
My 777th Run

Mutsu Izumi, known as the formidable Champion of the Underground Arena, decides to retire from his legendary fighting career, leaving behind a trail of awe-inspiring victories. Surprising everyone, he steps away from the world of combat to immerse himself in the enchanting game called 'Heroes of The Crumbling World.' However, this takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself inexplicably transmigrated into the very game he sought solace in. Navigating through this unfamiliar digital landscape, Mutsu Izumi encounters a series of daunting challenges and gripping adventures, each testing his wit and courage in ways he never imagined. Will Mutsu Izumi discover the key to his newfound reality and emerge victorious against the daunting challenges of this virtual world? . . . Hello, I need to let you guys know. This is just somekind of practice for me. I want to practice on writing a fight scene while also improving my grammar. So, I hope you don't mind with the messy story. Of course! I will try my best to create a decent storyline! Please read this!

WanderEverywhere · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Style Them Up!

It was 3 in the morning, and usually, the training room is empty. I couldn't help but marvel at the remarkable amenities of this apartment – a personal gym and training ground. I often goes there to train.

This apartment is not ordinary, only reserved for few people, and I had never seen another person here until now. But tonight, someone had entered the training ground, and I'd been standing here for 15 minutes, captivated by his martial arts skills. His punches resonated through the room, leaving me hesitant to join.

As I watched in awe, I couldn't help but think, 'I never knew martial arts could be this impressive.' After a few minutes, the person finally stopped and sat down.




I wiped the sweat from my brow and gazed at the ceiling. "Wow, my body's really getting stronger," I mumble with a smile, right now, I am testing how strong my body have gotten to. And I couldn't help but be happy.

Before I could continue to train, a girl approached me. "Hey, what's your name!?" she asked, I could see a determination in her eyes.

I hesitated before responding, "Mutsu... No, it's Yamato. Minase Yamato."

"Minase Yamato? I've never heard of you. Did you attend the academy? You look about my age!"

I nodded, saying, "Yes, I enrolled in C.H.P..."

"Which branch?" she inquired eagerly.

"West," I replied.

"West? Nice! I'm Minami. No last name. I live in room 301 and enrolled in the East branch of C.H.P."

"Well, nice to meet you," I said while giving my hands.

"Nice to meet you too!" She shook my hand vigorously. "I'm impressed by your martial arts, and I think we'll meet again in the future. Now, I'll take my leave!" With that, she confidently exited the training ground.

"What a spirited individual," I mused before returning to my training.


One week had passed, and the academy was finally open. As a devoted fan who had played this game countless times, attending the academy was a necessity.

Just gazing upon the academy, I realized how surreal this sight was. Everyone arrived by limousine, teleportation, flight, or even running. Being a superhuman had its perks, I thought.

Speaking of power, I still had no idea about my own abilities. In this world, luck played a significant role in determining one's power.

There were concepts like Divine Kin, Celestial Link, Abyssal Link, and God Point. Divine Kin referred to those with the spirit of a hero or god within them. Celestial and Abyssal Links were upgraded versions of Divine Kin, allowing one to acquire a new spirit or stick with the current one.

Most people opted for a new spirit, hoping to align themselves with legendary figures like King Arthur. And then there was God Point – an entirely different category of abilities. Unlike Divine Kin or Links, which borrowed power, God Point granted unparalleled power.

Even if you has a godlike Divine Kin like King Arthur, you couldn't surpass someone with a Middle Tier God Point.

But I still had no clue about my abilities. It wasn't like the game where I could check my status at any time. So, I'd have to discover it gradually.

I made my way to my assigned class, and as expected, I was with the main cast. They seemed to shine brightly compared to the rest of us.

"Maybe I should start wearing glasses tomorrow," I thought while finding an empty seat. What should I do now? It's so boring and the main event will start next week. So, there's nothing I can do.

I glanced around; everyone had their own activities – studying, chatting, joking. It made me realize how socially inept I was.

After 20 minutes, the teacher finally arrived, and everyone quickly settled down. He was a tall, muscular man with a scar on his mouth.

"Good morning, students. I'll cut to the chase because that's the kind of person I am," he said while scribbling on the chalkboard.

He pointed to the board and continued, "My name is Tsurugi Andou, and I'm your homeroom teacher. First, congratulations for being able to enroll into this academy."

As he continue to talk, I found myself getting sleepy from this boring interaction.

After 30 minutes of self-introductions, the teacher must have noticed our boredom. "Alright, it looks like everyone's bored. Originally, I planned this for tomorrow, but let's get started now," he said.

"Let's head to the training ground. I need to register each of you in the Academy's Information Center." With that, we left the classroom.


The training ground was enormous, and we were currently in the weapons room. The teacher instructed us to retrieve our weapons for registration. But what should I choose?

I wasn't particularly inclined toward weapons. But, as I surveyed the array of weaponry, I realized that perhaps selecting a weapon wouldn't be a bad idea.

Their design and quality captivated me.

"Alright, seems like all of you already selected your weapon. Now, I will begin a little event." The teacher shouted.

"To see how profficient you are with your weapon, I need you guys to fight each other. So, I will held a battle royale event." The teacher said while smiling. Despite his appearance, Tsurugi Andou is one of the strongest magician.

He easily teleported us into an open field and created a barrier around us. While people are confused, the teacher told us to fight.

"Now, start fighting!" He said.

I am not comfortable with this kind of teaching but, at least it's better than sitting in the classroom for a while day.


My phone chimmed.

[Style them up!]

[Beat your classmates in style! Be confident, be cocky, and assert your dominance!]

[Reward: Aria]

[Current Style Rank: F]

As I tried to understand the message, someone attempted to punch me. It was a slow punch, I easily evaded it without even looking. Oddly, my style rank improved.

[Current Style Rank: F+]

"So, that's how it works!" I exclaimed, as I earned a puzzled looks from my classmates.

"Thanks, buddy. I learned something from you," I continued, patting the guy's shoulder. Annoyed, he threw another punch.

Watching his punch, I smiled. "You shouldn't throw reckless punches." With minimal effort, I dodged and made him stumble.

He quickly get up while hiding his embarassment. "Come on, you can do better. The last time I see this kind of punch was in kindergarden." I told him while effortlessly avoiding his punches.

"Shut up!" he retorted as he lunged at me.

"Whoa, let's calm down." I tried to lighten the mood, but he ignored me and kept throwing punches.

"You're no fun," I remarked, easily dodging his attacks.

"I guess it's time to end this." I hadn't tested my strength since arriving in this world. I'd been too focused on honing my martial arts skills. Let's try using just half of my power.

With an unrefined form, I threw a punch at him. To my surprise, it sent him flying quite a distance. "Wow, that's impressive," I muttered to myself.

[Current Style Rank: E+]

[Tips: You gain more style points if you fight strong opponents.]

"Alright, good to know. Now, who should I challenge next?"


"Wow! Did you see that?" an excited brown-haired girl exclaimed while grabbing her friend's arm. Her blonde friend appeared nervous.

"Yeah, I saw it," the friend replied tentatively.

"His punch was something else... Michele, do you know his name?"

Michele hesitated before responding, "Um... I think it's Minase Yamato. He's ranked 777th and classified as 5th Grade."

"5th Grade? You call that 5th grade!?" the brown-haired girl, Sena, was surprised by this information.

Michele, a beauty with Messy blonde hair, hesitated to answer Sena, her fiery friend inquiries. "Y-yeah," she said, "Word has it he can't awaken his Divine Release."

Sena's bright blue eyes flared with curiosity. "Hmm... well, not everyone can awaken their abilities, I suppose. Anyway, why is no one approaching us?" Sena said while showing her bored expression.

Michele fumbled for words, unsure of how to respond. Wasn't it obvious? Sena was ranked sixth – a formidable position that few dared to challenge carelessly.

However, a sudden shift in Sena's demeanor caught Michele off guard. "Hey," Sena said with newfound determination.

"Y-yeah?" Michele stammered, trying to gauge the situation.

Sena pointed towards a figure approaching them. "Isn't that guy coming our way?" she asked, her excitement mounting.

Sena's enthusiasm was palpable, and it was contagious. Michele glanced in the direction Sena indicated and confirmed that Yamato was indeed closing in on them.

"Hell yeah! This is what I've been waiting for!" Sena exclaimed, her hand gripping the hilt of her spear as a faint aura began to envelop her.


Without a moment's hesitation, Sena propelled herself towards Yamato. In response, Yamato effortlessly sidestepped her attack, wearing a sly, challenging grin.

"What a fearsome speed you possess," Yamato remarked, cracking his knuckles. "Hahaha! Well, I appreciate your compliment." Sena retorted, flashing a confident smile as she cracked her neck before vanishing like a fleeting breeze.

"This is going to be interesting," Yamato mused.

Sena reappeared behind Yamato, launching a rapid series of spear attacks. Her super-elastic spear made her strikes difficult to block or evade.

Yet, Yamato calmly and gracefully evaded every strike, all the while maintaining his enigmatic smile. However, simply dodging wouldn't resolve the confrontation. Sena possessed a unique gift – the longer she engaged in battle, the faster she became.

The old Yamato, without of any special gifts, would have struggled against Sena's speed. But this was a different Yamato, one who carried the essence of Izumi within him. Izumi had honed his reaction time to an astounding 17 milliseconds before being transmigrated into this world.

And after receiving the upgrade of his body capabilities, he reached 5.6 miliseconds. – it made him almost impossible to hit.

Despite Yamato's seemingly effortless evasion, Sena remained undaunted, her smile unwavering.


In an instant, a thin trail of blood trickled from Yamato's cheek, leaving the onlookers astonished, Yamato included.

"Can't keep up, can you?" Sena taunted with a wide grin, relentlessly pressing on with her astonishing speed.

The field buzzed with awe and disbelief as Sena and Yamato engaged in their electrifying dance of combat. Many people stop fighting just to watch them.


In the blink of an eye, Yamato's fist landed, scratching Sena's cheek. The smirk on his face made it abundantly clear that he had done it intentionally. In response, Yamato smiled back at her.

[Current Style Rank: A+]

"Surprised?" he quipped.

"Just a little," Sena admitted, her grin equally sinister.

The two of them continued their exhilarating exchange, each strike leaving its mark on their bodies. It was a relentless dance of blows, leaving scratches and welts slowly accumulating.

[Current Style Rank: A++]

However, this intense battle lasted only a minute. Yamato's eyes began to bleed, causing Sena to stop in her tracks. The crowd watched in astonishment.

[Current Style Rank: B+]

"Ah, damn, I didn't anticipate this," Yamato chuckled. Only a little more, I can reach S rank. Haa... this is really unfortunate.

Mutsu Izumi had been a formidable fighter in the past, gifted with incredible strength and reaction time. His body had been in perfect harmony with his remarkable abilities.

But since transmigrating into the new vessel known as Minase Yamato, the differences in internal structure proved fatal. Izumi's body had adapted to his exceptional reaction time and reflexes, but Yamato's body couldn't handle the same stress.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sena asked, her concern genuine but tinged with panic.

"It's alright; this is a normal occurrence," Yamato reassured her with a smile. "Well, that was quite a fight. You pushed me to my limits," he admitted.

Sena's pride swelled at his words. "Of course," she replied, trying to conceal her smugness.

Moments later, their teacher, Tsurugi Andou, approached them. He examined Yamato's injured eyes and injected mana to assess the damage. Fortunately, it was only a minor nerve injury, something Andou could easily heal.

But Yamato couldn't escape Andou's reprimand. "Try not to push your eyes to the limit next time. Who knows what might happen if you keep overloading them," Andou cautioned, concluding the intense battle royale session.




How's the fight? I still haven't give my best though. The second fight is coming soon and then slice of life will go in.

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