
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

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10 Chs

Chapter Three

Life changed a lot, it was much more different than in the past. After her father had divorced the woman who gave birth to her. He had bought them a new home farther from the city. Instead of growing up with a little boy called Fan Hui, she met other children her age at the neighborhood park. She also befriended people in her new elementary school. Yang Xing-Fu even if he was busy would find time to take her to go play. Her father had even met someone Chao-Xing approved of called Ming Da Chun. Who she called Aunty Ming to the embarrassment of her father and brother. The woman was also divorced and had a single daughter Xing-Fu's age, Xing-Fu was attending college now and Chao-Xing was nine years old now. She was still as childish and tiny as every though, she was eager for the day she gets her growth spurt.

Aunty Ming had basically moved in at this point making meals every day for them. She would even pack lunches suited to their appetites' sneaking in candies Chao-Xing liked to share with her friends at the park. One day the cute little girl was sitting at the counter and was asking Aunty Ming a lot of questions to the amusement of her father. "Aunty Ming my friends told me I have a nice mommy because she packs me nice things." Aunty Ming who was cooking dinner stumbles almost burning her hand. Her father worriedly rushes over to help steady her and check her hands. Feeling sorry Chao-Xing asks worriedly, "Daddy! Did Aunty Ming get hurt because of me?"

Aunty Ming was quick to reassure the girl with a smile though her eyes were watering. "No, no aunty isn't hurt at all, its ok Xiao Xing." Aunty Ming was the only one to call her by that name which made Chao-Xing love this woman even more. She was considerate of her father and even did her best to please Xing-Fu and Chao-Xing. As if they were important guests and she wanted to impress them. She was in her late thirties so she was quite a bit younger than her father but she saw the sincere love between them. When Aunty Ming thought she was alone she would considerately embroider things for her. Aunty Ming even bought new sheets for Chao-Xing since the ones her father and Xing-Fu bought for her didn't match a girl's room.

She didn't try to take credit or point it out, it was just there one day. Every day she helped clean the house and clean Chao-Xing's room. She knew her father was lonely, and having this woman by his side made him happier than she had seen him be in years. Her past life and this life. Right now after what Chao-Xing had said the woman was obviously very emotional and turns to her side to subtlety wipe her tears. Ahh, I didn't mean to make her cry, sorry to say this little girl will ask you to endure. "Aunty, are you my mommy? Is that why you do this for me?"

Her words were innocent and full of hope as she eagerly awaits her answer. Seeing her bright eyes filled with hope made Aunty Ming lose her composure entirely as she reaches over to hug the little girl to her chest while sobbing. I hope these are happy tears. Chao-Xing worriedly pats her back, "Aunty Ming?" The older woman pulls back and kisses Chao-Xing's forehead lovingly. "Yes yes, that's me, I am your mommy. I'm your mommy that's why I love my Xiao Xing so much." Chao-Xing was bursting with happiness but then becomes sad much to the confusion of the two adults. "Mommy, if you loved Chao-Xing so much how come you didn't come to take us away earlier? Ge Ge and I didn't have a mommy for a long time it made me sad. Did you not love us back then?"

She was purposely mistaking the woman for her birth mother making Gu Ping not know whether to laugh or cry. This silly daughter of his! She reads too many fairy tale books! But when he saw the adoration and love on his woman's face when seeing her look at his daughter. He lost the will to correct the silly girl, if that's what she wants then so, be it. There's no harm. After all, Da Chun had long ago known about the girl suffering from memory loss. He wanted to tell her about his daughter's weak condition because of the accident three years ago. She still hadn't recovered her memories and Gu Ping honestly had no intention of letting her remember the shameless woman and that devil child. It was better that way.

So the next few months the gentle and sweet-tempered Ming Da Chun stayed with Chao-Xing on the daily. Mothering her as any mother should and teaching her things making the whole family very harmonious. Xing-Fu didn't call her mother but called her Aunty. Understanding it was hard for him to accept it right now Gu Ping didn't push the matter. Da Chun's daughter was also living on campus grounds and only came to visit once in a while to check in on her mother. The older sister Chao-Xing gained was kind and sweet like her mother. She was beautiful and resembled her name perfectly. Refined and beautiful as a flower with long curled black hair and eyes like peach blossoms. Her skin was flawless and her voice resembled honey, her features were just as exquisite as her brother!

Seeing the beautiful girl smiling warmly while calling her father "Father". Chao-Xing could see this affected her father greatly just like how Da Chun was happy enough to sprout tears. This older sister when she first saw Chao-Xing absolutely adored meng things. So when she saw the cute child hide behind her Ge Ge while calling out shyly while blushing. "Older sister Wen....." Chao-Xing knew the true meaning of suffering as she was hugged squeezed and tortured till she couldn't take it anymore. This older sister she saw as a gentle and mild-tempered lady actually was crazy for meng!! Ever since then when Xing-Fu and Wen Xia come to visit since they both went to the same university.

Chao-Xing would hurry to hide behind Da Chun who laughed as her daughter who arrived immediately looked around for little Chao-Xing. They two this time returned because they were on holiday and the five were going out to eat together as a family. Chao-Xing who was spotted by her perverted sister widened her eyes with horror as she crept closer. Her voice was sweet as she tries to coax her out. "Oh little Xing~, come here. Your older sister missed you so much these past few days I finished all of my assignments on the trip back. Don't you miss me?" Chao-Xing exclaims terrified, "No!!" Making everyone laugh at her.

Xing-Fu sighs and holds his stepsister back by her bag seemingly annoyed. "Stop scaring her, everytime we visit I can't even get a welcoming hug before she runs away anymore because of you." Chao-Xing felt relieved, her brother loved her most! He sounded irritated, meanwhile hearing his complaint Ming Wen Xia scowls. She glares at him, "It's because of you she doesn't like me!" Seeing she was being unreasonable he politely greets Da Chun before reaching around her and pulling Chao-Xing out. Like a puppy seeing her owner after a long time separated Chao-Xing's eyes brighten up. Throwing her arms around his neck she sweetly called out happily, "Ge Ge!!" Xing-Fu able to see his little sister finally smoothens the wrinkles above his brows and smiles.

He returns her hug, "Chao'er, how have you been? Did you miss your Ge Ge?" The spoiled girl pouts at him, her eyes filling up with grievances. "Daddy refuses to get Chao'er a puppy. Chao'er said she was a good girl and would take care of it but daddy says I'm not old enough yet." He didn't know what to do with this girl, totally helpless to her large brown eyes begging with him to get her what she wants. Seeing her sad look he ruffles her hair dotingly, his voice was soft and gentle as he spoke to her. Gu Ping was expecting his son to reject her as it was for her own safety. He didn't want the dog to grow up and hurt Chao-Xing so he refused to get her a pet. But to his surprise and helplessness his oldest son actually said the opposite!

"Then big brother will go with you to buy one after we finish eating. Ok?" Chao-Xing getting what she wanted and knowing her older brother always kept his promises lights up like a star. "Really?! Ge Ge is the best!! I love Ge Ge the most!!" She rubs her cheeks against his like a dog making him laugh. Da Chun seeing her husband about to interrupt this touching moment shoots him a sharp look. This shuts him up pleasing mother Ming. He wasn't the only one feeling dejected as Wen Xia pouts. "I could have gotten her one too you know! Don't act like your all that!" Da Chun seeing her childish daughter sighs and tries not to laugh at her outburst. Chao-Xing taking pity on her older step-sister gives her a sweet smile over Xing-Fu's shoulder.

"Older sister Wen, welcome home too." Her voice was extremely adorable and hearing her called Wen Xia that made the college student crowd her. So meng!!! "As long as little Xing calls me older sister Wen Ill also get you anything you want~" Da Chun as the only mature one at this time chuckles and pulls her husband towards the door. "Come you three, or else our table will be given to someone else." Xing-Fu carries the spoiled girl out the door as she prattles on about the things she did the past few days he was gone. Da Chun watching this harmonious scene of her and Gu Ping's children getting along warmed her heart. In the rearview mirror, she watches as Chao-Xing did her best to try and put distance between her and Wen Xia.

Her daughter was pinching and squeezing the poor girl till her eyes water. This makes the two older siblings bicker as Chao-Xing whines and tugs at Xing-Fu's sleeve. Da Chun watches this warmly, she was truly grateful to the little girl. She was aware that if Chao-Xing wasn't with Gu Ping and Xing-Fu it would be hard for the four of them to break the ice. But the little girl warmed people's hearts when they saw her and made people want to spoil her. Because of this girl, she and her daughter were embraced into the family with wide-open arms. What Chao-Xing wanted, her father and her older brother also wanted. She felt blessed and eternally grateful to have a complete family.

Once they were in the restaurant and served food Da Chun takes the initiative to start the conversation. "Fu'er how have your studies been? Are you sleeping alright these past few days? The food I sent you during your exams did you like it?" Her voice was motherly and gentle when she asks this. Before Xing-Fu could answer Wen Xia hearing this gives an open complaint, "Mother you never sent me food!" Da Chun in a rare show of sternness scolds her daughter lightly for her actions. "You have gotten to eat my cooking since birth, hush." Wen Xia pouts and picks at her food until Chao-Xing personally picks something for her in pity. The girl perks up and begins eating with fever savoring the food this little sister picked for her. Chao-Xing internally sighs, what a troublesome older sister...

Xing-Fu gives her a polite smile, "I made it into the top twenty this time, only because Aunty gave me such good food to eat. Because of Aunty's good cooking, I had enough energy to finish the exams on a good note." Da Chun obviously flattered and happy to hear this adds more dishes he liked onto his bowl. Like a mother fawning over her accomplished son Da Chun showers Xing-Fu with attention. Gu Ping holds his wife's free hand and watches her lovingly. Meanwhile, Gu Ping turns to his adopted daughter and asks gently, "And you Wen Xia? Did you do well on your exams too?" Finally being given attention Wen Xia's eyes brighten up.

"Father doesn't know but I was always the top of my class when I was little! The teachers all called me a genius and praised me for being intelligent!" She brags casually making Gu Ping chuckle, "Is that so? Then that must mean that you also passed easily right?" Before Wen Xia could speak Xing-Fu interrupts smiling at his father. "Father don't let her fill your head with lies. This girl actually came to my room a day before the exams and begged me to help her study. She barely passed the top fifty percent." Gu Ping laughs heartily not getting mad and Wen Xia turns bright red at being exposed. "Xing-Fu you!!" Da Chun hearing this worriedly turns to her daughter.

"Haven't you been studying diligently? That's what you told me when I had called you before." Xing-Fu covers his mouth eloquently like a gentleman to "hide" his grin. "Oh ho, lying to your mother are you?" Chao-Xing uses her brother's side to hide her giggles as to not provoke Wen Xia even more. "I have!!" Wen Xia with bright red cheeks defends herself stubbornly. "Aunt, don't be too harsh on Wen Xia, in fact, she has been studying." Da Chun thinking Xing-Fu was covering for her she was a tiny bit displeased by his actions. It was good he wanted to defend his sister but still, this was unacceptable. Wen Xia sends Xing-Fu a grateful look until he quirkily adds.

"Studying the boys at university that is." Da Chun scolds her daughter, "Wen Xia!!" Wen Xia knowing she's been busted whines and points fingers at Xing-Fu accusing him of slacking off too. "Mother you don't know but Xing-Fu sneaks out and hangs out with people after curfew!" But when Da Chun hears this she only brushes it off as falsity not believing her lie. "Fu'er is a good boy! He would never do that!" Xing-Fu smirks and while Wen Xia was straightened out by Da Chun, he picks food for Chao-Xing that she wanted to eat but couldn't reach. The girl happily allows him to spoil her once more.

Gu Ping pats Da Chun's hand, "Honey, it's ok, let Wen Xia have her fun. She is only young once after all." Wen Xia finally finding someone on her side thanks to the heavens. "Look father understands! Mother, I only get to enjoy college once let me have fun yea? I promise to study harder don't be mad anymore ok?" Da Chun protests to Gu Ping, "If we indulge them too much what if Wen Xia gets influenced by bad people? I just don't want her to stray off the right path." Knowing her concerns Gu Ping goes on comforting her while Wen Xia breathes a sigh of relief. As she was about to bicker with Xing-Fu again for getting her in trouble something troubling happened when she turned her head making her stunned.

Xing Fu was peeling shrimp for Chao-Xing when suddenly a waitress exclaims in shock bumping into someone behind her. In her hand were beverages that spilled all over Xing-Fu's shirt making the family all frown worriedly. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!!" Wen Xia seeing her sibling getting dirty forgets their beef and scolds the waitress with a heated glare. "Watch where you're going! You just poured water all over my Ge Ge aren't you ashamed?!" Wen Xia was positively pissed since she saw what happened more clearly than others did. The waitress did it on purpose but she missed her target and instead messed up Xing-Fu's clothes.

The girl was now absolutely frightened by the tigress of a sister Chao-Xing had. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry! Let me help you I-" Wen Xia was quick to walk over slapping her hand away coldly. "Get your dirty hands off my brother, call your manager here right now!" The scene was being watched by all the patrons currently as Da Chun helps Xing-Fu by wiping his face that was dripping with soda. Chao-Xing also was a victim since she was sitting closest to him. Xing-Fu's face was cold and distant seeing as the girl also got Chao-Xing wet. Ever since Chao-Xing sent to the hospital she had been prone to sickness. So the cold soda makes her sneeze only a few seconds after being soaked in cold liquid. His brows furrow with worry at the same time Gu Ping sees her sneeze.

To be honest, Chao-Xing didn't know how to fake illness. Faking memory loss was easy, but being sick with illness was not something she easily could act out. The chilly drink made her shiver and sneeze repeatedly. Xing-Fu stands up abruptly and rushes out the door, bowing his head to Gu Ping. "Father, Aunty, Ill take Chao'er first." Gu Ping nods solemnly, "Go, I'll take care of things here." Da Chun wanted to go with but she saw the rush on Xing-Fu's face and didn't want to slow them down. So she only said a few words before letting them go. Wen Xia, the only one not sure what was going on was concerned. But focusing back on the matter at hand she goes back to scolding at the waitress.

Xing-Fu had hailed a taxi and took them home first to get her changed and cleaned up. Then he hurriedly took her to the hospital even though Chao-Xing herself found it unnecessary. "Ge Ge I'm ok." As she said this another sneeze escapes making him pat her head and smiles stiffly not believing her words until the doctors cleared her. Chao-Xing knew he wouldn't be comforted by her words alone so she went along with his wishes holding on tight to his shirt. Whether if it was to give him strength or her, Chao-Xing held her big brother tight. After requesting a checkup, Chao-Xing and Xing-Fu sit at the reception area waiting for her name to be called.

Only after they check on her condition and saw there was nothing wrong did the doctor prescribes some cold medicine reassuring Xing-Fu the girl was ok. "I saw that she was hospitalized a few years ago after falling into cold water and suffering head trauma? The sudden cold water most likely caused her body to react as if she was going through the events again but less severe. It will be safer to not let her drink any cold drinks or eat anything too chilly for now. Until she recovers keep everything she eats must be room temperature, not too hot not too cold." Being handed a prescription for medicine and her diagnosis Xing-Fu faces was really ugly right about now making Chao-Xing feel guilty.

It was also like this in the past, she always caused her big brother and father worries about getting sick too easily. She pulls her brother's sleeve, "Ge Ge, don't worry. I'm ok I promise, I'm not sick." He smoothens his face till it didn't have that angry look anymore. Now, only a sad light shone in his eyes as he bundles Chao-Xing up in his lap as if to protect her from the world. His little sister was too pitiful. She was too good for the world. But to think so many unfortunate events happened to her at such a young age that it had lingering effects...Xing Fu felt as if he failed to live up to Chao-Xing's image as the perfect older brother. His heartfelt sore...

That was how Da Chun found them, the first thing she saw when she was rushing through the halls, was two lonely sad-looking siblings who held onto each other without anyone else standing beside them. Like the world was against their happiness and they could only futilely try to rely on each other to get through the dark tunnel left in their hearts and minds. All they could do was rely on themselves. Her chest ached to see the sorrowful and lonely scene in front of her, but the woman didn't hesitate with her next actions. Da Chun slowly walks over, she lightly touches Xing-Fu's head that was drooped downwards hiding his expression from her vision.

And when he does he look up, she was startled to see two round droplets drip down his cheeks from pain-filled eyes. Da Chun's own eyes water lightly seeing the broken expression on Xing-Fu's face she never thought she would ever see. He is also still just a child yearning for belonging and family...Just a child. She only pets his head gently and softly says, "Let's go home, ok?" Xing-Fu obediently nods his head like a child and carefully carries Chao-Xing following after Da Chun. The woman walks slowly to accommodate Xing-Fu who had carried the little girl for so long.

Though he had already carried Chao-Xing for so long he refused to let go of her even when Da Chun offered. The woman felt her heart swell due to his loving dedication to Chao-Xing but at the same time she felt as if someone had stabbed her in the heart because of the reason to which he refused to let her go. he must be tired... In the car, she sends a text to Gu Ping who was anxiously awaiting news on Xing-Fu and Chao-Xing at their home. Da Chun only said that Xing-Fu didn't say anything yet but Chao-Xing looked ok. Chao-Xing was unusually quiet though, the reason she didn't talk? Her throat was slightly sore and it was hurt to speak. As for Xing-Fu, she didn't know his thoughts but could take a guess it had to do with the things from three years ago.