
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter Four

Yang Chao-Xing sat between Yang Xing-Fu and Ming Wen Xia while staring at her older brother with a wide-eyed stare full of worship. Wen Xia wanted to pinch her cheeks but didn't want to see the adorable look on the girl's face turn into an annoyed one. Xing-Fu had been patiently feeding her apple slices, while at the same time entertaining her with a story about what happened at his campus. At least a summary of what happened, "That's true?! Ge Ge really beat up those bad kids?!" Chao-Xing fawns over her older brother making his heart warm with each sweet word. "My Ge Ge is smart and handsome! No one can beat Ge Ge~!!" Her eyes sparkle with admiration, Xing-Fu laughs and ruffle her hair. "Cheeky thing." Chao-Xing insists with a tiny pout. "Its true Ge Ge can beat up anyone and everyone! Ge Ge is the greatest in the entire world!" He teases, "Even your favorite singer?" She nods her head, "Cannot compete!" "Your favorite animal?"

"Cannot compete!" "Father?" Chao-Xing answers sincerely with wide eyes full of childlike innocence. "Ge Ge cannot compare to daddy." Gu Ping hearing this couldn't help puffing his chest with a poorly hidden grin, Xing-Fu chuckles good-naturedly. Ming Da Chun came into the lively living room with a bowl of medicine Chao-Xing could smell from her seat on the couch. Her nose crinkles as she attempts to bury herself in her blanket to hide. Da Chun knowing Xing-Fu and Gu Ping wouldn't be able to help her doting on the girl too much. She decided she needed to do it on her own, so the woman smiles at Chao-Xing and crouches in front of the girl. "Xiao Xing, listen to mommy and come out to drink your medicine." Chao-Xing really didn't feel she needed to so she shook her head hating the bitter taste of the medicine they gave her. Unconsciously she whines to Da Chun, "I don't wanna.." Da Chun gently coaxes her even though her heartstrings were pulled by the girl's sweet voice that sounded distressed.

This girl really knows how to use all of her cards! Her gaze becomes warmer, "Xiao Xing you don't want mommy to be sad do you?" Chao-Xing finally stiffens, "Mommy wants Xiao Xing to be ok so mommy doesn't worry too much. You know how much mommy loves our family's Xiao Xing." Chao-Xing peeks at the patient loving Da Chun, seeing her sincerity and the hidden worry. The girl finally reluctantly comes out from her blankets making everyone sigh relieved. "Mommy, Chao'er wants a puppy." Da Chun's smile was beautiful enough to make even Chao-Xing unable to look away due to her awe. In her younger years, Da Chun must have been a real beauty capable of being the downfall of a nation... "En, mommy will tell your father to get you a puppy." So with her cute little hands, the girl reaches for the bowl and grimaces. Her expression was silly in the eyes of the adults, Da Chun felt sweet but bitter on the inside seeing the sweet child being forced into an undesirable circumstance due to a passing accident.

She promises herself in her heart to do her best to let no more harm come to this innocent child. She had tried her best to drink it as fast as she can and yet Chao-Xing still suffered from the bitterness. Her taste buds were invaded and suddenly attacked the powerful sourness all at once. Her mouth and throat threatened to spit it back out but she braves on. Chao-Xing's tightly closed eyes water at the taste but she pulls through knowing that if she spits it out she would have to do it all over again. Finishing it quickly she coughs repeatedly once she does and immediately begins hiccupping with delicate tears falling from her pretty jewel eyes. "Hiccup...Wuu~..." Da Chun's heart hurt seeing the little girl force herself. So putting the bowl aside she lifts the girl into her arms and starts comforting her. "What a good girl you are! Mommy is so proud, you drank it all in one go like a big girl! My Xiao Xing is such a grown woman now!"

Chao-Xing would have felt embarrassed since she was older than her body's age. But she was already used to being shameless in the family so she buries her face into Da Chun chest instead. Da Chun knew how to coax little girls and not fall for their traps. As Wen Xia was also a very beautiful and loveable girl she had years of practice already. She was slightly immune to their charm and their spoiled behaviors. She also lived with Chao-Xing for about two years now so she knew the girl's personality. Although Wen Xia looked obedient she was a naughty child and liked to try and use her loveliness to make people be on her side. Whenever she did something naughty she played innocent. But Chao-Xing was actually a very good girl.

Even though she was only an elementary student she was very obedient and caring. Whenever Da Chun needed to clean Chao-Xing was there with her not trying to help as that would only get in her way. But she kept the woman company talking nonsense and keeping Da Chun entertained. And when Da Chun cleaned or cooked to clear her thoughts because she and Gu Ping fought the girl wouldn't chatter nonsense. But she would accompany Da Chun in silence without saying anything, warming Da Chun's heart as she would catch glimpses of the little girl studying her color books and toys seriously. Sometimes the arguments would actually be about Chao-Xing herself. At first, Da Chun thought Gu Ping to spoil her too much and it would ruin the girl's future. But as the days went by Da Chun realized why the man treasured this daughter of his so much.

No matter how good Gu Ping treated her, Chao-Xing never went too far. She treated everyone fairly and although she hated taking her medicine or doing anything too tiring. If it was a serious matter she would endure and keep quiet with a docile expression on her face. This behavior was equivalent to the point of suffering in silence. In fact, Da Chun even started to get why Gu Ping went above and beyond. The girl never complained about her sufferings! She could endure and keep it all in until she fainted unless someone asked her or noticed! When asked she would cry and admit her grievances but otherwise she would only keep quiet about it all. Da Chun just like Gu Ping then started worrying endlessly about the little girl. "How about in the morning we can all go and pick you a puppy ok?" Da Chun looks down at the child with pure love in her eyes. Chao-Xing sniffles and nods her head, "I want a big doggy."

Gu Ping wanted to insist on a small one but Da Chun again gives him a sharp look. "Ok, if Xiao Xing wants a big doggy we will get her a big doggy." Chao-Xing getting the promise she wanted, layers the cake with icing as she shyly looks up at Da Chun. "Thank you, mommy." Seeing her act cute Da Chun couldn't help squeezing the little girl in her arms and giving her more praise. You already stole my heart you little thing! What more do you wish from me, my soul? Needless to say, before it even hit seven 'clock the girl was playing happily with an Akita puppy. The adorable pup was energetic and all black with two white ears. He and Chao-Xing seemed to form a bond right away and instead of everyone fighting for the puppy's attention. The puppy fought for Chao-Xing's attention instead. Wen Xia pet the puppy who whines and licks her hand before rubbing his head against Chao-Xing's side. The girls giggle and tease the little thing while Da Chun happily leans into Gu Ping's side. Gu Ping still had some worries but seeing how happy the children were he really couldn't say anything to dampen their mood.

Xing-Fu came down the stairs dressed in casual clothes and his handsome black coat. "Going somewhere?" Xing-Fu nods, "I plan to study with a few friends of mine at the library today." Da Chun smiles, "You're on holiday yet you insist on studying? Perhaps there is only one person like you in this generation." She chuckles and reminds him warmly, "Don't work too hard to come back early, I'm making your favorite for dinner tonight." Xing-Fu returns her kindness with another polite smile. Little did he know as soon as he kneeled to put on his shoes. A pair of pretty little feet stood in front of him with a puppy yipping at her heels.

Chao-Xing shyly pulls at his sleeve, "Chao'er wants to go with Ge Ge." Xing-Fu's expression becomes gentle, he rubs the little girl's head. "Ge Ge is not going out to play today. Be good and stay here ok?" Chao-Xing pouts as Wen Xia comes forward also trying to persuade her to stay. "Be a good girl. Your Ge Ge is going to someplace boring, you wouldn't like it." Chao-Xing's eyes begin to water much to the surprise of the family. "But I wanna go with Ge Ge.." Xing-Fu helplessly looks over to Da Chun and Gu Ping. Da Chun was quick to react also kneeling in front of Chao-Xing. "Xiao Xing stay home and play with your new puppy. You haven't even named him yet and you want to leave? Let's figure out a name for him together, alright?"

Chao-Xing picks up the puppy and shakes her head stubbornly. "I wanna name it with Ge Ge! Ge Ge doesn't want me to come with him?" She uses her puppy eyes on her older brother who wasn't immune to her cuteness. When Gu Ping was about to intervene Xing-Fu sighed, "Ok but you need to be good and not make a lot of noise." The girl was obviously happy as she was bouncing up and down while he put on her shoes and coat. "Ge Ge can Hitoshi come too?" Xing-Fu furrows his brow confused, "Hitoshi?" In response, a little ball of black fur was shoved into his face making him jerk back in surprise. Then coming to a realization he chuckled with a helpless expression. "You sneaky girl." Her eyes shone with innocence as if she had no idea what he meant.

Xing-Fu messages his friends that instead of studying at a library he changed it to the café instead. He had searched up a café that allowed pets inside and switched their study spot to accommodate Chao-Xing.


Scholar Yang: Change of plans, lets meet at this café instead.

MoneyGrubber Wu: Why this café? Don't tell me...you saw a hot girl there and fell in love?!

Buddhist Kang: Cai doesn't come, you may make us lose brain cells instead of gaining some if you come to this study session.

MoneyGrubber Wu: Hey hey don't be that way! I also invited a friend of mine who is top of the class ya know hehe

Scholar Yang:...

Buddhist Kang:...

MoneyGrubber Wu: Oi! Stop looking down on me I can see your mocking face from here!! I'm serious!! He's top of the top!! Trust me! And get this, he's also a freshman like us!

Scholar Yang: Just don't embarrass us when we meet in public.

Buddhist Kang: Xing-Fu lets just choose another place secretly Ill dm you a good place now.

MoneyGrubber Wu: Screw both of you!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵ ┻━┻


Xing-Fu shakes his head chuckling at the next few texts between his two friends. But then he begins to wonder who it was exactly Wu Cai was bringing. If the student really was top of the class like him then there is only a limited amount of people it could be. "Ge Ge! Ge Ge! I wanna buy a collar can we buy him a collar?" Two bright stars look up at him pleadingly, he turns to where she pointed where there was indeed a pet store. "I wanna make one with Hitoshi's name!!" He willingly let himself be pulled towards the shop tossing the meeting time to the back of his head. They could wait awhile.

"Hey who would have ever thought there would be a day our handsome scholar Yang would actually be late!" Xing-Fu doesn't bother glancing at his friend as behind him holding his hand trailed an adorable little girl. She wore a fluffy white coat and had long black hair with large hazel eyes. In her arms was a fluffy puppy with a black coat and white ears. Wu Cai and Kang were immediately silenced seeing the child. Her eyes held curiosity but also shyness as she hides behind Xing-Fu who was introducing the two classmates to her. "The one who looks simple and not that smart is Wu Cai." "Hey!!"

His protest is ignored, "The one in the grey shirt and black hair with the nice smile is Kang. You can befriend this one but stay away from the other one. Ok?" Kang's smile deepens when the girl shyly waves at him with a tiny sweet. "Hello...." Her soft cheeks red and her large eyes shifting down bashfully. No wonder Xing-Fu suddenly switched locations. "Hello little sister, my name is Ouang Kang Ye. Is that your puppy? May I see him?" Chao-Xing hesitates, looking at her brother shyly who smiles at her with encouragement. He helps her into the booth as she gently places the dog onto the table. "His name is Hitoshi, my Ge Ge helped me get his collar. See?" She points to the collar proudly on the puppy who sniffs the table curiously. Kang feigns admiration, "Wow you must be really happy to have such a capable older brother aren't you?"

The girl bobs her head enthusiastically, "Uh-huh! My Ge Ge is strong and gentle and cool and he is the best Ge Ge!" Xing-Fu coughs with slight embarrassment, Kang chuckles at her cuteness. Wu Cai being ignored all this time leans forward to ask her eagerly. "Can you tell us embarrassing things about your Ge Ge?" Xing-Fu shoots him a look, Chao-Xing pretends to ponder. "Bad things about Ge Ge?" Wu Cai nods getting excited he may actually get to hear bad things about the perfect student. Chao-Xing beams at him, "My Ge Ge is a bad person!" Xing-Fu chokes on his water as Kang also bursts out laughing at her honesty. Wu Cai feeling exhilarated from hearing bad things about the man from his own little sister encourages her.

"What's bad about him?" Chao-Xing puts up her hand to count, "He's too handsome he makes a lot of my friends jealous. He's too smart so he makes my Jie Jie mad too. He always does well so mommy makes his favorite food instead of mine. And my daddy says a lot of good things about ge ge and forgets to say nice things to me too." The person who was prepared to hear her list of bad things suddenly had a bad taste in their mouth as this time Xing-Fu had the last laugh. Hmph, really think I would tell my Ge Ge's weakness to you? Dream on! But she puts on a confused face seeing Wu Cai's ugly expression and hearing her Ge Ge and Kang laughing together. She pulls at her Ge Ge's sleeve, "Ge Ge is Chao-Xing funny?"

He rubs her head with a gentle look in his eyes, "Our family's Chao'er is very good, Ge Ge is just laughing from happiness." Wu Cai mutters under his breath sulking, then seeing a familiar face enter the café he stands up waving. "Zhi Qiuang!" Chao-Xing doesn't bother looking overplaying ignorant as she messes with her puppy. Hitoshi whines under her teasing licking her hand making her giggle. Hearing a soothingly deep voice Chao-Xing couldn't help glancing up. Standing beside their booth was an astonishingly handsome young man with dark black hair. He had a pair of startling amber eyes that emphasis his intimidating aura. His facial features were symmetrical and Chao-Xing admits reluctantly even better looking than her scholarly brother. He had a tougher presence that people tended to avoid but idiot girls were attracted to.

Her eyes go to his defined shoulders and finally, she shrinks into her seat grabbing Hitoshi off the table to hide in her brother's side. For an almost ten-year-old to actually be checking out a man almost twice her age. Chao-Xing do you feel no shame?! Scolding herself internally she pouts to no one in particular and distracts herself by hugging her puppy. "This is Zhou Zhi Qiuang, he's in the top five listings of the exams! It so happens that we were in the same class so I took the initiative to ask him for some help." Kang welcomes him warmly, "I thank you for helping tutor Wu Cai. We will need all the help we can get, if we fail don't feel discouraged. He is a fool who can't keep much in his head anyways." Wu Cai curses making Xing-Fu send him a dark look, Wu Cai looks over to the little girl who was staring at him curiously.

I forgot that the little girl was there! Chao-Xing gives a confused look and pulls at her brother's sleeve again. "Ge Ge, what do those words mean?" Xing-Fu's expression becomes even darker when glaring at the sweating Wu Cai. A pair of amber eyes give her an amused glance before he takes a seat beside Wu Cai. Xing-Fu gives her a pampering smile, "Good girls don't say those types of things. Only bad people say those words so don't use them." Chao-Xing blinks at him letting out an "Oh." Then she settles in her seat again while the boys all order their food. "I want ice cream!" The little exclamation was met with a lot of smiles. But only Xing-Fu had an awkward expression on when he looks over to his little sister who stared at him with worshipping eyes. The waitress confirms writing down the orders, "One sundae? What flavor would you like?" When Chao-Xing was about to answer Xing-Fu intercepts coldly, "No ice cream, if you have some hot purple yam soup though that should be ok."

The waitress seeing the older brother speak seemed to understand that the girl was being naughty. So she quickly corrects the order and leaves with a smile at the group of young men. Chao-Xing being stopped doesn't complain and only rubs her face into her brother's side pouting. Knowing he must have a reason for not letting the little girl have icecream the group don't ask. Well, actually they were afraid of making Xing-Fu upset. Kang looks at Xing-Fu's impassive expression examining him more closely for any hints but found nothing but steel. It must be a rather private and serious reason too, otherwise, Xing-Fu wouldn't have that look on his face. Only a fool would try to pry any deeper seeing how protective Xing-Fu was of his little sister. "How come she can't have any?" Kang tried not to bang his head against the tabletop hearing Wu Cai ask this.

Kang saw Xing-Fu's expression become worse and scowls at Wu Cai wanting to scold him. Zhi Qiuang saw the tension in the air and also wanted to clear it in consideration for the little girl. But surprisingly the one who was supposed to be staying quiet out of shyness actually spoke up. Her voice was sweet and uplifting even if the words she spoke made the mood more downcast. "Chao'er cant have cold food because Chao'er got sick. A bad lady spilled water on me and I got sick so Ge Ge won't let me have ice cream." It was a simple explanation but it also had many loopholes. Which of course no one expects the little girl to be able to fill in for them so they all look at Xing-Fu instead. Xing-Fu sighed and rubs Chao-Xing's forehead making her giggle and try to hide from his hand into his side.

Wu Cai still oblivious to Xing-Fu's obvious stiffness asks again. "I don't understand why did someone get water on her? Was it on purpose?" The fact that the girl used "bad" meant that the air wasn't "cleared" for the girl. So they left the woman in a bad light for the child who didn't know any better. "Chao'er tends to get sick easier than other people. When my family went out to eat the other day a careless waitress had spilled a cold drink all over me and Chao-Xing. Even though I got her warmed up she still caught a slight cold." Zhi Qiuang pursed his lip as he recalled an event similar to what Xing-Fu was explaining happened the other day. Were they perhaps the same thing? He remembered a customer scolding and even insulting an employee for being incompetent. He thought it was just another pampered girl and family so he didn't think much of it. But surprisingly it was Xing-Fu's family?

From what Zhi Qiuang knew of the man, he wasn't one to make big deals out of things. He stayed low key and rarely spoke more than five words to a person. Xing-Fu still seemed to be holding back a lot so Wu Cai wanted to ask. But Kang elbows him very hard to stop him from speaking and shots his friend a harsh glare. The understanding young man just nods his head with a smile and said. "Sorry for prying, how about let's move on from grim topics and get started studying?" Xing-Fu relaxes and starts taking out his things with the rest. Chao-Xing seeing her brother finally had mercy on her peeks out from his side. She goes back to playing with Hitoshi happily while watching them from the corner of her eyes. When they said study, they really meant study.

Chao-Xing admired this dedicated brother of hers and looks at him with even larger starry eyes of awe. Zhi Qiuang happens to see her stare at Xing-Fu like this and smiles to himself. Isn't she bored? Unexpectedly though, the girl sat there without complaint. Occasionally she would play with the sugar packets trying to sneak one open to eat. But Xing-Fu, even when his eyes were focused on his textbook and his words were directed at Kang or Wu Cai. He just blindly reaches over to take the sugar packets out of her little hands and place them back in the basket. Thus making even his study partners give him looks of admiration. This person is really multi-talented!! Chao-Xing, even if her plans are foiled by Xing-Fu doesn't get upset instead she pretends she didn't have any interest from the start in the sugar packets.

"Bark bark!!" Hitoshi's sudden barking catches everyone's attention, some customers sitting next to them also look over curiously. The girl holding the puppy blinks at him, "Ah? What's wrong Hitoshi?" The puppy seemed anxious and just starts barking again. "Bark bark!" Seeing they started to gather more and more looks Chao-Xing scolds the puppy. "Hush!! Be a good boy!" The puppy seemed to be unable to settle down so Chao-Xing says suddenly "Ge Ge I need to use the bathroom." She climbs over his lap and rushes off towards the bathroom with the whining pup in her arms. Xing-Fu shakes his head feeling helpless when it came to the whims of the little girl. "Will she be alright on her own?"

Kang asks worriedly, Xing-Fu's answer was full of trust as he turns back to the textbook. "She is potty trained." This ends their questioning as any more questions would be strange. Kang and Wu Cai awkwardly cough into their hands and also pretend nothing happened. Chao-Xing who had taken the pup into the bathroom saw he was calmer once out of the café. She scolds him in a childish sounding voice, "You little thing! What's gotten into you? Do you want to embarrass me and my big brother?" Out of earshot from everyone else, the girl went back to her true age. Her glowing face that always showed pure childish happiness turned back into an aware and intelligent person.

The puppy knowing he had done something wrong only seeks her forgiveness by wagging his tail and licking her face. Chao-Xing couldn't stay mad at the pup and laughs taking him away from her face. "Ok Ok, just be good when we go back. I won't hold it against you." Chao-Xing picks up the little puppy and goes to walk back outside only for Hitoshi to once more pick up a fuss. He struggled in her arms seeming terrified to go back inside Chao-Xing immediately felt uneasy. She puts her ear next to the door and finds it was....quiet.

Her heart starts pounding louder with alarm and awareness. "Ge Ge.." She whispers fearfully while holding on tighter to Hitoshi who grunts and pulls away from the door. "Check the bathrooms!" A voice calls out from beyond the door making her panic. Chao-Xing quickly looks around for a place to hide then she looks up. Above the sink was a window...Chao-Xing's face was filled with determination. "Xing-Fu your sister is in there!!" The four students were forced to kneel with their hands behind their heads as a masked man aimed a pistol in their direction. Wu Cai hissed under his breath the obvious as Xing-Fu's pales even more at his reminder.

Just as Xing-Fu steeled his courage to cause a disturbance for Chao-Xing the other masked person comes out of the bathroom almost immediately. "No one is in there." Xing-Fu lost his fight and stares at the ground feeling conflicted. Gone? Chao'er where are you? It couldn't be that she...she escaped? Xing-Fu knew the girl was a smart child, if she had detected any sense of danger she would tell him right away. If that wasn't possible... Xing-Fu whose face was pale before, now it becomes tranquil and calm. It wasn't the face of a person being held hostage but a person who was confident he would be alright.

Kang and Wu Cai seeing that the little sister of his went missing worriedly looks to Xing-Fu. They only see his calm expression and were confused. Zhi Qiuang smartly kept his mouth shut and glances over to the calm Xing-Fu. His eyes look over the young man who wasn't panicking like everyone else even though he was just told his sister was missing. As he begins thinking, all of a sudden sirens whirl outside the café making the robbers panic. "Shit!! Who's the bastard who called the police on us?!" A robber points the gun at a waitress spitting out angrily, "Was it you?!?!" The young girl begins crying her innocence curling up further within herself. Another of the robbers the leader it seems pushes the man aside. "Go through the back!! Grab him as hostage!!" He points to one of the two men who were the calmest. We were informed that a rich master was going to appear here! A stupid waitress won't give us a good ransom! The two calm young men happened to be Xing-Fu and Zhi Qiuang.

The faces of these two distort almost simultaneously as they gave each other understanding looks. The police were issuing orders outside as many cars pull up at once to secure the area. Xing-Fu was grabbed at random and dragged away with a pistol harshly being shoved into his ribs. "Don't even think about trying anything." The robber threatens him while he and his gang all rush towards the back room. Xing-Fu although seemed calm he was actually very worried. How am I to get out of this situation? Just as they were about to dash the car one of them speaks up hesitantly. "B-Boss, there's a little girl here." Just like that Xing-Fu's calm façade was torn off in an instant he began to struggle to look around the four men. Just like he feared Chao-Xing was standing in the alleyway between the robbers and their getaway car. She was innocently looking and appeared very surprised to see the group of people arrive.

In her arms was a puppy who was whining and seeks refuge in her white unstained coat. Xing-Fu struggles as he lets out a strangled cry of fear for the little girl. "Chao'er!!! Run!!" The robbers were quick to make connections, the one holding Xing-Fu tightens his grip poking the young man harder with the gun. "Shut the hell up!! Boss, how should we handle this?" The little girl seemed to be frozen still and was even shaking with terror. Her eyes wide and she looked like a deer in the headlights. The boss thought a moment before stepping forward towards the girl. Xing-Fu felt his heart beating extremely fast as he shouts "STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU BASTARD!!" The robber had a hard time holding on to growls and finally knocks Xing-Fu out swiftly. The shouts Xing-Fu was going to make died in his throat as he unwillingly falls unconscious stubbornly trying to stay awake. His vision blurring as the man makes his way towards her with his hand reached out for his sister. No... "Chao..'er..."

Chao-Xing on the other hand was looking at the towering man looking horrified while shaking like a leaf. Hitoshi whines and pitifully barks with his ears flattened against his head, his growls pitiful sounding. "G-Ge Ge?" She whimpers, the boss reached out to grab her as she stared at him with terror-filled eyes. Just as he was about to close his fist on her shoulder, suddenly, he was shocked to see a cold look on the previously frighten girl's face. A loud "BANG!!" Fills the previous quiet air, the robbers were shocked, thinking their boss had shot the girl as they couldn't see what was happening. But then, to their surprise, the large man fell over clutching his chest gasping for air as the blood bubbles from his mouth. In their shock, the man shudders with his hand outstretched towards his men before falling beside his wide eyed stare still full of shock...

And the one still standing, was a blood-covered girl, whose white clothes were now stained red. A tiny pup hid behind her legs, shaking but still growling menacingly trying to appear strong. In her tiny hands, their boss's pistol was aimed directly at the spot where their boss's chest use to be. Her eyes were filled with a frosty look that wasn't normal no matter how you look at her. The remained three robbers were silenced and stumped by what had just occurred. "You little bitch!!" Then just as one of them recovered angrily shooting up to his feet to run at the girl about to beat the little girl bloody. A group of men dressed in black shows up as if from nowhere and knock the guns from their hands with expertise making them all raise their fist in a frenzy. Unluckily, when they try to swing at the men, it was too late, they try only to be felled one by one till their hands were cuffed behind them rendering the robbers useless.

"What?! You fuckers let me go!!" The robbers cursed the men who cuffed them while struggling from their binds in a panic and spoke into their headpieces. The little girl had dropped the gun once she saw the good people arrive. Returning to her terrified state she runs towards Xing-Fu who was being held by the men in black. She pounds and hits the man holding her brother. "Let my Ge Ge go!! Let go!!" The men were shocked to see a child covered in blood run towards them. Their leader looks over the girl's clothes and then his eyes trail farther along the alleyway. He stiffens and speed walks towards the body lying in a pool of blood.

Seeing the hole in the chest of the masked man he seemed to conflict. His gaze goes to the bloody corpse then once more to the girl who was sobbing and doing her best to "save" her Ge Ge. With a gloved hand, he picks up the gun off the floor where it was dropped beside the body. "Ge Ge!! Ge Ge wakes up and beats up the bad men!! Ge Ge!!!" She wailed hitting the black-suited men with her tiny weak body. It was a really heartbreaking scene as the girl started crying until she lost her breath. The one holding onto Xing-Fu uneasily looks to their leader. "Sir...." The leader nods his head at him and seconds later, the little girl was knocked unconscious. Hitoshi barking at them fiercely a foot away but they didn't pay the pup any mind. "Take her back and have someone change her clothes, replace them with the same clothes but less shocking."

His men nod and take the girl and young man away from the alleyway quickly to "fix" the scene. The leader furrows his brows while looking down at the body again contemplating seriously. "Since you took our young master's place, we will help you just this once." So quickly and quietly Xing-Fu and Chao-Xing were both taken away from the incriminating alleyway leaving the mess behind to be taken care of by others. Chao-Xing unconsciously frowns and murmurs in her forced sleep in the people's presence. "Do you really think she killed him?" One of them asks hesitantly, the one holding the girl took one glance at her bloody coat and her uncomfortable face and answers honestly. "Yes." Having such a straightforward answer the man still hesitated in accepting this fact. It was a little girl, after all, a child.

Seeing his companion still having issues understanding, he explains to him emotionlessly. The reason simple, "If she didn't, would she and her brother gotten out alive once they realized they had kidnapped the wrong target?" Understanding dawns on him then. No, there was obviously no way the two would have gotten away safely if she didn't do something. The man holding Chao-Xing pats the girl's back gently and watched as her contorted expression slowly smoothens out. "...When we are too focused on the bad things, we forget that some bad deeds are done for the good of others. Although a child, she is old enough to calculate the risk of doing one thing to avoid another. She should not have a stain in her reputation for doing what she has to do to survive."