
Chapter 1

Early in the morning the sun was already out shinning on the face of a beautiful sleeping girl , the ray of sunshine seemed to have awokend her from her slumber , she used her hand to block her eyes , she sat on her bed yawning and stretching lazily , she then went to the window , she inhaled deeply then giving a refreshing smile on her face that could enchant the eyes of whoever saw her . Sophia was very beautiful , she has a way of categorizing her self she always said she was in the

"low level beauty"

Sophia was not only beautiful but smart , but has quite a few flaws with was , she hated to read but even with that she was always on the top ten and one of her flaws was that she spent most of her time reading Manga and watching Anime

Author's note: Sophia is a pure bloody Anime and Manga Weeb .

Sophia has long black hair , had perfect curves , her body and her mentality was a bit more mature than her age , one might even confuse 17 year old Sophia based on her body for a 20 year old and based on her mentality for a 22 year old , thus Sophia had a lot of guys following her about some tried to rape her but since the age of 10 she had studied a bunch of martial art , boxing and wrestling so there attempt failed . Sophia has a lot of things she was good at for example; she was good in baking , making clothes , playing the guitar , violin and piano , she was good at dancing , singing, graphic designing computer programming , drawing but her favorite was poetry , poetry was like an outlet to her , she could release all of her pain into the paper, people might think that she was the happiest person ever but it was quite the opposite , she was sad half of the time but she always faked a smile but that pain was about to end today , she went towards the broken mirror she said

"Today's the day you do it Sophia"

Taking a deep breath once more she seemed extremely excited but she was quite nervous and scared she was shivering , taking yet another breath she calmed down a bit .

She went to take a bath and after a while she came out and dressed , she looked at the broken mirror then smiled bitterly

"This mirror, we had a lot of memories but mostly memories that caused her pain"

She said in a sad tone

"this will be the first thing I get rid of"

She said in a cheerful tone as if nothing happened, she was quite used to this kind of thing from sad she immediately has to fake a smile to fool others and yet does fooles were fooled by her , well it can't be helped that she's just extremely talented

Sophia went down stairs , she took a deep breath and she saw her father , she went to him and greeted her him , she then stood beside him , she took a deep breath , her father looked at her then said

"Is there anything wrong "

Sophia's father said with a worried look on his face . Sophia's father was an extremely good father , it was just that he was hardly ever home , with lead to the mistreatment of her by her stepmother, this was the time her father was going to be around and as usual her lazy pig like stepmother will still be asleep , so this was her chance even if it led to her missing school. Sophia took a deep breath and then told her dad ever thing, her father started to shed tears he then hogged his daughter then said

"I'm sorry this is all my fault , I'm such a useless father "

Sophia couldn't help to see this sight even tho she was labeled ice queen on various occasions she was actually very delicate and soft she said

"It's not your fault dad you just wanted to take care of me"

The father then picked up his phone called a number then said

" Hey, cancel the flight I have something to take care of instead send one of my Juniors I won't be traveling for a while "

He then cut the call

"Sophia I'll take you to school "

He said while tears were still dripping down her eyes

Author's note: ohh Jesus , all this and she'll still die , just wanted to remind some of the readers in case they forgot that this novel is about time travel , not about a girl who went through hard ship and she found joy and love ok ,ok I think you get it .

She got to school with a smile on her face as she went through the school gate she could hear whisper

"Isn't that the slut , disgusting , she still wants to seduce men "

Some saying

"it's Sophia so beautiful, as usual a smile is on her face"

Sophia couldn't care less about what day said cause today was a good day and she wouldn't let anyone ruin it with there meaningless words . Skipping and humming her way to class . Sophia reached her class she sat at the back with was her usual seat then a message popped up on everyone's phone saying

"Sorry students I won't be able to make it to class so you can leave but I suggest you do something useful with you time like going to the library "


In Sophia's house a drama was unfolding Sophia's father was packing the woman's bags and trowing them off the window to the ground , she knelt down saying

"Tell me what I did wrong I'll apologize "

He hurmpted then kept on throwing her things , he then said in a cold tone

"Can you make up for the pain my daughter has felt , useless bi*ch"

The woman could not say a single word.

Later she left the house with a face red from rage almost seeing her veins pumping the blood


Sophia was almost at the gate then three girls stopped her , she looked up sighed then said

"Please I'm in too much in a good mood for this "

The girls looked at her not moving then the girl in the middle said

"Listen here you little slut my boyfriend left me because he wanted to ask you out so what do you have to say"

Sophia put a confused expression on her face saying

"Sorry that your not as beautiful as me?"

She said sounding confused

The face of the girl got red out of angry


"Me what, I'm just saying

cause that is like going to be one of the reasons he left you right?"

She said with a straight face

The face of the girl in the middle became even more red from anger , Sophia just walked past them

On Sophia's way home she saw a lady begging for money , she couldn't bear to see the site so she went back to give the woman money , as Sophia bent down to drop the money in the woman's bowl she felt a painful sensation on her stomach , it was a knife , she had been stabbed by the lady , the lady then gripped onto Sophia's hair then slammed her head on to the ground at this moment Sophia knew who it was , it was her stepmother , she knew this because this was the way her stepmother used to punish her , that was why the mirror was damage , after slamming Sophia's head repeatedly on the ground she stopped and started to laugh , she then left . Sophia's lifeless body was on the ground , she chuckled love lightly then said

"Hmm, so truck-kun or lighting-kun didn't kill me "

Sophia then closed her eyes with a smile on her face