
What this is.

This story is literally just for me if you find it cool. This story is just what I would do if I had the chance to transfer world. I'm gonna make very dumb mistakes since this is my first time ever writing. As well this is what I would do not you so if you think something I do is stupid shush cause I don't care. You could say something like recommend people for a harem or other stuff like that. I might see it and if I like the character I'll try to add em. This story will be full of grammar mistakes like commas and stuff like that since I suck so be warned. Also I might miss important info in the world's I go to since most of em I haven't seen in a long time I might research but in all honesty I probably won't just what I remember which is some stuff. So that all if I forgot anything I'll put it here to not waste a lot of chapters. So see ya later.