


What exactly were black holes?

To put it simply, black holes are objects formed when an incredible amount of mass is concentrated in a tiny space, causing unimaginable density.

This will cause the gravity to increase more and more until space folds in on itself to create a black hole.

Black holes are considered to have the most powerful gravitational pull among naturally formed celestial objects. So strong in fact, that if it got too close, not even light would be able to escape.

And Christopher created one.

It was the size of a marble, but its pull was by no means small.

At Kim's shout, as well as their instincts screaming at them, no one waited to see if they could resist the pull of the black hole and immediately scattered in all directions.

The moment the black hole appeared, space started to Warp as everything around it started to get sucked in without discrimination. The ground was getting peeled off and flying into it as well as the air and everything with mass.

Even after running before it appeared, the others very quickly found it difficult to resist the pull of the black hole and it got worse by the second.

Kim being the only other person that could use space faced the black hole and gritted her teeth. She focused her attention on the black hole while trying to keep her footing and poured her Mana toward it.

She began attempting to isolate it and the space around it, but such a feat was by no means simple as the space around it was a chaotic mess, and isolating it was like trying to stop a stream with your fingers.

However, while she didn't have full success in stopping it, she was able to reduce its pull somewhat, just enough for the others to get to a reasonable distance away from the black hole without worrying about the pull. After which she teleported away.

Seeing this, Christopher considered locking down space and making the black hole follow them, but he decided to calm down a little bit.

So instead, he canceled the black hole which let them see the aftermath of the terrifying attack. A deep crater was under where it had been.

Were it not for the fact that everything in the Dimension was many times more durable than anything outside, the Damage would have been hundreds of times or even worse than this.

Christopher slowly floated to the ground and looked ahead where everyone was. Their eyes held more caution and even a trace of fear towards him. And the fact that they all knew that he was holding back was not helping matters.

Christopher wondered if he had overdone it when Thanatos, who hadn't really done much since the battle started, suddenly moved. The purple lines on his bones lit up and then a purple and black magic circle crackling with energy appeared.

'Oh?' Christopher's eyes showed a trace of surprise as the Mana the circle gave off was intense.

"Come forth, Devourer." He uttered and a primal bellow rang out from the circle as from within it, an entity emerged.

It was easily the size of a mountain and was made up of bones and darkness. It had a close resemblance to a dragon, though there were some key differences like the length of its body and the lack of wings and a horn.

The most eye-catching thing about it though was the purple orb situated in the center of its chest, ominous energy crackling off I and fueling the beast that was the Devourer.

The others seemed to take this as a sign as Kim and Silver looked at each other and nodded before stepping forward. In a instant, their bodies morphed.

Silver went from a young boy to a terrifying Silver wolf, his unbelievably sharp claws and teeth were on full display as a silver moon tattoo appeared on his forehead.

Kim also transformed, her body taking the shape of purple and blue Panther. She wasn't as large as Silver, but her form boasted incredible agility and speed as a Celeritas Panther.

Then, Umbra and Chiaras's auras also erupted as above their heads, a pitch black and a pure white halo formed respectfully.

Christopher watched this scene, a faint smile on his face, he noticed that Thanatos was still summoning powerful Undead and chuckled.

"Guess you guys aren't playing around anymore. Alright." He mumbled and entered a stance.

"Come." They needed no further prompting.

Blue Lightning crackled off Kim's fur and she resembled a Lightning bolt for an instant before she appeared in front of Christopher.

With a growl, she swung her claws and Christopher sidestepped the attack. In the space her claws had slashed, a claw mark appeared in the very space of that spot, causing small fissures.

Christopher was about to attack but suddenly jumped back ahead of a flash of light before a deep groove appeared in the ground where he was. Then he squatted as Silver appeared behind him and tried to chomp his upper half.

He leaned forward and kicked upwards with the back of his foot, his counter striking Solver under the chin and sending him flying.

Before he could pull his foot back though, a chain appeared and bound it, and then a black magic circle appeared beneath him.

Even more chain appeared and completely bound him. Christopher noticed that they were slowly corroding his Mana barrier.

He felt Mana concentrate high above him and he looked up only to see the Devourer Thanatos had summoned high above, a purple sphere of chaotic energy forming before shooting down at him.

At the same time, Kim had sent several spatial slashes capable of ignoring most defenses, and Silver unleashed a beam of Lunar magic. Chiara sent a volley of swords of light his way and Umbra poured all his attention on keeping the chains steady.

Seeing all of this, Christopher wasn't panicked. In fact, he found himself feeling… excited.

Everyone noticed a shift in the atmosphere, but it was too late.

Purple lines appeared on the Chains binding Christopher and they all split apart, and then at a speed not even Kim could follow properly, Christopher proceeded to speed blitz everyone here.

A line carrying a deeper shade of purple sliced through the Devourer's attack and the same line appeared on the Devourer from its head to its tail, also going through its core.

Then, Silver blinked as Christopher appeared in front of him and his eyes widened when his fist completely ignored his defenses and struck him in the side of the head.

Silver: (#゚Д゚)

The wolf saw stars and Christopher grabbed his large head before smacking it into the ground with enough force to shatter into dust. Silver's body went limp and he was down for the count.

Kim cursed and wanted to retreat, but she was confused when Christopher suddenly vanished from her line of sight. Then She yelped when she felt something grab her tail before she was pulled along against her will.

Kim: Σ(Д゚;/)/

Umbra and Chiara were stunned when they saw their two vanguards get completely manhandled, Umbra tried to create a barrier, but Christopher was already between the twins.

Umbra: !!( ; ロ)゚ ゚

Chiara: ((゚□゚;))

And then Christopher proceeded to use Kim like a whip and used her to swat away Umbra before doing the same to Chiara in the same instant. Then he smashed Kim into the ground twice before she passed out.

Then he turned to Thanatos

Thanatos: (ーー;)

"wai-" Christopher didn't give him time to speak as he passed by all the Undead the Lich had summoned and they all turned into bone powder before he reached him, went behind him, wrapped his arms around his waist, and proceeded to give him a nasty German Suplex.

"Phew, that was fun." Christopher let out a breath and rolled his shoulders. Then he looked out the devastation he'd caused and realised that he had gotten a little carried away.

"Oof… hehe." He laughed to himself sheepishly and snapped his fingers, he as well as the unconscious squad were teleported to some of the trees where there was dense life energy. Meanwhile the System began a self repair process and began fixing the damage the fight had caused.

Then, as Christopher waited for the group to regain consciousness, he looked towards his brand new city that stood magnificently and debated for a moment before deciding to teleport into it.

Immediately he did, he felt a strange but amazing sensation come over him as his mind became unbelievably clear and his thought speed seemed to multiply by an incredible amount.

[Host has entered the Haven of the Enlightened. Thought processing, healing, cognitive function, and cultivation speed have been enhanced by 1000%.] Christopher read the notification and his eyes bigger out of his head.

"What the heck?!" He exclaimed. He got such effects Just from standing here???

He looked around and greed flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm gonna make good use of you."