
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter Seven

Yang Chao-Xing tilts her head away from the camera pretending to be oblivious to the crew's existence lowering her lashes to stare off the set in a daze. It wasn't as good as a professional, but the girl had talent when she put her mind to it, so although it isn't perfect, it was natural. And that natural action made the eyes of those in the studio gleam and shine having spotted this gem in the rough before others have. "Beautiful little miss Yang! Absolutely beautiful!!" Chao-Xing doesn't show expression to her praise, her reaction was only curling half her lip up into a provoking grin at the camera. In response to her arrogant and proud actions, more clicks sound in the room causing Wen Xia to stand up taller with pride. Her little sister is a prodigy! Dressed in a short lacy red dress sitting in a forest full of vines sat Chao-Xing.

Her short hair shows off a white milky neckline and her strand of red hair was dyed again to become even more eye-catching on camera. Although her eyes were just an average brown, to the eyes of the people they shined brighter than any of the blue of foreigners. They were full of youth and sweet bitterness, a very refreshing look compared to most models who focused only on beauty and how sexy they could be. After the shoot Chao-Xing accepts the jacket by her sister and smiles patiently as the crew hurry to once again get reacquainted with her.

"You're Miss Yang's younger sister? As expected! The older sister is brilliant and the younger is just as talented!" "Little miss Yang here's my contact information if you ever have the need for a photographer give me a call!" Wen Xia saw Chao-Xing was starting to get annoyed as her smile started struggling to stay up, so, with a professional air, she takes the cards offered and politely excuses them from the group. "Thank you for your hard work today everyone. As much as we would love to spend more time socializing we have a tight schedule. So excuse us." Without having any other reason to keep the two sisters they reluctantly let them escape. As soon as they were in the dressing room Chao-Xing's smile falls immediately. Taking the jacket handed to her she tosses it onto the sofa exclaiming in a spoiled annoyed manner.

"I don't want to do this anymore! I hate it!" Wen Xia peeks outside their door to make sure no one followed them before locking the dressing room and patiently walking over to soothe the pouting Chao-Xing. Chao-Xing was acting childish but she really didn't want to do it anymore! Being told to stay still and smile like she was an alluring siren. It was humiliating for her! Wen Xia moves slowly to not provoke the girl more and walks over to put the jacket around her shoulders, worried the girl would let herself get a chill in her fit. "You did wonderful though. Didn't you hear all of the praise you got?" Chao-Xing pouts her lips, even more, becoming even more spoiled.

"Jie Jie it's tiring though~! I don't like it! Daddy said if I don't like it I can quit whenever I want." Wen Xia sighs since what she said was technically true, taking out wipes to help remove Chao-Xing's makeup she patiently coaxes her. "It's only been a few hours on your first day, how do you know you hate it enough to quit before you barely even get started? We were only taking your profile pictures today." The girl pulls away from Wen Xia's hands to give her a distrustful look. "Just profile pictures? Then what will happen when it's the real deal?" Wen Xia pictures Chao-Xing going through a full day of photo taking and advertisement shoots without any breaks or stops in between besides the drives back and forth. With her little sister's short temperament and lazy personality...

She felt a migraine just picturing it and grimaced, "...." Chao-Xing, seeing her sister was finally started to see the issue huffs. "Hmph!" Wen Xia was clueless on how to control the girl since she seemed to have made up her mind, but then again if she had to replace Chao-Xing after all this effort the one suffering the most loss would be her. Especially since she had introduced Chao-Xing with her name on the line. If only Xing-Fu was here, he would be able to placate the girl. "Chao-Xing, being an adult is not all play. Your Ge Ge too has to work day and night just to keep his job. Me as well, there are no exceptions no matter what role you play. It will all include hard work and dedication."

Chao-Xing blows out her cheeks and stubbornly refused to look at Wen Xia. Without any other ideas, the older woman takes out her phone while Chao-Xing observes from the corner of her eye. After searching for the number of the person she was looking for she puts it up to her ear. "Hello? Xing-Fu?" Chao-Xing's head snaps towards her as she stares at her older sister with a betrayed expression. Having no sympathy the woman ignores the gaze, "You remember how today Chao-Xing is working under my company? She wants to-" Chao-Xing's cheeks go red while she pretends to ignore the conversation to glare at the wall.

Feeling a nudge on her shoulder Wen Xia told to her with a bland expression, "Your Ge Ge wants to speak to you." Chao-Xing really wanted to say no but when recalling her older brother's doting and loving treatment of her she hesitates. Deflating her ego she reluctantly takes the phone, the first thing she hears is the gentle voice of her brother asking about her health warming her heart. The hard stubborn glint in her eyes had already started fading away before he could finish his first sentence. "Chao'er, are you tired? Do you want big brother to bring you something to eat? Ge Ge can even go buy your favorite sweets. Or if you want I can pick up Hitoshi and send him into Wen Xia's office."

Only after he finished speaking did she finally open her mouth to complain. "Ge Ge~!" Wen Xia scowls at the obvious favoritism while sitting on the sofa to flip through a magazine. "Ge Ge Chao'er doesn't want to model! I regret agreeing to this the people here are all mean and greedy! They keep crowding around me and giving me weird things!" Wen Xia calls out to correct her loud enough for Xing-Fu to hear. "They only gave her their cards!" Xing-Fu chuckles while placing his paperwork down much to his secretary's displeasure. Kang was in the same room and was sitting on the sofa also looking through some things for Xing-Fu, he hurriedly shoves the secretary out of the room. She was even more displeased by this situation finding the boss quite carefree despite the up and coming launch of their most risky project.

Kang smiles at her warning her politely, "Miss, I suggest you mind your own business if you want to keep your job. Your boss may look easygoing and carefree but in reality, he is very hard-working. Better keep your mouth shut and keep your intentions pure." His smile becomes more friendly making her gulp down her grievances seeing he was serious. "You're new, right? Let this be a warning from a person who knows better than to provoke sleeping dragons." Xing-Fu alone in his office freely spoke while leaning back in his chair. "Chao'er if you're displeased with the job come work for Ge Ge instead. I already knew you wouldn't like the entertainment jobs so I prepared a spot for you here."

Hearing this piece of news Chao-Xing perks up then she deflates again remembering her less than satisfactory qualifications. If she was a star student like her past self she wouldn't have any issues. But this life she has been more than a delinquent, skipping school and even ridiculing teachers. It wouldn't be fair to the ones who worked hard if she took the easy way out. Not to mention she already had other plans not wanting to work for a living. "Ge Ge I don't want an easy job. I already told you what I want to be." She pouts though he couldn't see it, Wen Xia eyes her from the corner of her vision. Xing-Fu hums in reply, feeling both proud of her since he knew her thoughts,(even if in his eyes she was more than qualified if she tried) but somewhat disappointed she declined. "If that's what you want, then I'll let it go for now. What don't you like about modeling? It can't be that hard yet, you're only just starting."

Chao-Xing scowls, "Ge Ge you don't know but everyone who talks to me here only does so because my Jie Jie is beautiful and talented. They only want to flatter her and don't even look at me by myself. If Jie Jie wasn't here they would have ignored me as just another newbie up and coming. They used me to try and get a connection to Jie Jie because of her status in her company." Chao-Xing rolls her eyes, "Really two-faced." Chao-Xing wasn't really bothered by her treatment, but what the intention behind such good treatment was. She was well aware of when people wanted to use her for their own benefits. And since Wen Xia personally escorted her here and even choose good clothes and such for Chao-Xing.

The people knew that Chao-Xing was important to Wen Xia and wanted to befriend her because she was Wen Xia's little sister. She internally sneers, as if she would let people take advantage of her precious family again. Wen Xia, hearing the complaint felt a bit guilty but didn't argue knowing what the girl said was somewhat true. Although Wen Xia was not worldwide famous she was still quite popular and her popularity had only risen when her looks and refined mannerisms were revealed to the world. She was the modern Cinderella who was raised by a single mother and worked hard enough to gain recognition and a spot in the starlight by her own means.

Xing-Fu knew how the world worked so he didn't try to convince her otherwise, his sister was also the type to stick to what she says. Very stubborn. "Then your Ge Ge will talk to father and aunt for you. Try not to cause too much trouble while I convince them." Chao-Xing reluctantly agrees to his words and before long he hangs up to continue his work. Wen Xia sighs and stands back up to take the phone back. "You still have to go down the runway for me at least once." Chao-Xing didn't forget and only pouts up at her while rubbing her face into her older sister's side. "Only if Jie Jie makes me beautiful." She smiles while lovingly stroking Chao-Xing's head, "You're already beautiful enough."

Chao-Xing exclaims distressed, "Not as beautiful as Jie Jie! Every time you pick me up from school the boys that loved me fell for you at first sight! It's not fair~!" Wen Xia scowls at her disapprovingly, knocking the girl's head with her knuckle lightly. "You're not allowed to date! At least not until your precious Ge Ge approves of him." Chao-Xing whines pulling at her hand. "Aren't we sisters in arms?! Ge Ge would never let me date anyone while he's still breathing!" Wen Xia wasn't moved though only giving her a "You're not tricking me" expression. Chao-Xing felt moody then remembering something her eyes lighten up. Leaning back she casually mentions a special someone in her sister's heart.

"I forgot Jie Jie doesn't need to worry about Ge Ge disapproving of her future husband." She slyly rests her head on top of her hand while giving her a twinkling glance. "Brother Kang grew up more handsome than I thought. Right, Jie Jie?" Wen Xia's face glows a bright red at the mention of the gentle-hearted man. She scowls after recovering, "You shut up! I only admire him!" Chao-Xing unconvinced mischievously grins at her. "Oh ho? Then you don't mind if your dear little sister snatches him? You don't know but I think brother Kang is rather fond of me too." This was a lie, Chao-Xing didn't know a man's heart but she did know Kang treats her older sister very well. Very well.

The only treatment Chao-Xing would get is one of an older brother having endless patience for his little sister from Kang. Wen Xia glares at her, "Kang is a gentleman, he won't go after his best friend's younger sister." As she finishes this sentence her anger fades and she was left with a hint of sadness only. Chao-Xing pursed her lips seeing her Jie Jie's defeated look. "Jie Jie you need to fight for your love not let it pass you by." Wen Xia tightens her lips into a thin line and doesn't respond instead she changes the subject, picking up her purse and bag of cosmetics she rushes Chao-Xing out the door. "It's time to go to my workspace to make measurements. I still have a few adjustments I need to make for your clothes." Seeing as her advice went unappreciated Chao-Xing pouts childishly. What a slow-burning romance.


Finishing their day rather quickly, Chao-Xing was successfully put into a foul mood due to someone intentionally trying to ruin her day. Wen Xia tries to coax the girl out of her slouch but Chao-Xing really wasn't having any of it. Acting spoiled she throws a tiny tantrum playing on her phone while ignoring the world around her. "I did tell you not to acknowledge those gossiping leeches. You just had to pick a fight didn't you?" Wen Xia sighs, Chao-Xing was irked, she violently slaps the dashboard while glaring at the air stubbornly. "They were saying awful things about the clothes you were making!" Wen Xia rolls her eyes, she was too focused on the road to pay Chao-Xing too much attention.

Even as Chao-Xing throws a tiny tantrum by slapping her car she wasn't startled by the ruckus Chao-Xing was suddenly making. "Its just trash talk, why are you so upset? If dogs bark let them bark, why do you have to pay them any mind?" Chao-Xing frowns at her sister's passive attitude. "Jie Jie don't you want to slap them around a bit? Those stupid people probably slept their way to their jobs unlike you. And those rich kids younger than you think they have the right to boss you around trying to steal your ideas just because our family isn't as powerful as theirs. So disgusting! Even Hitoshi has more manner." Her cute button nose crinkles as if she smelt something foul and her pretty brown eyes were full of dislike remembering the people her sister had to work with on a daily.

Wen Xia chuckles, "They're just a group of spoiled rich kids trying to throw their weight around. What's to worry about or get angry about? Without real talent, they are bound to fail before they manage to do anything to surpass me anyways." Chao-Xing was about to say something then bit her tongue stopping the words she was about to repeat they said about her mature Jie Jie. It may hurt Wen Xia more than prove the fact that those brats deserved the face slapping Chao-Xing gave them earlier. She crosses her arms and leans into her seat clearly sulking. Wen Xia thought she managed to successfully comfort and convince the girl. That is until Chao-Xing says with a pouty cute voice full of stubbornness.

"I'm still not sorry I poured coffee over that bitch's skirt though." Wen Xia laughs with sparkling eyes remembering walking into the scene of Chao-Xing smirking arrogantly while pouring a cup of lukewarm sticky coffee over her coworker's head. She hates to admit it, but Chao-Xing's actions at that time made her feel happy and amused more than troubled. " I thought as much, I'll write a false apology letter for you." The two would have gotten into more trouble if Wen Xia was just another nobody in their department. Luckily Wen Xia was somewhat more popular than those spoiled kids so they got away with only a warning and having to write an apology letter.

Wen Xia had only left Chao-Xing in her work office alone for a few minutes before someone came to seek trouble. Everyone already knew who was in the wrong when the young miss of the Chu family was found inside Wen Xia's office. The two were not close at all since Wen Xia was part of the group of truly talented people who came from a humble background and didn't give a crap about the rich people's reputation. There was absolutely no reason for the young miss of the Chu family to be there except to purposely try to cause trouble. And when seeing Chao-Xing was also involved, well, who would willingly go against such a cute little sister in the first place? Chao-Xing showed an obedient and respectful attitude to everyone she met even though her older sister was a rising designer.

They saw absolutely no reason for her to try and cause a scene and ruin her sister's reputation purposely unless she was the one provoked. "Do you think the next time I bring you over you can at least pretend to be apologetic?" Chao-Xing gave a sarcastic reply while rolling her eyes as Wen Xia did before. "Fine. "I'm sorry....that you had to sleep your way into a job. It must have been one hideous mother fucker for you to still have traces left in your attitude and up your fat ass." Happy?" Wen Xia almost veered off the road in her shock, she quickly shoots Chao-Xing a stunned look before bursting out into laughter. "To think such foul words came out of my angel of a sister. It's still hard to believe you were that innocent and cute little girl from back then."

Wen Xia long knew of the crude girl hiding behind those innocent doe eyes, but the occasionally vulgar outbursts still surprised her. Chao-Xing doesn't apologize for her words and felt a bit better after speaking her mind she goes back to her phone in a better mood. "I'm calling Ge Ge, I want him to bring me a giant bouquet of flowers to make those shameless rich kids jealous." Wen Xia shook her head helplessly as Chao-Xing dials Xing-Fu's number. "It only works if it's a handsome rich boyfriend." She adds with amusement, Chao-Xing waves the comment away. "I'll just say its from someone special who loves me very much." It was technically not a lie if they make up the rich boyfriend due to their own imagination. Hence Chao-Xing felt very good after detailing what gifts she demanded from Xing-Fu.

Safe to say the next few days Chao-Xing gloated about her "surprise" gifts from her special someone in front of those jealous single women. Wen Xia plays a blind eye to her antics only focused on finishing the clothes project with a small smile dancing on her red lips. On the day of the event, Chao-Xing was fidgeting in her seat, impatient to get the show over so she could get her package that was arriving that evening. The game was being released in about a week!! Chao-Xing made sure to preorder and also begged her older brother to hook her up with her order four days early. That's right, four whole days early!! In her past life, she wasn't aware until her older brother passed away that he was part of the team that made Endless Realm. Not only that her older brother even took a big part in making the game as realistic as it was!

Her older brother was amazing and a big reason why Ayling was so powerful. Behind the scenes, the only reason she most likely got so powerful was that she had a guardian angel in the development team. She had only found out after he passed away and one of his coworkers sent a letter of condolences to her. She forgot who it was but then again she did not pay too much attention to anything related to her brother those days. Dong Fan Hui made sure to distract her distressed heart every day to make sure he erased her older brother from her mind. Much to her shame, it worked back then, only because she and Xing-Fu weren't close as they were this life time. Chao-Xing still felt guilt every time she found out what else Xing-Fu had done for her behind her back. When she brought up knowing what her older brother was working on and telling him of her interest in gaming.

He at first, was apprehensive, but when she showed proof of how serious she was he gave in. It was the first time she saw a different side of her brother. His eyes were full of excitement and love for the work he did when Chao-Xing asked him to tell her about the game he was helping make. With him as her main support Chao-Xing was confident in her ability to rise further than before. In fact when he saw the proof she gave him he even insisted on her coming into their company to playtest in the sandbox before release for their company. She was stunned he had that much influence, to be honest, she really wanted to since her heart and soul yearned to play the game again. But she didn't want to give away how familiar she was with the functions and controls.

When Chao-Xing was about to refuse she saw the happiness in his eyes when hearing someone in his family shared the same interest as him. She instead agreed while having to put up an exaggerated happy façade to not break his hopes and expectations of her. Chao-Xing couldn't bear to see the slightest bit of disappointment on her elegant, calm older brother's face. When the show was over Xing-Fu would help her build the machine and set it all up for her. She basically had her own personal technician! Until he had to leave on another meeting for his job that is. Chao-Xing wasn't expecting any favors or OP cheats from him since it would be unsportsmanlike conduct to get things without deserving it.

All she wanted from him was his support and acknowledgment of her skills. If her older brother thought she was good enough to play as a sandbox player. She could take it to heart and know someone was on her side even if things went wrong. She never knew Xing-Fu to be half-assed in his work. In her past life even though he most likely knew she was Ayling he didn't let her know he was part of the team because she was foolish back then. But now, because Chao-Xing was clear-minded and they trusted each other. Xing-Fu only saw her talents and his innocent cute sister so there wasn't a need to feign ignorance. As she was daydreaming about the game a hand snaps in front of her.

"Chao'er! Are you listening to me? Just walk down the stage do a single spin, then walk back. It's very simple, don't smile, spin, pose, strut back to change into the next outfit. Got it?" Chao-Xing blinks rapidly coming back to reality she saw Wen Xia's worried face, the noise surrounding her suddenly enters her ears. A lot of people rushing back and forth shouting with cosmetics and tens of thousands of different fabrics in their arms. Beside her, another meddler was being prepped for her turn as well by her manager. Unlike the other models who were either serious looking when listening to their orders or really nervous. Chao-Xing was neither, she smiles at Wen Xia's concern waving her hand while closing her eyes as the make up artist starts putting on her eye shadow.

"Don't worry so much, I got it." But Wen Xia wouldn't let it go so easily, her assistant was waiting with Chao-Xing's dress in hand anxiously. "I'm serious here Chao-Xing this isn't a joke! If you feel like you're gonna be sick from nerves or gonna faint just stare past the crowd and take deep breaths. I had Xing-Fu seated in the back so you can look for him if you are scared. Straight in the back in front of the stage. Got it?" Chao-Xing reassuringly sends her a look of confidence. "I know it's not a joke, don't worry Jie Jie. Just focus on your job and I promise I won't miss this up and get you in trouble." Wen Xia was still worried but she was forced to go double-check and make sure there was nothing wrong with the dresses.

This event was going to be very very important for Wen Xia. It was her first-ever participation as a designer in a show and Wen Xia was overloaded with stress and work. This opportunity was rare and a much-needed boost in potential popularity support from power people. Chao-Xing would only be featured in the "Change of Season" group so it wasn't that much work compared to other models. But the fact that Wen Xia brought her in meant that Chao-Xing had to prove she was capable of being useful like her sister. If the fashion director was satisfied with both of them then Wen Xia would hit the jackpot and gain REAL recognition. Right now Wen Xia was a talent that the director kept an eye out for only, like the other designers here. Chao-Xing steels her determination and took a deep breath. "Are the "Change of Season" group ready? Let's go ladies and gentlemen!! Don't make me say it twice hurry up and get yourselves ready!!"


Xing-Fu grimaces at the loud over blasted music overhead while his friends also sit in boredom beside Wu Cai. Wu Cai whistles appreciatively when a practically naked woman struts out confidently. The flashes of cameras don't detour his gaze from the beautiful women. "Xing-Fu don't tell me your younger sister is also going to wear something like that!" Kang scowls at him, "Idiot. Ah, Xia would ever make their little sister wear something like that. Stop swimming in your fantasy." Wu Cai protests, "I was just asking out of concern! Stop being so hostile just because your beauty didn't acknowledge you at the reunion like you hoped." Xing-Fu tried not to sigh as his friends bicker beside him. "As friendly as ever." Wu Cai looks up to see their last friend join them and excitedly greets him with a hint of surprise on his face. "Zhi Qiuang!! We thought you wouldn't be able to make it!" Zhou Zhi Qiuang politely smiles back at his overexcited friend and greets Kang and Xing-Fu with nods.

"I wasn't planning to attend at first since I was busy with work. But my mother heard I had been invited to this show by finding the indentation on my desk when she was visiting me during work hours for lunch. After seeing it and hearing that I had no plans to go due to conflicting schedules she scolded me while demanding I go in her stead." Not only that but she had made trouble with his father just to make his old man forcefully give Zhi Qiuang the day off so he could attend this show he had no interest in. He had an exasperated expression just recalling this morning when his mother woke up early to purposely see him off and give him hints to tell her all it about it when he got back. They sent him expressions of sympathy, all but Xing-Fu who chuckles to himself at his friend's situation. "I also was forced to do the same by my mother, but another reason is that this is important for Xing-Fu." Zhi Zhang watches as Wu Cai sighs seeming mournful but the man was unconvincing as his eyes kept trailing back to the stage each time a beauty showed up. Zhi Qiuang was amused by his lie and glances at Kang who only gave a mysterious smile. "I came to support someone I know who is part of this event. Xing-Fu didn't have to invite me."

Zhi Qiuang doesn't question his presence anymore and took his seat beside Xing-Fu. The quiet jade-like the man was still watching the stage as if waiting for someone to show themselves on the stage with a focused gaze. When more than a few minutes went by without who the group was waiting for to show up, Wu Cai grew somewhat impatient. "Hey isn't this somewhat favoritism? A lot of women showed up more than five times now but your cute little sister hasn't even shown up once yet!" Xing-Fu was also wondering the same thing, but then again he was glad his little sister wasn't sent out so much like the other models. So although he felt wronged for Chao-Xing he also didn't want to say too much on the matter since as an older brother he also agreed with the choice Wen Xia made. Chao-Xing is still young, there's no need for too much exposure yet. Zhi Qiuang's brow furrows, Xing-Fu's sister models, and designs at the same time? He didn't mean that the woman didn't have the looks for it.

But he wasn't aware of it, was it even possible? Wouldn't that be too much work? As he was about to ask Xing-Fu's back jolts and straighten up suddenly. The stage lights change and the music starts to quiet while rumbling and building up. The background changes to a faint navy blue and the music start picking back up. As it does groups of women make their way out each one dressed in different variations of blue. Some wore oddly shaped dresses or clothes. But the one person Xing-Fu and Zhi Qiuang could not take their eyes off was the one who came out first to lead the others. Her dress was a pale blue floor-length snowflake masterpiece.

In the center to show off her legs, there was a long cut in the front of her dress that was choppy and sharp, unlike most dresses that kept the slits smooth and flowy Wen Xia specifically made it look like the pattern of snowflakes falling below her waist in a constant winter. The back of her dress drags behind her looking like the aftermath of the snowstorm her dress was. With the lights shining over her you could see tiny patterns resembling snowflakes covering her entire dress and her face was covered by a large hat with a white veil. She was the picture of seductive yet noble elegance. Her shoulders were exposed by the loose see-through straps in an off sleeve style. Without seeing her face, instinctively the two men knew who that mysterious woman was. It was obvious who was the center of attention when most pictures snaps were focused on the first model. It was only a few seconds but it felt like half an hour went by when Zhi Qiuang saw the beauty in the snowflake dress.

Even though he felt time slow down when she does a single turn for the crowd and begins to lead the rest of the models back. He felt disappointed to see her go. Xing-Fu was watching with proud adoration seeing his beautiful little sister pulling off her debut so perfectly. And also he felt proud of his other sister's creation. It fit Chao-Xing very good, Wen Xia did really good. "That one in the snowflake veil was little Chao-Xing was it not?" Kang asks curiously, Xing-Fu had a smile on his face when Wu Cai and Kang look to him for confirmation.

"En." Zhi Qiuang didn't need for Xing-Fu to confirm but it still came as a shock for him that Xing-Fu's family allowed the young girl to model. Considering how protective the man is of his youngest sister it was a real shocker. Wu Cai whistles when the last of the models disappear backstage and the Fall themed models came out. "Scholar Yang I admire you. Having two beautiful talented sisters is a real blessing! No wonder you dot on your little sister so much. Qian Qian only knows how to complain and cry over makeup." Xing-Fu did feel very blessed to have such good sisters answering with another proud "En."

He waits and watches as Chao-Xing came out again with the spring theme. Her hair decorated with a flower crown resembling a young bride. Her outer skirt reaches the floor also in a dragging manner. Resembling a curtain of vines with flowers and butterflies decorating the entire bottom of her dress. The top was simple and long-sleeved embroidered with gold-lined leaves. Zhi Qiuang felt his lip quirk up when the girl directly looks in their direction. Was she nervous? She never took her eyes off the audience in front of her, for a second as he was staring he could have sworn their eyes met. But it was only for a single moment as after he blinks the girl was still facing straight at the wall. Hm.