality from being polluted.

But it doesn't matter if you usher in the cohesion ring, it doesn't matter whether you are mixed or not,

Directly break through all methods!

Thanks for the gift of nature!

"Hmph, a stupid cultivator, but Shushu is smart enough to maximize his benefits!"

Shushu looked at Xiuren's shocked expression, and felt refreshed as if he drank a sip of ice water in summer.

After being bullied for a day, he finally slapped his face and went back at this moment.

Congratulations on the return of Emperor Rat, crooked mouth!

"Ah yes yes yes..."

Lu Yu rolled his eyes, but it was indeed installed, but it didn't matter.

He is a beast master, the stronger the pet beast, the stronger he is, the strength of Shushu improves, and finally he wins.

One person and one mouse looked at each other, and they were all satisfied.

However, the next power ring needs the support of the spirituality of the commanding rank, so Shushu returned to its original form, and began to use [Touch of Thousand Faces] to absorb the remaining bloodshot parasites. After purification, the spiritual energy in the body increased considerably. Less, the hardness of Touch of a Thousand Faces has also doubled.

Lying down and becoming stronger, so happy.

This is not a limb-attaching demon, it is simply a group of moving experience babies.

In the future, you will kill one when you meet one. There is no wrong killing for this group of guys.

"It's almost ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed."

After finishing all the matters, Lu Yu received a message from the president, saying that he had something to look for and that he would go to school tomorrow afternoon.

Lu Yu readily agreed to this, and it just so happened that the points that senior sister Luo Qingyue applied for him last time also came down, so he went to school to collect some wool, and by the way, he went to meet his "people" in Taohua Township.

I guess it's been a long time since I saw them, they should miss themselves very much, right?

Lu Yu said that in order to recharge his batteries, he generously gave the beasts a vacation. He didn't go to the Nightmare Prison to exercise today, and started tomorrow. After returning to the room, he couldn't help but started yawning.

I almost couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, I can't say that I opened the Eye of Truth for six or seven hours today, and my legs are almost weak.


"Oh yeah! Shushu is not going to work today! Not going to work!"

Shushu happily performed yangko on the sofa, then turned down the volume of the TV, and was about to finish watching the fish head princess born in the sea. Now it has reached the scene of the wine of eternal life and the wedding.

Compared to Shushu's excitement, Little Spider was a little dazed.

In the past, she spent time with her master in a dream, but now she was on a sudden vacation, which made her feel a little overwhelmed.


Can't enter the dream scroll…

Little Spider was a little disappointed, and then made a few clothes. This time, he chose to use nightmare silk for coloring, so he didn't have to worry about the pattern being washed and faded by water, so he gave it to the owner as a spare.

I was in high spirits when I was busy, but I was a little bored when I was done. The little spider felt the pain of the long night for the first time.

But the efficiency of self-training is too low, until... it perceives a socket with its mind eyes!

It seems that this skill does not require much skill...

"how so!?"

Shushu, who was about to see the **** wedding, suddenly went black on the screen, and a rush of blood rushed straight to his forehead. How could there be a power outage at this time?

In the living room, the dazzling white light kept flickering, which made Shushu a little confused. If there is a light on, there should be no power outage?

Then it poked its head out curiously, and then saw an unforgettable scene in this life, and felt the **** from the "Lightning King" for the first time...

The next day, when Lu Yu got up refreshed, he saw the energetic little spider, but it was a little hairy, maybe it was because of the wrong sleeping position.

"Huh? Where's Shushu?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and after searching carefully, he finally found me in the corner, Shushu, who was curled up in a ball with a dull expression, as if he had experienced some kind of stimulation.

"Is this staying up late and staying up stupid?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes, this bad habit must not be tolerated, today he stands up again, roll it up for me!

Shushu originally wanted to remind, but seeing the passionate cultivator, he finally held back the words.

When Xiuren sees the electricity bill...should understand!

Lu Yu didn't care about Shushu, and directly made a big pot of purple rice porridge, and used the [Gluttony Crucible] again, and randomly got hair.

Lu Yu always felt that it was the malice of fate, and stared at his black and beautiful hair, but once or twice, it would not cause any problems, so amidst the wailing of the gluttony crucible, he changed to an upgraded food.

Then he called out with the Star Leaf, but there was no response at all, and there was no white fox shadow.

"Aren't you in the city? Or are you usually busy and only appear at night?"

Lu Yu is like a little licking dog now. If he couldn't speak, he would want to ask about his health every day, whether the big white fox has eaten, dressed warmly, etc...

It's not that he has a thick skin, but because his thighs are so fragrant, if he can lick a star leaf, he will earn a lot of money in minutes!

Lu Yu felt regretful, but he was soon attracted by the delicious food. After eating the purple rice porridge for one person and two favorites, this time the buff of [Spirited and Vigorous] was generated, which can reduce the loss of mental power by half, and it is still 24 hours.

In order not to waste the effect, Lu Yu dragged the little spider and Shushu into the room during the day, and then returned to the Nightmare Prison to roll up. As for going to school in the afternoon... just half an hour earlier.

At the same time, a modified bus with the No. 1 High School of Meteor City entering Dayuan City, and a group of students on it looked at the surrounding scenery curiously.

The team was led by a middle-aged man with a dean-like style and a young man with a feminine appearance.

They are called Su Bin and Zhu Fei. They are the leading teachers this time.

The reason for coming this time is naturally not for sightseeing, but because there is a dragon ecological mystery between Dayuan City and Meteor City...

Who said that the father and son sent it, do I look like the kind of author who casually kills people, ahem, two updates of 10,000 words, please ask for a monthly ticket, and a new story will start next.