
Chapter 4: Family Ties and Mysterious Whispers

Arjun's POV

The grand dinner at the Rana household was a daily affair, a tradition that had been upheld for generations. Every evening, the family gathered around an ornate dining table that could easily accommodate a dozen people. It was a time for bonding, sharing stories, and relishing the delicious spread prepared by the family's talented chefs.

As I took my seat at the head of the table, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the close-knit family I was a part of. My grandparents, who radiated wisdom and love, sat on one side, while my parents occupied the other. My uncle, aunt, cousins, and my dear sister Ria completed the circle.

Conversation flowed freely as we passed around platters of aromatic dishes, from fragrant biryanis to delectable curries. Laughter and joy echoed through the room, and for a while, the world outside ceased to exist.

My mother, Radhika Rana, a woman of grace and charm, sat beside me. She had always been the voice of reason in our family. Tonight, as she served me a portion of my favorite dish, she turned to me with a knowing smile.

"Arjun," she began in her gentle yet persuasive tone, "it's time you seriously considered marriage."

The topic wasn't new; it had been raised many times before. But each time, I would offer the same reply, one she had come to expect.

"Mom, you know how focused I am on my career. Marriage isn't on the horizon for me. I have a responsibility to Rana Empire, and I can't let personal commitments distract me."

My mother sighed, her eyes filled with maternal concern. "Arjun, I just worry about your happiness. You deserve love and companionship."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to convey my gratitude. "I'm content with the love of our family and friends, Mom. Let's not dwell on this tonight."

The dinner continued, the conversation drifting to lighter topics, and I couldn't help but feel fortunate for the warmth and unity that enveloped us.

As night fell, I found myself on my balcony, looking up at the moon. It was a habit I had formed over the years—a moment of solitude where I could reflect on the day's events.

But tonight, my thoughts weren't solely on the dinner or my family's persistent matchmaking attempts. Instead, they were drawn back to that cryptic email—those three words that had stirred up a storm of memories: "The Past Returns."

I couldn't deny that my past held secrets, moments I had buried deep within, events I had tried to forget. As I gazed at the moon, I couldn't help but wonder if it held the answers I sought.

In that moment, a fragment of the past flashed before my eyes—an image of a younger Arjun, standing in the rain, a look of anguish etched on his face. There was a woman in the distance, her figure blurred by the downpour, but her presence was unmistakable. She was a ghost from my past, a memory I had long tried to erase.

As I stood there, lost in the recesses of my mind, I whispered to the moon, "What was written in my destiny all those years ago? And why is it resurfacing now, after all this time?"

The moon, serene and unyielding, held its secrets close, offering no answers. The night air was still, the world around me silent, and the sense of impending revelation hung heavy in the air.

To be continued...

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