Most believed the beast is ment to kill, Absorbs, distruct and destroy but a girl from a small town village proves them wrong, as the advantures goes on she belived the Beast is the one keeping people safe from other Creatures, Their journey together ended up falling for eachother.
Tine was feeling dizzy as she threw up once again meanwhile Harry was still scolding at her.
"What's wrong with me?"
"You are pregnant" Harry and Tine were shocked.
"What are you saying Caroline, how could I be pregnant?"
"Did you slept with Milan Tine, try to remember"
"Yes I did"
"Congratulations you slept with a beast I can't believe this Tine, you knew all along that he was a beast yet you kept it from us from me, you are the reason why all this happened you brought him into our lives, you are to blame for all that has been going on, you are the reason why Belle is not here right now"
They were shocked
"What do you mean? Where is Belle?" Caroline asked. Harry told them everything as he was shedding tears.
"You are a disgrace in this family Tine, now Belle is gone and all this because of you, you are to blame for everything that keeps happening into our family" Harry was speaking harsh words as Tine as losing energy.
"That's enough Harry can't you see she's sick?"
"Sick? Believe me that child is cursed and I won't ever accept him in our family"
"Then stop it already let her rest can't you see she's out if breath?"
"No Caroline he is right, let him speak, let out everything that you want to say," Tine paralyzed and fainted.
"Congratulations you got what you wanted" Caroline told Harry as she helps her sister on the bed.
Harry walked outside the house he saw Ishaly and the others once again.
"How is the chief doing?"
"I know you are monsters too, but fine let us play the ay you guys want to play" Harry walked away he was going to the cells where they were keeping Milan. He saw the commander in charge on the front desk.
"I'm sorry sir but the chief told us no one is allowed to enter" The general showed up
"It's okay he can go inside"Harry was allowed to pass inside he walks inside and saw Milan was tortured very badly as he was hanged with chains on his chest.
"If I were the general then I would have torture you with fire instead you beast" Milan opened his eyes and saw Harry.
"I was expecting you to come sooner" (Milan coughs)
"You lied to us, you lied to my sister you brought our lives into misery all this time, you are the reason why Belle was bitten, you even pretend loving my sister you beast"
"Yes I agree to all that, but if there was a small truth then my love for your sister. I really love her so much"
"You killed our parents long time ago, now you are in love with my sister? Don't make me laugh"
"I admit I killed your parents yes, but that wasn't me I used to kill by following orders not If I wanted to or enjoyed but I had no other options, I was occupied by another person I was having a tough days"
"More lies and bullshits, you came pretending to love my sister and your goals were to kill and flash this village away as you did to ours long time ago"
"I don't have any intentions of doing that as I have changed, everyday in my life the souls I killed, I keep seeing them all, I keep regretting day and night for what I did, I know I can't bring back the dead but I have to change in order for their deaths won't be in vein I have to fight by their side and protect them"
"Go to hell you beast, I don't even want to see you" Harry walked away Milan was just staring at him.
Later on that night it was very dark Milan was still tied up with chains the guards were dozing. Milan was having strange feelings lately. Suddenly a woman shows up. It was Salwa all again.
"You look so pale handsome, did I arrive too late?"
"You seem to be in a good mood Salwa" Salwa wanted to break the cell the moment she touched the iron it burned her hands.
"They have used the wolfs bane too, you cannot break it""I can control them and order for you to he released"
"No that won't be necessary Salwa, I have to convince them that I am not enemy to them and by doing that I have to earn their trust"
"Are you crazy? These human will burn you alive"
"If that what it takes for them to trust me then let them have burn me"
"They are preparing the woods for your fire out there they are goin to kill you Milan"
"Then let them have their revenge but I am not getting out of this cell nir do I plan on harming anyone or run away"
"You are so changed Milan, let me know If you change your mind you know how to call me" Salwa turned around she wanted to walk away.
"Please help me, I have a favor to ask would you help me?"
"You know I will do anything for you Milan"
"I don't know how Tine is going through right now, I am trying to sync my powers to reach her but I can't get to her" Salwa smiles at Milan.
"I understand, I will go and take a look around" Salwa vanished away.